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Inequalities are everywhere, some are born smart, others rich, some always sad others with positive energy radiating out, charismatic and lovable because they are always there to lend a hand, yet not spoil you. Others bite and growl, seemingly angry all the time with not a word of encouragement, some people short, others tall blah blah ... ... so you find out that you see differences everywhere, how do you take it?

Do you take the differences well, as in, "ok, I'm fat but I work hard with what I have been given" or "I'm fat and I drown in my depression" or "I'm fat and I am angry with my parents, God for making me this way"

No one is perfect, your shortcomings is not someone else's short comings, we all have our internal struggles and the comedian whose jokes are funny, he himself may be a person who has seen the other side of despair to tell such lively colored rainbow stories.

What kind of attitude do you have when you face the world and no, you're not at the top, far off!

2007-10-26 17:30:03 · 10 answers · asked by thinkpp 2 in Arts & Humanities Philosophy

10 answers

I remember a golf tournament at Torrey Pines and the sports caster asked one of the pros "What makes a good golfer?"
I believe it was Jack Nicklaus who replied "I play the ball from where it lies, not from where I wish it was."
That made me realize that my life is a result of my actions, my decisions and my thoughts. I am going to be the hero in my biography. I refuse to be the victim.

2007-10-26 19:03:35 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

What will you do with the answer?

If you take all the correct answers and try to change things it won't help. And it won't help either if you make up a private army eqipped with super weapons, storm the white house and seize power - it still won't change things, for the problem is not a political one but lies with human nature, with the way people are: people will be unjust and unfair,the world will be what it has always been, whatever. Nobody had ever changed either.

One can change oneself, but that war is an inner one, and it is at the same time the least and the most one can do.

2007-10-26 19:18:07 · answer #2 · answered by shades of Bruno 5 · 0 0

You bring to mind a memory from years ago.
Erma Bombeck had just released her book " If Life Is A Bowl of Cherries...Then Why Am I Stuck With The Pits?".
I was living in Toronto at the time and was downtown heading towards Younge Street, from the Bay Street Bus Terminal, and I was walking by " The World's Largest Bookstore", when I saw a window display of about a hundred of her books and when I read the title of the book my thought was immediate.
I said to myself ...you're stuck with the pits Erma so you can plant a whole cherry grove and get rich from the fruits!!!!
Yeah life is hard and unfair. But use your God given mind and body to create a better life with the pits you have. You'd be surprised with the fruits of your labours.

2007-10-26 21:24:21 · answer #3 · answered by the old dog 7 · 0 0

I celebrate my differences.

I seek out things and experiences that are quietly unique.

As I add unique experiences to my life resume, the "unfair" parts of life become less and less important. Kinda like fighting fire with fire.

I participate in "off-center" hobbies and sports - Lacrosse or fencing instead of baseball or jogging. Or I run a marathon or cycle in a century ride to acheive something within a common sport that is uncommon and personally challenging. I travel to areas not common to tourists and seek out the local's resturaunts instead of the tour book stuff. I skydived once, read every shakespeare play, and took a chinese cooking class. Anything that is not done by most people will suffice. That way, I can say, well I may be (shorter/dumber/fatter) than most people, but I've seen a killer whale in the wild and they haven't. I'm sure glad life isn't fair!

2007-10-26 18:14:17 · answer #4 · answered by freebird 6 · 3 0

Hey bro. I would answer it this way.
If there was no god, and no destination for life, and no judging day in the futurity, living a life with all these deficiencies and differentiations which you mentioned would be a waste of time and an unfair, unjust task, right? I have always thought about these differences which you mentioned [I definitely have some of them]. But if you have a true faith in god, this will be solved. You will get whatever you were deprived of in the future world, where there is nothing unjust.

I answered this based on my beliefs. I respect what others [even atheists] would believe in... You can pick your answer based on your intelligence.

2007-10-26 17:53:24 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

My mother always suggested that I consider the source of any anguish or irritation. Not as a Christian thing, but as a human. I've learned that people with alot of problems with other people have alot of problems of their own that they'd just as soon no one focus on.
I always put my best foot forward, even though I expect to be disappointed by the general public. Regardless of the way they might act or react to me, I know I am a good and considerate person and that I was only trying to help them have a tolerable day. If they are ugly to me,...god help them. I ain't always the nicest to a person that has finally crossed the line with me.
I expect to be treated on a "as I meet you" kind of basis. That's how I treat other people.
To be let down is the human condition.

2007-10-26 17:54:23 · answer #6 · answered by berecca 2 · 2 0

life is unfair...but it's wonderful that way...
and i don't mean that in a bad way...
what i mean is all those things that make us different are the spice of life...

and sometimes i think without our real weaknesses...
we really wouldn't be who we are...(if that kinda makes sense)... we wouldn't be the people who overcome those weaknesses either.

i have faults, many faults but you know i got strengths too...and yes you can focus on "the good, bad, and the ugly"
...but like you said "no one is perfect" so we shouldn't expect them to be (for there isn't such a thing)...(same goes for ourselves...we all expect ourselves to always do, say, and be the right thing...when really all we are is human.)

i guess what we really should do is accept people for who they are...
and you know...we should love em for it. :-}

2007-10-26 17:54:07 · answer #7 · answered by Josh E. =P 4 · 1 0

whereever i am ... in the bottom or at the top, one thing for sure. i will try to do my best so I will have no regret. whether i failed or success, at least i've tried my best and let God do the rest.

so, make a dream and try to achieve it ... step by step and be optimist cause only u can change ur future. good luck

2007-10-26 18:14:12 · answer #8 · answered by minmin 3 · 1 0

I just try to make the best of it.

2007-10-26 17:34:37 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

deal with it. that's all you can do.

2007-10-26 19:43:33 · answer #10 · answered by calvin j 1 · 0 0

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