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2007-10-26 19:39:40 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Senior Citizens

I'm taking about accidents, hold ups people trying to rob you.Not suicide.

2007-10-26 19:53:44 · update #1

Tell us about them

2007-10-26 20:00:02 · update #2

24 answers

My ex-husband was abusing me for years. I was working on a plan to get out, but I wanted to take my dogs also, because I knew he would torture or kill them to hurt me. I rented a PO Box & had my mail transferred to there. I bought a crappy trailer, but I had seen dogs in this trailer park. To make a long story short, he found out. We had an efficiency apartment seperate from the house & he trapped me in there. He punched me on the side of the left eye, which gave me 2 black eyes and I still can feel a little twinge on that side if I smile broadly or squint. (Mt optometrist told me that I was lucky he didn't detach my retina.) He punched me in the side of the jaw which loosened 2 teeth, which later fell out. He'd been threatening to break my jaw, but he had his own reasons for not doing that. I don't want to be graphic. He punched me in the side which felt like he cracked a few ribs. Then he made me do the act I eluded to. Then he calmed down, but wouldn't go to sleep to give me an opportunity to escape. When I went to the bathroom, he sat in a chair blocking the door. He kept me there all night. It was the longest night of my life. I knew if I tried to escape he would beat me more, maybe kill me. He had already threatened to beat me to death. He let me out the next morning, telling me not to leave the premises. I threw some clothes in the car, found a room to rent & filed a restraining order. The police wanted to convict him of a felony for kidnapping & unlawful imprisonment, but didn't think they could make the charges stick. He served 5 weeks in jail. There is a court order for him to stay away from me, but I lost everything except one dog.

It's been almost 7 years, I've been through therapy, and I still have nightmares & panic attacks.

This is domestic abuse awareness month as well as cancer awareness month. I posted a poem on here earlier in the month. I'll try to do it again this weekend. If anyone out there is experiencing domestic abuse, get out NOW! Take your kids & leave everything else behind if you need to.

2007-10-27 07:16:04 · answer #1 · answered by shermynewstart 7 · 2 0

Yes, July 12, 1981, my husband had died 7 months before so I moved to a townhouse with the boys. I woke at 4:30 AM to go to the bathroom and get some water. The bathroom was in my room, I walked through the living room into the kitchen. Not having my glasses on, I thought the boys moved the big stereo speakers away from the wall, and thought it was odd. When I returned to the living room I hesitated at the "speaker box" because it moved, a man jumped up and stabbed me, grabbed me by my ponytail dragged me out the front door, in the mean time he was also punching me and my head was being banged against walls, doors, etc, he tried throwing me into the trunk of his car but there was a step from the sidewalk that going backwards, I had lost my footing and tripped which he then lost his grip roilled under the car and got up to the front tires so he couldn't run me over I had a fractured spine in 2 places, a cuncussion, punctured lund and nerve damage plus many many contusions. Oddly, at the time I was too busy fighting for my life to be afraid, I waited until I was safe to fall apart and cry. Maybe it was just shock. I have had residual spine problems, mutiple surgeries since that time, my eyelid droops, I don't prespire on the right side of my face (extremely annoying), the have muscle wasting on my right side, my face "changed" from the beating. My right hand remains icy cold all the time and is rather "blue" compared with my left hand.

Another time, I bathed my sons cat and was bitten on the thumb, right into the bone, I developed and infection, then sepsis (blood poisoning) then gangrene. I ended up in the emergency room 10 days later, they tried IV antibiotics, then hyperbaric chamber and finally surgery. I had osteomylitis and gangrene and had to have part of my thumb amputated. They said if I hadn't gotten to the hospital then, I would have died.

Next near death, I had a tumor in my colon which created an obstruction. I worked all day, drove to the hospital, had a bunch of MRI's and CT scans and went into a coma within 3 hours of admission stayed that way for 5 days. My now ex-husband had his son for the night (it was a Wednesday, vistation) and refused to drive to to the hospital. BTW, when I was released from intensive care, he asked me when I was going back to work?

2007-10-27 04:54:16 · answer #2 · answered by slk29406 6 · 4 0

Happened 9 years ago Hallowe'en. We were coming from a conference, it was very windy, a flat bed truck with a bed on it ,not tied down properly flew off the truck right in front of the van we were in.

The driver swerved , we went into a ditch. We had a woman in a wheelchair in the van, as we got out and crawled up the embankment, some guy speeding down the road, almost ran me down with another lady.

Then when the tow truck came to tow the van he lifted it out and started to back up and there were three of us he nearly ran over including the woman in the wheelchair.

We all only ended up with whiplash and bruises . Someone upstairs wasn't quite ready for me yet.

2007-10-27 04:50:43 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Well, Just Me, I crossed the street in front of my house the other day. That really IS life-threatening, and that's why my cats aren't allowed outside except on a leash.

Speed limit is 45, nobody pokes along at that speed. More like 55 or 60. On a RESIDENTIAL street.

To Sunlight: Always sleep on a wish to die. It's true that things don't look so bleak in the "sunlight."

2007-10-27 03:44:08 · answer #4 · answered by felines 5 · 2 0

Twice - in Jan '82 I awoke to a burglar in my bedroom with a gun. He instructed me to shut up and be still - and I did. He took a whole lot of valuables then left the house. All I wanted was for my child and I not to be harmed so I am grateful !

In 1962 my then husband was driving entirely too fast and angry with me and he flipped out sports car convertible and when it landed I was thrown 60 ft away [he was pinned under the car but survived with minimal injury] All I had was a cut in my thigh. The car was demolished!

2007-10-27 04:55:30 · answer #5 · answered by sage seeker 7 · 1 0

definite! Kyle and that i've got been in the vehicle, driving homestead one late night. We have been approximately to instruct a corner while this different guy got here speeding out of the different lane and smacked into us! We have been the two subconscious while the ambulance got here. Kyle recovered quicker than I did. i mandatory 13 stitches in my head, 4 on my decrease leg, and undesirable bruises and cuts throughout my physique. He purely had some stitches, his lip and hip have been shrink open, and a few bruises. i think so fortunate that he and that i survived, yet greater importantly, Melissa wasnt born, or I wasnt pregnant along with her. ?

2016-10-02 21:54:15 · answer #6 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

I awoke to a man standing beside my bed at 5:30 in the morning. It was a two and half ordeal of fighting for my life. I actually got away out to my front porch but he drug me back in my house.
He did plea bargain and get a year. Then 5 years after he went to prison for another 16 months for probation violation. He just got out 2 weeks ago. The victims advocates notify me about his whereabouts. I'm fairly certain he blames me for his 2nd trip to prison. That is why I have the stun gun. Of course in my home I have more fire power just in case.

2007-10-27 03:40:55 · answer #7 · answered by Southern Comfort 6 · 4 0

Picture this: Washington DC, 1980...came home to robbers, left with entire family face down on living room floor, tied with lamp cord, guns being cocked in the back of our heads...my children included! They fled instead of shooting...perhaps because of the kids..have no idea!
Washington, DC, 1982..gun point, held up, forced into my car, with carjackers beside me, forced me to teach them how to drive the car (Mercedes 220D, standard shift), then put me in trunk, stopped in alley, opened trunk and shot me twice, point blank range, in the head! STill have the tattooing on my forehead to prove it!
Caribbean, 1983...ended up in center of hurrican in 60 foot yacht...had to fight the seas for 12 hours or more, 20 foot seas, but survived!
I could go on and on, but .... let's just say that I have had a very colorful life! No one is more surprised than I that I am alive. I have used 7 of my 9 lives. Love and peace, Goldwing

2007-10-27 06:52:45 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Yes I have Justme,,, I was sharing a house with a girl from work and one night her boyfriend came by and I thought all was well, then I heard loud noises coming from the bedroom, there was screaming and loud bumps,,, I walked in and found him on top of her with a hand in her hair slamming her head to the floor face down. I calmly asked him to stop. He got up from her unconscious body and asked me if I wanted the same except he had a gun in my face. I backed out of the room still with gun in my face but once we entered the main part of the house he went running out. ER came and she had a fractured skull, face and a broken arm. At least she was alive and at that time I didn't know she was living in this type of abuse. I live alone now I have no unexpected night horrors. That was about 30 years ago.

2007-10-26 19:48:59 · answer #9 · answered by ncgirl 6 · 6 1

Yep I have been in a situation like that. My ex-husband tried a few times to kill me after I left him. Only one time could I do anything about it. We ended up in court over it, he was put in jail and was out the next morning.

One other time a person shot at me and I heard the bullet whiz over my head.

2007-10-26 20:48:47 · answer #10 · answered by SapphireB 6 · 2 0

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