I was reading an old Tabloid Mag and in it.....were several celebs....dishing information out about how much their body part is "Insured" for.............for example.....
Heidi Klum - Legs 2.2Million
Keith Richards 1.6M Finger
America Ferrera 10M Smile
Dolly Parton 600K - BREASTS <----??? lol
Tina Turner 3Million Legs
David Beckham 70 MILLION Legs/Feet
JLO 27Million Booty
Claudia Schiffer - 5M Face
This sounds crazy!!!!!!!!!
Who in the world would insure these people for their body parts!!!??? Does this sound ridiculous do you too???
Insuring legs for millions of dollars?? WOW ----------
what has this world come to
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