Horizon is already as broad as it can be.
It is our duty to mind our near steps. The one we are walking now and the next two or three for the near future. At the back of our mind we have a picture of the horizon giving us strength to proceed, but this picture should not make us careless about our present and the near future. As you say, Horizon is an illusion but our few next steps is our reality. Every next step might bring us closer to the Horizon so that this illusion become slowly and steadily our reality. Reality broadens our horizon.
2007-10-28 20:43:54
answer #1
answered by Alice in Wonderbra 7
Life Does go On, Huh? The Clouds Would Sail By, While a Child Watching Them Lies Still. I Have Seen the Clouds Silver Lining, It is One of Those Moments Where the Sun Hits the Cloud Just Right, Hiding Behind.
How Can One Broaden their Horizon, When There World Seems To Be at A StandStill? And if That StandStill is But an Illusion How Can The Clouds Sail?
The Answer to Your Question Begs to Be Philosophical, Because the Child is Still Lieing There Searching for The Truth. The Sun Is Hiding Behind The Clouds Giving the Beauty of A Silver Lining But Denying the Child of Light.
2007-10-28 20:00:47
answer #2
answered by ? 5
Enki, I guess that at my Age, I have already Broaden my Horizon, and I have seen the Silver lining in the Clouds. I do not have any complaints because god, has given me so much, that I could not ask for more. there was a time that I felt hopeless with a situation I had, but, I had to realize that, Life comes with ups and downs. Keep on with your questions, and ignore negative attitudes, if they are not going to give an honest answer, I hope they would refrain from answering them.
2007-10-29 09:42:26
answer #3
answered by a.vasquez7413@sbcglobal.net 6
You can broaden your horizons because it is what you make it!
A cloud would not have a silver lining if it always stood still.
When a cloud moves into the path of the sun and the sun shines throught it, the cloud is so filled with light the light overflows!
You see?
(you ask such great questions!!!!)
2007-10-28 19:59:01
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I think that the horizon is not an illusion. U should allways be looking for new and exciting ways to broaden yourself. and as far as seeing the silver lining I am not shure exactly what this means but if U keep an open mind I am sure all things are possible.
2007-10-28 22:39:48
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
I'm not exactly sure what your question here is, but the horizon is not an illusion - and sometimes the clouds are still. But, if there is a question in here, I would say hindsight is your best bet. Things do have a way of working out, usually.
Best to you.
2007-10-28 18:39:02
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
the illusion is what most of us want, so by contemplating what is just beyond the horizon can open your imagination and sights wider and deeper into your dreams and thus make them reality, it is not hard to see the Silverlining of the clouds for "each" could has one, therefore should you miss the one you just missed, look up, look around and low and behold, you will see that there is another.
2007-10-30 02:17:28
answer #7
answered by kickinupfunf 6
Yes I can if I gave myself a chance to dream. In dream there's no boundaries, no limits. Only in dreams I can broaden my horizon and see the clouds silver lining. I control everything in my dream.
*Sadly in reality horizon was polluted by haze, clouds had burst into rain. Perhaps I could see it one day when Fate arrange that day to come.
2007-11-01 04:56:59
answer #8
answered by † Iríšh † 7
There are many ways you can do that.
One way is NATURAL Relaxation, empty mind free of thoughts and impressions and conditionings of the world
Positive, good thoughts free of bad influences.
Meditation on something right and good and divine.
Your true faith, convictions combined with optimistic, positive thoughts which are rational, good and firmly grounded on the grounds of ethics and reality.
Try any of the above in NATURAL state of mind without any artifical influences and yes
If you intoxicate yourself while doing any of the above,
these procedures will NOT bring the desired effects described above.
2007-10-29 10:23:26
answer #9
answered by James 4
The first ingredient to have is a positive mental attitude. No problem is insurmountable--even the loss of a loved one from a breakup should detract you from searching out silver linings in the clouds. Events do hurt us from time-to-time. But life is so precious that we should embrace the goodness we see and feel from what our senses presents us on a daily basis. God's creations are wonderous. Searching out silver-linings is theraputic, and He wants us to know that He loves us regardless of all circumstances. For example, I've had my heart broken very recently, but I know that I will have to overcome this with every survival instinct inside of me. I will come out a better person, more understanding, more patient, and more knowledgeable as to what kind of partner I need in my life. Everything happens for a reason. Accept it, and do not give up the search for the silver-lining. The sun will shine again.
2007-10-29 06:47:44
answer #10
answered by gone 6