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Are you starting to get it now?

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2007-10-26 14:14:00 · 22 answers · asked by Enigma 6 in Politics & Government Politics

I thought of a couple more.
Fake elections.
Fake testimony.

2007-10-26 14:52:18 · update #1

OH NO don't get me wrong. I'm not dissing Gore. He's the man. I'm talking about the Whitehouse editing the global warming reports to fool the public.

2007-10-26 15:09:30 · update #2

22 answers

The Charge of The Illuminati Brigade?

2007-10-26 14:16:17 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 8 0

ONe of the best questons i have seen, does Yahoo have a "Yahoo's greatest question of the month"? Naw just kidding. Why do you want to dis Al Bore, I mean Gore. Although it ws cold here until july (normally in 90s) that may be related to GW or another Ice Age. Israel just bombed Syria and they think it was a nuke plant. I always wondered why we let the Iraqs move thousands of truck loads of stuff to Syria two days before the attack. What about the fake money? Tell me aobut that as do not want ot get it.

I have to agree that the Illuminati may be behind this. Consider that W and Kerry are two Bonesmen. many of them and ones they beat where also. Don't forget about the Rhode Scholars, Carter filled his admin up with them and look what happened.

I don't have the answers and i like you watched Mr. Powell tell the UN about the intercepted tapes and what they said and yes Saddam did say please come in Bush and send anyone to look around, but Bush said leave.

i am just hoping that we can have someone not connected to these people. Hillary probably is, but have not been able to prove it For once American's have stood up to them and stated no more imigrats until we stop the drugs. Stop the illegals and illegal businesses that use them.

Even talk radio and TV people have been atacked and have come out smeeling like a rose. This is a new start and you will see the right talking more freely instead of being beaten down by the government.

I suggest you get William Grady's book "How Satan turned America against God". this will explain how there reallly is no difference in parties at the top. I'm tired of being jerked around. why couldn't Bush build the fence. it's just sos.

Get your point and sorry you have to make it, but for once in the last 30 years we may be back on the right track. Scope out the Skull and Bones, Rhodes Scholars, etc, will blow your mind. Wondered when mud slinging will start. Today Hillary insulted little ole Mississippi, the main state that after the Civil War their entire buget went for artificial limbs and crutches. They also have had many feline LT. Govs. She lost not only demo female white vote, but also black in that state, As somene answered on oneof my questions she would KILL to get in office. Bentonville ark, may have made Clinton and he was bigger business that W U. take care. Just wish country can get back on track and not raped.

2007-10-26 15:04:58 · answer #2 · answered by R J 7 · 2 2

CoMon RLP, Try to Keep Up Here.!!! Yes Bill and Hillary are VERY Dirty, She Holding Title, as The " Reigning "Queen of The Bilderbergers". but The DANGER is NOW. TODAY.! NOT in ANOTHER RIGGED ELECTION in 2009. You and YOUR AVOID The SUBJECT, HannFaggotyFOXFearFactor Pukey Little Quips, All The Tin Cups, tree Planters, LibCommies, BLAH BLAH BLAH. Tell O'LIElly and His ZIONIST-Boss to get some New Material. !! LP dont take this TOO Personal, come on you look College Educated. SHAKE That Party Loyalty CRAP, and HELP Get Back OUR Bill of Rights and U.S.CONSTITUTION, For GODS (or any other Denomination of Choice) Friggin SAKE. !! WAKE UP!! Like you Don't Know Bushie is 3rdGeneration MEMBER of the SATANIC CULT, the SKULL and BONES SOCIETY I could (and YOU SHOULD) Give a Rhino SQUAT Less about What "Party" Our GrandFathers VOTED FOR.. They only had FreeMasons to Worry bout, Were talkin Nazi.. Fascist-Satanic-Reptilian-Zionist-BhuttLicks here, Do You HONESTLY Trust Kristol, ChertJerkOff,?? LIEberman? the Clintons,? how about DICK,? now THERE is a REAL Great American.. Gimmee a Stinken BREAK..!!! .

2007-10-26 15:18:30 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

Fake need for a medicated society, fake flavoring in foods.

Global warming isn't fake. It's here and obvious by stepping outside.

2007-10-26 15:00:25 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

global warming was created by liberals to extract more tax dollars from you and businesses. Liberals always need a crises, and GW is it. We were told 40 years ago that of something was not done immediately, there would be no earth by 2000. The liberals and their liberal scientists are now frantic over this, because they have been proven wrong. Think about it. If you were a liberal "scientist" whose grant and income depended upon the study of global warming, how would you report the findings?

2016-04-10 08:48:57 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

I have one to add to the list from a news item today...
The Bush administration has claimed that the armor-piercing Explosively Formed Penetrators (EFPs), that were killing US troops, were coming from IRAN... despite the forensic evidence indicating that they were inferior in quality consistent with the manufacturing capabilities found in EFP factories that US forces discovered in IRAQ.

The story is similar with the administration claiming that RPG-29s were Iranian-made. However, back in 2005 and 2006, British and US officials identified the RPG-29s as Russian-made, imported by Syria, then passed on to Hezbollah and smuggled across the Syrian-Iraq border.

Hmmm.... Is the administration 'banging the war drums' for Iran because it's just too tedious, when pointing the finger of blame, to make a distinction between two countries with only one letter difference in their names?

2007-10-27 09:56:10 · answer #6 · answered by sagacious_ness 7 · 1 0

Fake preachers, fake politicians, and fake breasts. That's about all I can think right now. Oh and we can talk about gassing the Kurds, but let's remember that just recently Bush has offered to bomb the Kurds.


2007-10-26 14:40:50 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

I think you covered it all quite well. Wow some rude responses to what is the truth. When I watched that news conference I knew something wasn't right.

2007-10-26 14:35:25 · answer #8 · answered by gone 7 · 7 0

fake people , with fake eye lashes , fake nails , fake personality , fake titties , fake everything , I say fake everybody , fake everything .....I am so faken fed up it drives me faken nutz

Yes Saddam gassed Kurds , my dog just gassed me , I need to stop letting her eat chilli beans , my God , it stinks ..

debt is real , consumer debt is more than national debt , and will hurt the faken economy more than the mother faken National debt ...

2007-10-26 14:37:58 · answer #9 · answered by Insensitively Honest 5 · 4 0

yes sadam gased kurd spartucus why would we want leave him in power?why leave north korea's dictator in powerwhen he send his own people to death camps if they oppose him.why not help the africans who are getting terrorise for diamonds.why not help the african chidren who whole families are killed and they are forced to fight as child soldiers.there are more sinster dictators then sadam,has been and will always be.y not go after them?.........oh, they have no oil.

2007-10-26 14:36:55 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 5 2

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