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Can anyone recommend any?

2007-10-28 02:12:29 · 3 answers · asked by Yellowstonedogs 7 in Dining Out Indonesia Aceh

3 answers

Ah, Banda Aceh. I remember it well. Any number of these restaurants has veggie dishes ::
The restaurant of the Swiss-Belhotel is presumably the best in town and offers nice dinner buffets as well as ala carte. The Sultan Hotel has a popular cafe, while the chef at the hotel’s Koetaradja Restaurant boldly tries his hand at a Sultan Burger. There are some nice coffee houses with soothing rice paddie views around Ulee Kareng, along Jl Tengku Iskander on the town’s western outskirts. There are two fast food restaurants in the centre, AW and KFC.

2007-10-28 16:20:09 · answer #1 · answered by Freesumpin 7 · 3 0

I'm not sure that there'll be specific Vegie resto in Aceh...except if you're looking in the bigger city such as, Jakarta or Surabaya... maybe It'd better if you ask the Resto' waitress/owner the food ingredients before ordering.

2007-10-28 12:58:46 · answer #2 · answered by Fatima 2 · 0 0

are u talking about indonesia?............if u are then there should be
but im not sure..................check on wikipedia

2007-10-28 02:15:58 · answer #3 · answered by sulz152 4 · 0 0