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Nazism is a form of secular terrorism of the state and it is anti - semitic , therefore anti - Arabic as well as anti - Jewish.
On the other hand Islamic terrorism is a form of a religious fanatical terrorism that hates everyone that is "infidel" therefore, Christians, Europians etc..
But they both hate USA with a passion. In that hypothetical situation would they help each other against America ?

2007-10-26 14:25:15 · 12 answers · asked by milauwio 1 in News & Events Current Events

12 answers

the nazis would have taken over the world, that means the end of you, the end of me but worst of all it'll be the end of me

2007-10-26 14:33:41 · answer #1 · answered by bigblue 2 · 0 0

The Nazis were genocidal racists, and they eventually would have extended their hatred and systematic extermination not only to other Semitic peoples like the Arabs, but eventually to people of all races. I think if they and Japan had won the war, the two would eventually have fought each other, as well, as both regimes asserted that they entitled to rule the world.

The Nazis would have rolled into the Middle East, quickly killed a great many people, looted their treasures, and proceeded to work them to death as slaves in oil wells and petroleum industries. What few were left alive would have fought against the Nazis from desert refuges and eventually lost.

Keep in mind as well that in this alternate history, Israel would not have been created in 1948, and there wouldn't have been a Palestinian refugee crisis to inspire the anger of terrorists. They'd simply be fighting to stay alive.

2007-10-26 14:51:02 · answer #2 · answered by ansrdog 4 · 1 0

If the Nazis had won the war I doubt if Islam would have existed in Europe. I dont think that would have happened. Moslems and Nazis had two common interests....Their hatred of Jews, and what can my oil do for your war machine.
Eventually the Nazis would have taken over the mid east and all bets for the Islamists would have been off.

2007-10-26 14:36:48 · answer #3 · answered by wunofdamoronbros 6 · 1 0

Had the Germans won and lasted this long, they would have occupied the oil-producing areas of the Middle East, and any Islamic irregular warfare that was going on would be directed against the Germans.

2015-02-14 21:52:51 · answer #4 · answered by davidjohnston29 7 · 0 0

Hell no! They would anihilate the middle eastern occupants and secure their oils and wealth. The Nazis may have viewed themselves as the superior race but they certainly would have had better sense than to side with the fanatics of the middle east and their terroristic threat to all non islamics, Including Germany.

2007-10-26 14:34:19 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

If it were financially and politically expedient for them to do so, then there is no doubt that they would be allies. Radical islamist countries such as Iran control huge oil wealth in the middle east. In order to guarantee access to oil, Nazis would ally with Russia and middle eastern countries if possible. They would do that by providing arms, technology, and money to those countries. Every powerful country in the world has done it and that includes the US. We've assisted Saudi Arabia, we assist Israel, and we've assisted other middle eastern countries, all in the interest of maintaining stability in the middle east to ensure there is no disruption of our oil supply... which is US foreign policy. We see communist countries continually remain allies, just as free republics and democratic governments remain allies. It's the "united we stand, divided we fall" philosophy. However, countries only remain allies if it is financially and politically expedient for them to do so. The allies of today can be the enemies of tomorrow depending on changes in government policy and overall international financial and political climate. As long as countries are active in world economic markets and gain wealth from international investments, they are less likely to go to war. In the matter of Nazis, they are well known to have been liars and violated agreements with allies for their own gain. They would seduce the islamic terrorists into thinking they were their ally, then would take over islamic countries in an attempt to gain total control of oil resources in the middle east.

2007-10-26 17:24:09 · answer #6 · answered by LadyLgl 3 · 0 0

It's doubtful. One of the key individuals in the creation of the Ba'ath (Resurrection) political movement which was used to create the current regime in Syria and the former regime in Iraq was named Michel Aflouk. He was a native Syrian who studied under Himmler and the S.S.
Since Syria has supplied and funded two or more Salafist Jihadists terrorist groups (Amal and Hezbollah) I doubt that the boys in Berlin wanted anything to do with terrorists. Their game was iron-fisted dictatorship to be unchallenged by anyone.

2007-10-26 17:25:25 · answer #7 · answered by desertviking_00 7 · 0 0

Read the Venona Project files. They were in alliance with the Germans. They had an agreement to fight the British and French and the Germans would eradicate the Jews. When the Germans failed the muslims asked us to finish the job and we flat declined. This is part of the deep hatred they have for us also.

2007-10-26 15:33:09 · answer #8 · answered by citizenvnfla 4 · 1 0

Well the Nazi's did form an alliance with the IRA against Britain to keep their U boats hidden so anything is possible in times of war.

2007-10-26 14:40:06 · answer #9 · answered by molly 7 · 0 0

The Nazi's were allies of most arabic peoples in WW II, notably those under English control...promising them freedom from colonialism if they aided the Reich. But their opinion of them was very low...they considered them "Untermenschen" (sub-humans) and would have eliminated them as soon as the Allied threat was dealt with and this is without doubt.

2007-10-26 14:48:43 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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