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I know im not extremly wealthy but I think it is ridiculous that these "stars" get paid millions of dollars and then they get on tv saying that the education system needs to be fixed or they feel sad for the homeless. It seems like people with little to no money are the most giving. I know for a fact that they have enough money to improve something rather than sit on their cash throwns and talk about world problems.

Does this frustrate you as well?

I just hate when people with money say they try to help. Like environmentalists saying they are trying to conserve energy and save endangered species by driving around in H1's?

It implies that they kill animals and cause pollution!

2007-10-26 17:28:15 · 28 answers · asked by littlemissmay 4 in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

I was just making a point with the Hummer dont take me serious on that.

But im thankful for people like Oprah and Bill Gates (who gives alot and still has alot) for giving to many causes and actually going out and doing something!

People like sport stars or models who actually dont work hard for their money need to do something rather than sit around and point out the obvious!

2007-10-26 17:36:16 · update #1

To Warren Fitz Kennedy you may donate to funds and stuff and may be an environmentalist thats great. I know actors and actresses dont have alot of money but they have the power to move people and change minds and cause change. Your Ferrari purchase by the way is for show isnt it and could have fed and clothed many children and saved many lives but i dont care what you do with your money. As long as you give alittle you give something to save someones life.

2007-10-26 17:41:36 · update #2

to te144 yes i have so yea go get a hobby other than telling me what I should read

2007-10-26 17:43:37 · update #3

I do put my entire life out their I have gone to 23 third world countries made water systems and built houses and im only 19 and I did this through a community service program anyone can do so yes I do try and I dont get paid I spend my whole life trying to help others

2007-10-26 17:45:00 · update #4

28 answers

pppphhhhhsssss.... How naive of you...

The reason they have money is because they don't give it away... Think about it.

2007-10-26 17:31:48 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

No not at all. Most people who have LOTS of money had to work very hard for it. Now it can be debated on what is a lot of money and what is too much money, but anyone that has had to work hard for their money isn't just going to give it away.

Many times these "stars" handlers just tell them what to say to make them viewed the way they want them to be viewed. It is an image they are cultivating after all.

Other times the people that need the help are so far removed from the "stars" lives that they can't relate and thus don't feel inclined to do anything about.

In my experience the people with little money aren't the most giving, it is the people right in the middle.

The middle class who can relate to the problems of the world, and get frustrated with the "rich" people having all this money.

Raise taxes on the rich, raise taxes to help for this cause or that cause the middle class cry and the rich just hire someone to find the loop holes.

2007-10-27 00:38:17 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

The education budget in this country has risen and risen and risen, but the education system keeps getting worse and worse. To me, that says that throwing money at it is not the answer to the problem.

I believe the same is true about the homeless situation. They don't need free money. They need to realize the power of the attitude that they can do anything they set their mind to. If I give a homeless man $15, he may eat for a day, but he most likely will not save a dollar of it, or use it to try to get more of it. That is the difference. Again, throwing money at it will not solve the problem. There will always be poor people and homeless people because there will always be those people who think that the world is out to get them, so they might as well not even try to better their situation on their own.

2007-10-27 00:38:09 · answer #3 · answered by fotoguy 4 · 0 0

Sorry but not all of us Drive H1s. We are conscious people. Donate to the Shriver or Kennedy Foundations. Best Buddies is fantastic, I am working on takin best buddies to South America. Absolute power corrupts absolutely for a few unfortunate folks tens of millions corrupts absolutely. ps these high profile stars...actors...are not that rich. Investment Bankers are on the down low yet many make 40 million a year. Take even a partner at a top law firm 4 million dollars...hmm why dont you get on their case. Do you need to be an actor or have a famous family in order to be held to a civic standard? absurd. PS my ferrari does less damage to the environment than peoples chevys, tahoes, and old trucks. TO ASKER: my owning of a ferrari does not mean I am not as socially responsible as you are. Its all a matter of proportion. To me buying a ferrari might be the same expense, compared to my income and assets, is the same as somebody who earns 70 grand spending 500 dollars on a rain coat. Would you call their expense ludicrous as well?. I can still dedicate the same percentage of my over all net worth to helping others even if i buy a ferrari. In addition the ferrari was also an example of a not polluting vehicle, compared to an H1 ofcourse because all straight gas vehicles pollute, not an example of monetary responsibility. We live in a democracy I have the right to own my ferrari because my father,grand father, great grandfather..so and, and so forth …made excellent business decisions and because I am doing the same too. we have a large family so the wealth is handed down in as large a portions, we each expand on what we receive and we work our asses off. However, I really do not think you have the right to accuse someone of not doing what they can simple because they also want to enjoy life. Luxuries and social responsibility are not mutually exclusive, furthermore barking at bigger dogs only causes antagonism and only makes the big dogs want to help the little puppies less and less.

2007-10-27 00:34:49 · answer #4 · answered by Warren Fitz Kennedy 2 · 0 0

Yes, the ones with the most wealth are the greediest and most self serving. However it is not possible to generalize and lump everyone in one class together. There are many wealthy people that give of themselves and their wealth to the underpriveliged around the world. Oprah Winfrey is one that comes to my mind when I think of an extremely wealthy person who is very charitable. Even though she does great things for starving and uneducated children in other parts of the world I think her and other wealthy Americans could do a lot more to raise the standards for kids and families right here in the United States where they came into the enormous wealth they enjoy. Warren Buffett, Bill Gates Donald Trump and several other American billionaires along with super wealthy celebrities and overpaid athletes could easily raise the poverty level tremendously in this country and never miss the money.

2007-10-27 00:47:58 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

The life that you chose to live is your personal Business. What happened within your life that turned you against successful people? Jealousy? You have the same rights that I do and yet I took actions to better my life. It was not handed to me Miss. I do help in more ways then you do that I will guarantee you. How much money and time have you devoted towards a family or a cause? I would be willing to say zero. If you live in poverty do not blame it on the wealthy. You have the same opportnuitys that we have yet we put ours into motion.

2007-10-27 00:37:11 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

It kills me that they will dish out as much for a party that a small family could buy a house for. I think it all turns around though, in some way they are usually humbled. Look at Britney. Everybody put her so high on a pedestal, now the only way her entourage is going to make money is to throw her under the bus (any publicity is good publicity and as long as shes in the lime light, they still get a check) Hmmmm, makes you wonder where all the stories are coming from now. Also makes her wonder, who's on her side and who just along for the ride????

2007-10-27 00:39:56 · answer #7 · answered by 123..WAIT! 5 · 0 1

Well, both the rich and poor kill animals and cause pollution by eating meat, smoking and driving cars. I do agree that some of these really wealthy people should do more for causes. Like Paris Hilton, for instance. She said she was going to Rwanda and now, she suddenly isn't. It's preety safe to say that she has atleast a million dollar wadrobe but hasn't donated a million to any cause.

2007-10-27 00:33:16 · answer #8 · answered by jessica 2 · 1 1

It's flustrating, but as we all know about 3% of people are in
the U.S. have lots of millions and some have a billion or more. Those 3% could stop poverty in the united states....but, those people
who have the money only want more. I was disabled by a violent crime they spend $44,000.00 on him a year. I get 876.00 a month in the bay area. This country has it's prior-ities backwards. But, I vote..and it doesn't count..the elecortate votes counts more than the people who live here and vote. Whatcha gonna do?????

2007-10-27 00:38:45 · answer #9 · answered by Carol (Yeah I said it!) G. 4 · 1 1

People with a lot of money should help out those who don't have as much. But your argument about saving endangered species because people are driving H1s doesn't make sense. Those two have no relationship at all.

2007-10-27 00:32:30 · answer #10 · answered by martymar1222 5 · 0 2

stars usually do a lot of good for the environment, whereas pro athletes, now those are the ones to be concerned about. they make tons of money but they use it all to feed their ego. athletes act like little children. most stars give a lot of money, you just never hear about it. oprah, bill gates, bono. yes, all of them have earned their own money but they should be responsible with it.

2007-10-27 00:40:52 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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