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. can functionality and reliability be "bled dry" by a scam.
People notice that functionality and reliability is missing, or not being added as expected, but they fell powerless, just as a person would feel powerless if someone had access to their bank account number and was able to "bleed the account dry".

If on a project such as Collins Australian submarines, there was a question mark over functionality or reliability, would this be a probable explanation - an inappropriate person has somehow "seized control" of a "computer account" and is doctoring code, version numbers, etc. ?

2007-10-29 09:46:30 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Arts & Humanities Philosophy

2 answers

I'm glad you brought up that soar subject you wouldn't believe all the stuff I have gone threw over this for the last almost or over 4 years them sending me things in the mail Calling me that I have no Idea Hadley what there saying they have such strong ascents .I would tell you a story about how gullible I was but its to far out there they are still trying to get a hold of me. I kept allot of those e-mails I wish I send them to some one for they could stop this and its not just Nigeria its from all over the world.....I'm sorry this wasn't much of an answer more of a complaint........I need answer to

2007-11-01 22:32:57 · answer #1 · answered by saveitok 6 · 0 0


2007-11-01 04:22:39 · answer #2 · answered by cabby 4 · 0 0

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