I am happy, I don't like to be sad. I can't ever be numb, I always have to keep my wits about me because I don't trust anyone. And, I also can't be numb because that would deaden my senses to what is going on around me, and you know you have to stay a few steps ahead of the whackos to stay clear of them.
2007-10-29 08:56:17
answer #1
answered by Hot Coco Puff 7
Comfortably numb.
2007-10-29 15:35:26
answer #2
answered by killbasabill 6
"Brave" a recent song by Nicole Nordeman, talks about that "middle earth" place of hobbitude, which she inhabited, before she left her comfort zone of "numb" for Adventure.
"The Great Divorce," a great novella by C. S. Lewis, describes this same heroic process. (To diss heroes is to reject Adventure, a kind of comfort zone grumpiness.)
"Expecting Adam," Martha Beck, and "The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce?", Free and Wilcock, are examples of more happiness and bliss per adventure.
Likewise, "Extraordinary Knowing," Elizabeth Mayer, Ph.D., chronicles her exploration of why a dowser, after all other resources were exhausted, was able to locate her daughter's stolen harp.
"The Beautiful Story of a Master," Louise-Marie Frenette, "The Lost Footsteps," Silviu Craciunas, "When Invisible Children Sing," Dr. Huang, and "Man, Master of His Destiny," O. M. Aivanhov, speak to this triad of +, 0, and - as well.
The triad are often related, as "Watch Your Dreams," Ann Ree Colton and "Climb the Highest Mountain," Mark Prophet, indicate.
Good books...such good reading is able to move one from "numb" to heightened consciousness (Emerson wrote on this), even perspectives enabling right choice and wisdom to prevail.
p.s. Http://www.coasttocoastam.com radio has some guests who deal with this.
2007-10-29 15:54:47
answer #3
answered by j153e 7
I am happy and sad simultaneously, which may be may be considered comfortably numb...
There is not much that is comfortable about it, but there is a little.
2007-10-29 15:37:22
answer #4
answered by lost 1
I am comfortably happy, with enough sadness thrown in to make me appreciate the good things.
If we had everything given to us, e.g., Paris, we'd waste our lives because we could never enjoy anything. You work, sweat, suffer for something, a job, date, whatever, you will treasure all the more.
2007-10-29 15:57:00
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
i am happy.. sad.. and comfortably numb...
not impossible to feel all these at the same time!!!
it's amazing to have felt something like it..
2007-10-29 16:10:20
answer #6
answered by ~~~ joyce mari luz ~~~ 3
I have become comfortably numb.
2007-10-29 15:46:15
answer #7
answered by Get Real 3
comfortably numb
2007-10-29 15:34:16
answer #8
answered by Drakona 5
2007-10-29 15:34:12
answer #9
answered by = ) 5
i'm happy most of the time. other times i remain indifferent until its safe to be happy again! and by that i mean sometimes when i'm really happy i swear something out there is watching and says 'right thats enough happiness for this year, time to mess with your heart and soul honey'!!
2007-10-29 15:36:13
answer #10
answered by Anonymous