You just want to get away from home at a very early age, and your parents must be very comfortable financially for you to even consider asking them that. With that said, don't try to sell them the higher education part. That is available at a lot more economical, places than boarding schools, You may not realize it now, but the next few years at home will be the most important, as well as the most revered years in your life.
2007-10-28 04:49:43
answer #1
answered by Dr. Kalyfran 5
You just have to ask. Just tell them how you feel. You have to be mature or keep your cool, or they're not even going to consider sending you away to live on your own. Maybe this week do more chores, be more respectful, and responsible and ask them next Sunday. That way, they'll be thinking of you as more of an adult when you ask. Aren't you a sophomore or a junior? I'm a junior. Think about it. Do you really want to live somewhere else for your last year or two years of high school? Without your friends! I wouldn't, but everyone's different. Just think before you ask, and good luck!! :)
2007-10-28 04:45:45
answer #2
answered by .:Blair:. 5
I think first you should tell them how you feel about it. you can also convince them by telling them all the benefits that it will bring and how it will help you become more independent. The most important thing is how you feel about going to this school and what are the reasons that brought you to make this decision, parents usually care about their kids feeling and if you tell them you would feel more comfortable there they should agree.
If they are worried about letting you go they should know that you will have to leave sooner or later and that this would be a good experience, plus you are not the first girl you age to go to boarding school so they shouldn't worry about that, if they think they will miss you too much they can always go visit and if it doenst work you can always go back to a normal high school!
2007-10-28 04:48:06
answer #3
answered by Connie22 2
Ask them with the reasons you just said
2007-10-28 04:42:44
answer #4
answered by snoooopdogg 4
until eventually now you tell them, do somewhat examine bearing directly to the faculty first. you recognize, instructor to scholar ratios, academic standards, ect. Then, once you tell your dad and mom, you have some useful information for them, too. this way, they understand somewhat bearing directly to the faculty you want to pass to, and that they might see that how plenty you want to pass there.
2016-09-28 00:39:31
answer #5
answered by ? 4
talk about hte education tha tu will get. i think tha ts a goood idea too!
2007-10-28 05:54:31
answer #6
answered by dreamer 5
Here is my question-Are you gonna pay for it?
2007-10-28 04:45:48
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
not alot of kids say that.....very interesting........just ask them.......they'll probably be impressed......who knows???
2007-10-28 04:45:16
answer #8
answered by Karel 5
You ask and they decide.
2007-10-28 04:42:41
answer #9
answered by janicajayne 7