Some say color of God is green, because it's predominant color of nature...
Some others say it's blue, because it's color of water and so it's color of life...
Some say it's red, because it's color of heat and excitement...
Some others say it's white, because white is color of clarification and so it's that color...
Some will say it's black, because he created everything saddening and compulsory....
Some say it's gray, because it's never possible for us to distinguish between good and bad and all are relative...
But some will say it's non of them, but divine color is Love's color, everything empty of hypocrisy and impurity...
21 answers
asked by
Noname F
Arts & Humanities
➔ Philosophy
When it's said that "color" of God is..., it doesn't mean the color we see, but it means "feature" of God; so everybody who said he is not a body, he is invisible, or something like it, he is in a mistake about meaning of God, but true in idea. Additionally, everybody who limited God in some finite features or colors, he is also in a mistake. God is a pure being that is infinite goodness...
07:48:01 ·
update #1
Gold is the color of the godhead if you can see auras.
2007-10-29 07:14:41
answer #1
answered by heart0of0stone 2
God would have to contain matter first, and since He isn't matter (but Pure Form) He doesn't possess any accidental qualities--in this sense, a color. Things that contain any accident are know as substances; things that can exist in their own right. Accidents are found within the substances, for no accident can exist apart from a substance. An example would be a smile. A smile can exist within a substance, viz. a human being, but there cannot be a smile apart from a substance (you may remember this from Alice in Wonderland when she is speaking with the Chesher Cat who vanishes away, but his smile remains. Alice then says " I've often seen a cat without a smile, but never a smile without a cat".). You don't have the color green, unless it is present within a substance, like grass. Since God is Pure Form he doesn't have any matter, like a body, and therefore doesn't possess qualities that depend upon matter--like color.
2007-10-29 07:38:36
answer #2
answered by nick p 4
Putting aside prose; how can a being without substance have any color to begin with? Anyway colors are simply shades we attach to objects that we believe to be that color. Not all apples are red, so God did make little green apples, despite what the song may say.
2007-10-29 08:41:18
answer #3
answered by tigranvp2001 4
God is probably a color that hasn't yet been seen with human eyes. Something far beyond our current realm of sight or thought.
But then again...he, she, or it could be anything. How could any of us even make an arguement for this?
2007-10-29 07:23:14
answer #4
answered by Holly 2
You cannot define a logical description of how we using our sences can conjure up an image of God. It is all about the faith and believing in God. I understand what you are saying, colours can be associated with symbolizing emotions, etc.
2007-10-29 10:32:01
answer #5
answered by Jayne 2
White, science shows it contains all the colors.
2007-10-29 07:13:45
answer #6
answered by Steve C 7
Whatever the color of shame is the color of God!
2007-10-29 08:20:43
answer #7
answered by spartanmike 4
my grandfather is a pastor and he's had some cases with people who had been in contact with the devil. they told him their experiences.
one certain girl told her story to my grandfather... she said that she had been on a bus alone with a misterious man.
he came up to her, and after some tricks he played on her, he told her that he was the devil. "yeah right" she said, " so you're red?" "no" her replied "i'm pink."
"sure,sure... so, then, what colour is God?" she asked back. "blue" he replied...
that's all i can tell you, because this story just freaks me out :(
2007-10-29 08:23:06
answer #8
answered by wallflower 5
2007-10-29 07:22:45
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Same as heaven dark blue
2007-10-29 07:18:53
answer #10
answered by Kevin J 2