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This is my view

2007-10-26 21:07:35 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pets Other - Pets

PETA might not be all that they say they are..

1)PETA put to death 1065 cats out of a total of 1608 at its Norfolk, Virginia headquarters in 1999, PETA also euthanizes a high percentage of animals with a low percentage of adoptions and transfers. Because PETA has copious amounts of cash, last year they raked in nearly $29 Million dollars, and because PETA prez (Ingrid Newkirk complained that actually taking care of animals costs more than killing them) admitted they could immediately become a no-kill shelter it appears that PETA has other financial priorities.

2)like, givng money, tens of thousands of dollars, to convicted arsonists and other criminals. PETA paid $70,400 to the ALF [Animal Liberation Front- an extremist terrorist organization-that caused over $45 million dollars of damage to the fur industry and medical research] activist Rodney Coronado (who burned down a Michigan State University research Lab with a fire bomb)
3) PETA targets young children with comics.

2007-10-26 21:46:32 · update #1

Last year in June 2005, police staked out a dumpster in Ahoskie, North Carolina after finding over 100 corpses of dead animals in one month. There they saw 2 PETA employess in a registered PETA van dump 18 dead animals it to the trash container. 13 more dead animals were found inside the van. Each PETA employee are currently charged with 25 felony chargaes [22 of animal cruelty and 3 charges of obtaining property under false pretense (PETA had euthanized 3 cats from a vet after promising to find the animals a new home)]. PETA prez, Newkirk disapproved the aninmal dumping and stated "PETA has never made a secret of the fact that most of the animals picked up in North Carolina are euthanized." PETA has argued that there are far more unwanted dogs and cats than there are good homes. (In the US, millions are euthanized every year.) and that euthanizing dogs and cats is more humane than leaving them on the street or putting in a cage in a shelter for the rest of their lives.

2007-10-26 21:51:32 · update #2

5) PETA claimed a $9,370 expense, on a tax return, for a giant walk-in freezer, the kind usually used as a meat locker or for ice-cream storage. But animal-rights activists are vegan and don't eat meat or dairy foods. So, What's inside?

for more information go to:

for PETA pro sties go to
PETA's response

Thank you for your e-mail to PETA. I am happy to address the issues you raise.

The information you have forwarded to us appears to have been copied directly off the Web site for a group called the Center for Consumer Freedom (CCF). The CCF is a front group for KFC, Outback Steakhouse, Philip Morris, logging interests, cattle ranchers, and other animal exploiters who kill millions of animals every year, not out of pity, but out of greed. While I would be happy to address all of these issues, doing so would require a response that is dozens of

2007-10-26 21:52:49 · update #3

pity, but out of greed. While I would be happy to address all of these issues, doing so would require a response that is dozens of pages long. I will therefore be supplying you with general information; if you have a few more specific questions you would like to ask, please let me know and I will answer them for you.

As for the CCF, they feel threatened by our efforts to put an end to such abusive practices as eating meat, wearing fur, and hunting. In order to discredit us, this reactionary group posts prejudicial and untrue material on their Web sites, including quotations that are either entirely false or are taken out of context and misleading or otherwise inaccurate statements. In addition to PETA, this group targets the HSUS, Farm Sanctuary, National Public Radio, and Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD). To learn more about the CCF, please visit http://www.ConsumerDeception.com.

Please be assured that PETA works to educate the public about the horrors of animal suffering

2007-10-26 21:53:45 · update #4

through peaceful means; we do not engage in activities that are harmful to anyone human or non-human. PETA is a legally registered charity organization, and despite the efforts of detractors like the CCF, our tax-exempt status with the government has once again been reaffirmed. For details, please go to http://www.PETA.org/mc/NewsItem.asp?id=6401.

As for our euthanasia statistics, it is first important to note that PETA does not operate a shelter. Because we don't run a shelter, the majority of the animals we accept are those than are injured, aggressive, elderly or otherwise unadoptable. We are a shelter of last resort, offering humane euthanasia to animals who are often rejected by the local shelter in Norfolk (a so-called "no-kill" facility), and who would otherwise suffer a slow and painful end. For the adoptable animals we do accept, we refer most to known shelters with high public

2007-10-26 21:55:41 · update #5

traffic, although we have managed to place many animals in excellent, lifelong homes.

We certainly believe as many animals as possible should be placed in loving homes, and we've found homes for thousands of animals over the years. As I'm sure you know, however, loving homes are in limited supply, and we don't believe that animals should be warehoused in substandard shelters, or "euthanized" in horrific ways, as they are at many rural shelters

2007-10-26 21:56:42 · update #6

, or "euthanized" in horrific ways, as they are at many rural shelters we've tried to help (http://www.helpinganimals.com/spay_turnAwayShelters_pounds.aspnorthhampton).

The CCF and other groups have recently made misleading claims about PETAs euthanasia rate compared to other shelters, such as the Norfolk SPCA. When the Norfolk SPCA implemented a selective-admission policy to reduce its euthanasia rate, the number of animals taken in by other area shelters naturally increased. The nearby Virginia Beach SPCA, which accepts all animals and does not charge a drop-off fee, accepted 71 animals from Norfolk in one month alone. In 2004, the Norfolk SPCA took in only 1.7 percent of all homeless animals in the areathats only 765 out of 45,450 homeless cats and dogs. These kinds of shelters only pass the burden of euthanasia to someone else, so it is a matter of apples and oranges when compared to PETAs euthanasia rate.

2007-10-26 21:58:39 · update #7

While some of the animals we take in are lost companion animals or adoptable strays, most of the animals we receive are broken beings for whom euthanasia is, without a doubt, the most humane option. To cite a local instance, our caseworkers were able to gain custody of a doglocked to a 15 pound chainwho was starved until she was severely emaciated. We had to carry her into the emergency clinic because she could barely walk. A vet recommended that the most humane option for her was a peaceful and dignified release from her suffering. We pursued criminal charges against those responsible for her condition, leading to their convictions for cruelty to animals. To learn more, please see http://www.HelpingAnimals.com/f-asiasstory.asp. On another occasion, when a power-line transformer explosion burned a flock of starlings, PETA was the only agency to come to the birds aid, offering the animals a painless escape from their suffering.

2007-10-26 21:59:36 · update #8

PETA receives calls every week from people who do not have the inclination or money to provide vet care. Many of these people request that we euthanize their animal because they cannot afford to have them euthanized by a vet or because the animal would suffer excessive stress and pain if transported. Unlike no kill shelters, PETA does not refuse animals simply because euthanasia is the only humane option for them; so many of the animals we take in are brought to us because they have been rejected by other facilities. PETA will not turn its back on these animals simply because they will make our "numbers" look bad.

As you know, the best way to save the lives of homeless animals is through spay/neuter programs. Our spay and neuter clinic focuses much of its work in disadvantaged neighborhoods, where we offer free and low-cost surgeries. To date, we have sterilized more than 28,000 in our clinic. With $45 a person could either care for a dog in a no-kill shelter for about three days,

2007-10-26 22:00:15 · update #9

, or they could sterilize one animal, preventing the births of at least eight animals from this animal and her offspring in just one year and preventing the births of as many as 67,000 dogs in six years and 420,000 cats in seven years. For more information on PETA's low cost spay/neuter program, please visit http://www.helpinganimals.com/about_SNIP.asp.

We encourage you to visit our web site for more information on these subjects. The following pages should be useful to you:

Turn-away shelters: http://www.helpinganimals.com/spay_turnAwayShelter.asp
Shelters we've helped: http://www.helpinganimals.com/f-nc.asp
Our Community Animal Project: http://www.helpinganimals.com/about_cap.asp

I hope this information is helpful to you. Thanks again for your e-mail, and for your compassion for animals.


Elizabeth Collins
PETA Correspondent

"There will be no justice as long as man will stand with a knife or with a gun and destroy those who are weaker than he is."

--Isaac Bashevis

2007-10-26 22:01:20 · update #10

Also, this information came from many different sources, not one, as in I spent hours and hours researching, so i slightly resent how they say i 'copied and pasted it' and, if you noticed, lots of the the things I brought up in my email to PETA were ignored. I wonder why?

2007-10-26 22:02:53 · update #11

2 answers

Yeah, PETA needs to be exterminated. I don't know what else to say, you said basically everything I usually say to pro-PETA people! =)

It's funny though how they can go around tormenting good, decent animal shelters for putting animals down, but when PETA has to eunthanize an animal, it temporarily becomes 'ok.' At least those animal shelters have reason to put down their animals - they're terribly under-funded. PETA sure as h*ll can't use that excuse! If only people knew what their PETA-support money was really paying for. I just don't understand, with all the negative info out there on PETA now-a-days, why people continue to support them.

PETA - People Exterminating Thousands of Animals OR People Eradicating Tons of Animals - whichever you prefer, both suit PETA much better than their current motto.

2007-10-27 04:31:54 · answer #1 · answered by Love 4 · 1 0

PETA is nothing but a group of narrow-minded, domestic terrorists. They are extremists! You'd be safer dealing with Al Quedah!

2007-10-27 02:03:57 · answer #2 · answered by But Inside I'm Screaming 7 · 1 0

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