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I am getting induced on monday morning and i am so scared, do you have any helpful hints PLEASE???????????????

2007-10-26 19:58:27 · 20 answers · asked by Bashazza 2 in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

20 answers

Not to scary you or anything but it does hurts a lot specially if you choose to have natural birth!
It's a sacrifice all mothers have to make in order to bring a life to this world.
Good luck with everything :-)

2007-10-26 20:19:41 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

My first was a c-section because she was breech and my second I had a VBAC and had an epidural. I napped while waiting to dilate and had so much energy and didn't feel exhausted the next day.

I do recommend trying to go for as long as you can without an epidural cause it can slow down labour but when you want it do get it. Being induced doesn't allow your body to build up it's own pain threeshold so the pain will come quick and hard. Just be prepared for that. Saying that you might be fine. But just remember labour is just the beginning. Once it's all over it seems like such an unimportant thing compared to your baby. I know lots of people want a natural birth but there are no winners or losers. If you can't handle the pain why put yourself through it?

Good Luck!!

2007-10-27 04:30:27 · answer #2 · answered by Teetlebug 2 · 0 0

If you don't like any pain at all - ask 4 an epidural right away. I had an idiotic idea that I wanted 2 C how long I could handle it 4 before I needed pain meds - stupid me!!!

My name is Shannon Thompson and I have 3 kids all born different 2 c-section 1 while I was awake, 1 asleep -1natural.

I am soooo excited 4 u now!!! can me and my mom c u thru this delivery? We would love 2 c how this turns out 4 u & it is such a beautiful experience! My youngest is a girl who is 6 years old now.

Here's how it started - I was 10 days overdue & I had been going 2 the hospital every 2nd day to get a stress test - that's where they test your baby 2 C how they R managing. My boyfriend & I had some friends over 4 the night B4 and I kept telling him 2 get 2 sleep. The girls watrched a movie & the boys played video games. We gave our friends a ride home after our boyfriends stayed up playing video games ALL NIGHT. We were having a coffee @ their house when I felt this pain - A tightening of my tummy. I started 2 watch the clock - the pain came every 15 minutes so I knew it was the real thing. We rushed home the pains came closer 2 gether days overdue I was & I went into labour with my 1st child. I couldn't handle it 4 very long then they said that they needed 2 check how far dialated I was - They said the contractions were just starting so I could have an epidural.Oh oh - there goes 1 of my kids - can u call me at home? 778-785-8097 ask 4 shannon or robin - we will love 2 talk with u live on the phone or on the computer - call us ok? My hard4men2get@yahoo.ca Please call me!!!!! PLEASE!!

2007-10-27 04:01:39 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I was induced and it took over 13 hours for my daughter to appear they had to use forceps in the end (so much for a quick labour when you are induced). Get the epidural cause the pain of the labour when you are induced is far worse than natural (my cousin told me as she has done both natural and induced and I only have had my daughter). I didn't want the epidural to start off with but after 1.5 hours of constant pain and no sigh of her coming anytime I just had to have it, none of the other drugs were working. Good luck I hope it all goes well and no matter what it is all worth it : - )

2007-10-27 09:57:23 · answer #4 · answered by banditqueen1980 3 · 0 0

I've had 3 children. The first two were natural. The last one was induced.
You might ask your Doc what your other options are other then potocin... there are other ways other then the drip.
Also discuss with your Doc. pain management. You need to know what's available and what they do so you can make an informed choice. After discussing it with your OB you could make a list of what you will take depending on any situation.
Take things to distract you... cd player and your favorite music. A good comedy ( most hospitals have vcr's with the t.v.'s) Laughing always distracts me.
Take comfortable robe that you can wear over the "nighty" they provide. To many Hospitals don't provide a robe, just another nighty that you can wear backwards. It leaves a lot to be desired... and let's in a lot of air. lol
A robe will make it easy to get up and move around if it gets to uncomfortable to just sit there.
Having friends or Family around helps a lot with the distractions.
Good luck girl, I feel for you. Inducing is not the easiest way to go... but you can do it.

2007-10-27 03:58:37 · answer #5 · answered by Romney S 3 · 0 0

First, I've never been pregnant but my wife has. After being in labor for many hours(she was induced), she was just more tired than anything else. My wife is very pain tolerant, but, in the last hour or so, was in some pain at which point a specialist was called in to administer a painkiller shot into her back. This is called an epidural. Anyway, INSTANT RELIEF! She was fine after that. Out of something like 16 hours, she was only in some pain for 15-20 minutes. Good advice might be to ask for an epidural if you have any pain. This is part of the procedure anyway.

2007-10-27 03:08:39 · answer #6 · answered by John H 5 · 0 0

No one can really answer this, labour is different for every woman. It even differs from one pregnancy to the next. Try not to stress about the labour part, in the long run it's a very short time that's over quickly and you get such a good thing from it. Just keep your options for pain medication open, you might not need or want it right now but you could also change your mind. Try to relax, make sure you have everything prepared ahead of time and that you have really good support from whoever will be in there with you.

2007-10-27 03:07:43 · answer #7 · answered by suneidayz 3 · 1 0

We had our first child a little over a year ago and my wife actually was laughing during the process... She did not really have any trouble at all with it as she had the pain killer stuff that they put into you spine, I forget what they call it now. But I think I had a harder time watching than she did doing the work. It was actually quite alot easier than I expected, but still pretty stressful for me...we were up all night and were extrememly tired and slept in the hospitol while the nurse took care of the baby so we could rest. I would say, get as much sleep as you can between now and then as you will not get much sleep for quite awhile unless you get lucky... That was the biggest and hardest change....no sleep... I had heard others say that, but did not realize how much work the new baby is at all hours of the day. I don't think we got a full night sleep for about 8 months....except for a few occasions where grandma came to visit and helped with her while we got some sleep.

The whole birth process comes and goes pretty quickly and before you will know it, you will be chasing the new baby all over the house....

2007-10-27 03:12:37 · answer #8 · answered by Fittipaldi 2 · 3 0


Honestly relaxing is the way to do it. Have good support and make sure the choices you are given for all parts of your labour are explained well enough for you. I always picture it as pain for a moment but at the end of it all its all worth it with the little blessing that appears. Im gonna be blunt the pain is of course gonna be excrutiating not that given birth was suoose to be easy for uas ladys but you will get through it. Havin a bath is most comforting when labour starts and can ease the cramp like pains and if you like it you can have your baby in the bath. I personally just went with the flow and what was gonna happen happened!!! You will be fine and cross your fingers everything mite start before then on its own before they intervene good luck to you :)

2007-10-27 03:21:56 · answer #9 · answered by ladybabe 2 · 0 0

I have had 2 children, my first was induced. There are many pain relievers that can help you. An epidural will block all of the pain (you will still feel pressure) I did not have one but other mommies have told me it is wonderful. Try to relax, Have you taken any Lamaze classes? Breathe. Many other women have had the same fears. You are not alone, and it is normal to have a fear of something you have never done before. Good luck! Try to be more excited about your babies arrival than letting your fear rob you of the experience.

2007-10-27 03:13:09 · answer #10 · answered by booper 3 · 1 0

The contractions feel like the worst period cramps ever (not to scare you or anything) The actual pushing, for me was the biggest relife ever!! It actually felt better to push and relase the pressure! Im not one for pain and swore up and down that I would have an epidural, well I didnt have time b/c my daughter came to fast and ended up doing it all natural no pain meds whatsoever!! I was incredibly proud and also suprised! It was really not that bad to tell you the truth. Yes everyone is different, with different pain tolerences, mine being super, super low!! However it was like I said not that bad and so very worth it in the end! The only advise I really can give you is to just be confident in yourself and know that you can do it!

2007-10-27 03:25:33 · answer #11 · answered by M&M 3 · 0 0

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