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Calculate the distance between points A and B on the surface of the earth
A: Latitude 25° 47’ 42” Longitude 80° 16’ 4”
B: Latitude 51° 27’ 36” Longitude 0° 26’ 46”

I know that if you’re clever enough, there are various ways to find the answer to this question. Preference for best answer will be given to answers with a mathematical approach that can be generalized.

You may take the radius of the earth as 4000 miles.

2007-10-29 07:36:30 · 4 answers · asked by Dr D 7 in Science & Mathematics Mathematics

Note that using a distance calculator is not a mathematical approach.

2007-10-29 08:56:34 · update #1

Oh right I forgot. All are north and west.

2007-10-29 18:08:08 · update #2

4 answers

Okay, let R = 4000 miles, x1 = 25° 47’ 42” N, y1 = 80° 16’ 4” W, x2 = 51° 27’ 36” N, y2 = 0° 26’ 46” W (notice that I put in N and W), then we have the great circle distance:

D = R ArcCos(Cos(x1)Cos(x2)Cox(y1-y2) + Sin(x1)Sin(x2))

which comes to about 4,463 miles. Using Google's great circle mapper and calculator (see link) confirms this.

The brute force method for computing this is to find the cartesian coordinates for point A and B, and then the angle they form with the origin.

Addendum: Maybe I should have added that the brute force method can be used to derive the great circle formula given.

2007-10-29 10:43:14 · answer #1 · answered by Scythian1950 7 · 4 0

Difference of latitude between A and B = 25degree-39'54" .
Now this is length of the arc on spherical earth surface. Therefore length of this arc = Radius x angle in radian.
= 4000x (25.665xPi/180)
= 179.175 miles

2007-10-29 23:31:13 · answer #2 · answered by Pramod Kumar 7 · 0 0

w - longitude, n - latitude
Point r = (w, n) in spherical coordinated has (R*sin(w)*cos(n), R*cos(w)cos(n), R*sin(n)) cartesian coordinates.
cos(phi) = (r1, r2)/|r1||r2 = sin(w1)*cos(n1) * sin(w2)*cos(n2) + cos(w1)*cos(n1) * cos(w2)*cos(n2) + sin(n1)*sin(n2)
Distance D = phi*R = R*arccos(sin(w1)*cos(n1) * sin(w2)*cos(n2) + cos(w1)cos(n1) * cos(w2)cos(n2) + sin(n1)*sin(n2))

D= R*arccos(cos(n1)*cos(n2) * cos(w2 - w1) + sin(n1)*sin(n2))

2007-10-29 17:58:45 · answer #3 · answered by Alexey V 5 · 1 0

7512.147 kilometers; 4667.832 miles

2007-10-29 15:00:21 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 4

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