Murder is wrong. Killing in self-defense is not.
The government doesn't kill to prove it's wrong. The government kills to defend it's community by either detering future murderers, or stopping that particular murderer from killing again. Essentially the same reasons it arms cops and soldiers.
The last person executed in California was a person who contracted a murder while serving a life sentence (commuted from a previous DP conviction). Unfortunately, the contract was botched and three innocent teenagers were killed.
Something to remember next time someone you love (or a perfect stranger, for that matter) gets a job guarding a multiple murderer that is already serving a life sentence with nothing else to lose, except his/her life.
2007-10-28 15:32:02
answer #1
answered by freebird 6
. How you ask?
Lets look at one very basic absolute commandment. “Thou shalt not kill.” How do we comfortably look at our wars and not be conflicted by all the killing? Because we associate our concept of evil on those we kill... It is the only way one who professes to be Godly can condone killing a stranger. We justify disregarding this commandment because we associate evil to the one being killed. Thus when Eve said "Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die." It is true because it is the knowledge of evil that is the thing in our lives that allows us to blindly kill and be killed or to justify other things we do to others that do not represent Christian / Muslim / Judaic ideals. Disobeying the absolute commandments of God. Thus the meaning of "If you live by the sword you die by the sword."
There are other variables. How for example could you condone/justify the death of thousands of innocent children in war except of the knowledge of good and evil? How would your perspective change on things if in fact you let your conscious judgment of things move first to other possibilities other then evil? Suppose evil did not ever enter your mind when considering how to react to the action of others. How in any context can the killing of innocent children be seen as good? It is only one evil act trying to overcome another perceived evil act for a perceived greater good. If evil overcomes evil, only evil wins. Either you obey the 10 commandments absolutely or you disobey them absolutely. The concept of evil allows governments to act in heinous ways with impunity. All of the worlds worst man made catastrophes were justified with the concept of evil being associated with the vanquished. By Judging others as evil to the extent you declare war, thereby moving in a way that causes wholesale destruction and death, you bring that judgment back to you and your loved ones when those you attack respond in kind because they judge you as you have judged them. EVIL
Not saying they are right or wrong but this is the mechanism the mind moves through to accomplish killing on a wholesale level.
Blessings and peace to all.
All in all,
2007-10-28 22:55:41
answer #2
answered by An Nony Mous 4
It allows the killer to understand the effect of his killing, to give him an appreciation of what it means to lose his life by the choice of another person/s.
2007-10-28 22:19:58
answer #3
answered by Tuna-San 5
killing innocent people is wrong killing guilty waist of space is ok
2013-09-26 04:12:53
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
If you don't kill the killer then just more innocent people will die.
2007-10-29 16:35:28
answer #5
answered by Stefan 3
life on either side has very little value
2007-10-29 08:18:18
answer #6
answered by football2002 3
goverment has the authority to make judgement ?
2007-10-28 22:26:02
answer #7
answered by minmin 3
human error over and over...
2007-10-28 21:58:44
answer #8
answered by Pooks 6