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If the answer is yes, then:
How old were you?
Was it your fault?
How many years have you been driving?

I'll go ahead and give you my own accident report. I've had one accident and it happened when I was 17 years old. Coming home late at night on a country road I hit a black steer that had got out of the pasture. Killed the steer, really banged up the pickup but my only injury was a jammed finger. That was back in the days before seat belts, so I was lucky. Guess the accident was my fault because I never saw that steer. I've had a driver's license for 43 years.

2007-10-26 14:57:09 · 34 answers · asked by Miz D 6 in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Senior Citizens

34 answers

On the oval track I've been bumped, banged, crashed and crunched. I've been spun-out and flipped but I don't think that counts.

On the highway only one.

A woman got alongside me (in my blind spot) in traffic. When the traffic thinned a bit thinned I checked mirrors and signaled. I then started moving to my right in order to take an upcoming exit. Witnesses said she moved over with me until she had no more room. She then accelerated but not quickly enough... When we made contact it felt like I was losing a steering axle tire so I braced myself to try to manage the single lane bridge that was coming up on the transition road ahead. Next thing I knew there was a brown strip across the bottom of my windshield (the top of her car, I was driving a cab-over-engine truck). I only pushed her down the freeway sidways for about a hundred yards.

To this day I maintain that you can't miss what you can't see... CHP didn't see it my way and cited me.

Been driving since 1960.

Edit: Please remember ... If you can't see the driver of the truck in his mirror the chances are he can't see you and/or your car.

2007-10-26 17:00:50 · answer #1 · answered by Chaplain John 4 · 2 0

I have had a few only one was my fault. My first one I was trying to see around a car at a stop sign and could not and went ahead and hit another car. I was 21 at the time. Later when I was 24 I was going around a corner and this pick up was on my side of the road and I even went on the grass to avoid it and she hit me anyway. I went many years without one and rode motorcycles 37 years without an accident then last year I had my first motorcycle accident. A 15 year old unlicensed driver pulled right out in fron of me and I could not stop. From my point of view it looked like a magis trick because he just appeared. I hit him at 50 miles and hour, flew over his car and landed face first on the hot Texas pavement.

Then just three months later I was in my pick up and a woman hit me on purpose simply because she was mad. What happenes was I entered the street and got in the left lane and she was sitting across the street a very busy street and had been there a while and pulled out and we have turn lanes which are actually full lanes and many people use them to pull out, stop or drive slow and enter when clear and she did this but then just turned her wheel and deleberately hit me because she wasd made because I got on the road ahead of her but I did nothing wrong and she got a ticket for failure to yeild right of way and got her car towed for no insurance and got a ticket for no insurance.
This just goes to show that you can drive safe and do all the right things and still get hit.

I have been driving since 1969. Those accidents above is my full report. Still a good driving record.

2007-10-28 02:39:13 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Yes, I was in two rear enders as a passenger. Once when I
was just out of highschool and we were waiting for a light. And my boyfriend and I were hit hard from behind, by a man
in a big new Caddie. He came to the drivers side with his
wallet and apologized and wanted to know if there was any-
thing he could do. He even admitted he wasn't watching where he was going in order to slow down for the light. But
my boyfriend, didn't want to take advantage of the situation
and told him we were fine. Even tho I hit my head on the
dashboard. There weren't seat belts then. Luckily I didn't
develop anything from that rear ender.
The second time was about a year or so ago and we were
stuck in bumper to bumper traffic on the interstate bridge.
We were in a van, and it was a mid sized car with a woman
on a cell phone behind that hit us squarely. My husband said she had kids in the car he thought because she had turned around in her seat to apparently yell at someone in the back seat. We were both slightly stunned and before we knew it, the traffic started to move again and the woman pulled into the next lane and managed to weave in and out of the cars and made a fast getaway. It was a hit and run. And I'm still paying for that accident, due to nerve damage in my hip and down to the top of my foot which developed a lump that has been growing since. And now it throbs alot and I have a cat scan scheduled for next month, since it's gotten to be too
painful. And I want it taken out.

2007-10-27 19:53:44 · answer #3 · answered by Lynn 7 · 0 0

My one and only accident happened in 1979. I was 18 and was on my way to opening night in a theatre production I was in. Had the radio blaring, and I went left of center without realizing it and got hit by a truck. The police say if I hadn't been wearing seat belts I would've been killed. I had to go to court, and I was cited. Nearly lost my license entirely but my mother spoke up for me and the judge made an exception for driving to and from school/work only. I thank goodness for that. Needless to say I was a very careful driver after that...some say too cautious! That accident was a very emotionally shattering one for me, and truth be told I've always been afraid to drive. So last year at age 45, I decided I won't do it anymore. I do retain a state driver's license, but I sold my vehicle and now use a bicycle and mass transit for most of my transportation needs. I find it works for me, and if I absolutely have to have a car, either I'll rent or ask a freind to drive.

2007-10-27 03:43:34 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

I have been in two. The first one I was taking my grandson to the movies at dusk ( now I know better) We came to an overpass where a semi was stalled and taking up half of the bridge. The bridge was very icy that time of day. I was so scared as I crossed the overpass. I was afraid of hitting the truck or the rails but when I made it through I breathed a sigh of relief and looked into the rear view mirror at a car coming right at us. He hit the back of my truck. We all were OK. It just scared my grandson when I had to give my report to the officer. That was 10 years ago.I was 40 and it wasn't my fault.
This past year has been very hard for me. Going through a divorce at 50. He had been talking divorce and I knew he was unfaithful so I left the house to have the oil changed in my car and was so upset and crying that I pulled out in front of an elderly woman. I guess that's how it happened. I looked down both ways and for 4 blocks there was nothing coming when she suddenly appeared. I think she pulled out of a side street.
Thankfully neither one of us was hurt .
But I felt so awful hitting a frail older woman. I thought it was my fault but was never issued a ticket.
I have been driving for 36 years.

2007-10-26 16:47:27 · answer #5 · answered by gabeymac♥ 5 · 3 0

I am 79, I have never had an "at fault" accident and I still drive. Started driving at 25, I was hit in the rear when I was about 55 by someone trying to squeeze onto a busy freeway. Around 68 Some kid came out of a parking lot fast tried to turn, and cut it short right into the front of my truck. I was going north. He wanted to go south.

2007-10-27 00:01:06 · answer #6 · answered by Ray T 5 · 1 0

I had my first accident back in 1998. I had just bought a 1995 T-bird 3 weeks earlier. I was working a night shift and running late for work. I had made a left hand turn and drove into the path of a guy on his motorcycle. That was pretty scary!! I thank God that I didn't kill him. Poor guy!! Well,3 days later after the insurance adjuster came to look at the car, which had been parked in front of my house. My neighbors came over screaming that someone just hit my car. I thought they were talking about the accident I was just in. But, someone did just run into the drivers side and took off. So now i have both sides damaged. It took about a month to have my car fixed. And in that time I ended up losing my job and then after all that, the car got repoed 6 months later. I swear that car was cursed!!! LOL

2007-10-26 16:14:09 · answer #7 · answered by adidasamir 3 · 4 0

A few minor ones....not my fault. Two very serious ones....the first was when I was only 16 and yes, it was my fault. I over-corrected when someone came out in front of me and the end result was totaling my parents car. The second was when I was about 30....got caught between two tractor trailers on black ice. The first truck jack-knifed and I glanced off his back corner, only to spin around and be hit head-on by the truck behind me. Before it was all over, 4 more cars came up and hit the trucks. Again, the car was totaled, but I was blessed to walk away from that one. Out of the seven drivers involved, I was the only one that didn't receive a ticket. I've been driving about 42 years now.

2007-10-26 15:53:45 · answer #8 · answered by night-owl gracie 6 · 3 0

Yes when I was 19 many moons ago. I was driving a mercury convertable and was eight months pregnant and passed out. I went down a hill into a freight yard right under a tractor trailor that was propped up there, took the top right off the car. I had no injuries as I had fallen over on the seat . Someone was watching out for me that day. One month later I had my daughter. I have been driving for a total of 51 years.

2007-10-27 17:17:54 · answer #9 · answered by SandyO 5 · 0 0

Yes, three in which I was the driver, not my fault and no injuries. The first two I was in my 20's. I hit a deer that ran in front of me and tore the grill up in my bf's car, no way to avoid it.
Another one was when my daughter and I were driving back from the grocery store on the main road and a teenager pulled out from a side street into us.
The 3rd accident I was in my 30's and waiting to pull out onto the main road. A lady pulled up behind me and hit the back end of my car. I've been driving 35 years.

2007-10-26 16:00:02 · answer #10 · answered by luvspbr2 6 · 3 0

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