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most of the member of our basketball varsity..we know each other since 4th grade being member of the midget team, then jr. team now sr. team..weve been comfortable with each other naked in the shower since we see each other way back when were not circumcised yet until now that we all have pubic hair except me which i only have very few pubic hair and none in my legs and armpit. all of them had sex already that according to them, of course i know some may be lying but it seems that they descirbe it very accurately whats the feeling of having sex. it leaves me the only one who is still a virgin. my GF since i was 14 we plan to have sex when we're ready and this time we thoughts its not the right time, i dont know when. though there are other girls who want me to have sex with them i thought i will not cheat my GF coz i love her. life is good for our team and we have won some championship and defeat as well. should i freak out being a virgin at 16...whats your thoughts..thanks

2007-10-26 14:00:25 · 36 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Men's Health

36 answers

no you should be proud

2007-10-26 14:03:25 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

Be proud that you are not a part of the Trend of Losing virginity.
All this stupid ideas are from the movies basically.
Marry your girlfriend and then comfortably have sex
Many consider that they have genuine love for their GF's but after sex they get bored with their GF's and just dump them, this is not good for those girls mentality, they might even end-up taking revenge also. Such boys will not have any peace of mind and might regret their decisions also.
If the GF has just accepted the dumping as it is and leaves it at that, other girls won't they might try to use you or you will not be trusted very easily for long term commitments.
I am still 19 and I am a virgin (I actually don't have a GF, even if I have one I wouldn't want to be materialistic)
Bringing materialism in love can hamper the relationship some time or the other.

2007-10-26 14:17:43 · answer #2 · answered by Vishal 5 · 1 0

First off, I have no idea what pubic hair has to do with this, haha.

Second of all, I think that a 16 year old should know how to speak proper English.

And lastly, being a virgin at 16 isn't the worst thing that can happen to you, really. I didn't get my first kiss until two weeks before my 16th birthday [of course, I started having sex two months after, but I was best friends with the guy for like, 6 years beforehand]. 16 seems old because of everyone you're around, but it's a happy medium. And if you've been with your girlfriend for about two years, it would be considerably stupid to waste all of that just to have sex. Wait until she's ready, or explain to her what you just told the world.

Good luck.

2007-10-26 14:07:57 · answer #3 · answered by Licorice 4 · 2 0

Don't freak out. People your age that are having sex are making a very DUMB decision. There is a good chance of catching a disease, and getting a girl pregnant! Having a child at your age would make things very difficult, and while you would love your child, you will always regret taking the risk. Save yourself for someone special. Sex is great, but masturb@tion will do the job in the mean time until you're emotionally and financially ready for the risks involved in being sexually active. I'm 21, and I waited until I was 18. I've very glad I did, b/c I almost had sex when I was 16. If I had gotten pregnant...things would be a whole lot different. Plus, a lot of young kids have these misconceptions like "i get get pregnant on my period" or "i can't get pregnant if I'm on top"! Those are ridiculous- there's always a chance, even if you pull out, are on the pill, use a condom. I have 1/2 dozen friends who have kids while they were using birth control. Don't give in to peer pressure, you're doing the RIGHT thing. It's no one's business if you're a virgin or not.

2007-10-26 14:07:46 · answer #4 · answered by BlackDahlia 5 · 2 1

Nothing wrong with that at all, and I think it's entirely possible some of the other guys are lying. I mean if you think it sounds accurate when they describe it and you haven't had sex, isn't it possible they could make it up too? Do it when you want to not based on pressure. Or lie about it if you want to as well. There is nothing wrong with being a virgin at 16 in fact at least half of all teens are at that age.

2007-10-26 22:50:14 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

What happens naturally will happen naturally, don't be influenced by others. You are very young and nature will develop you as and when it is ready, and there are loads and loads of girls and boys fretting just the same, so you have no reason to rush. If your girl friend loves you and she to is content (or maybe wants) to wait until nature decrees you are both comfortable with things then for gosh sakes don't let her and yourself down by cheating on her. That way you risk far more than a few giggles in the shower room.

2007-10-26 14:26:39 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You should be freaking out because your friends are idiots who probably either lie about being non-virgins, or had sex with some girl just to say they're not virgins anymore. You should be proud of yourself for being able to hold on and make a promise to yourself that you would lose your virginity when you're READY, not because everyone else already has. Sex is not only a physical connection, but a spirtual connection, and you shouldn't make that connection with anyone until you're sure you care about them enough. You sound like a great guy and you shouldn't worry about it. It's guys like you that give me faith in our generation...

That said: waiting till marriage is kind of old-fashioned...

2007-10-26 14:09:09 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

NOPE don't freak out, you are probably the strongest and smartest on the team, just think about the child support payments if you don't stay together, or how can you get the kid braces and an education if you had to quit school to get a job job to feed and clothe the kid. Sex is Babies, wait til you are really really ready don't let the others shame you into doing something really stupid just to give THEM satisfaction.

2007-10-26 14:09:04 · answer #8 · answered by michelejaime 1 · 2 0

Don't let any one tell you what you should be feeling. Many of your team mates are LYING! You don't have to actually have sex to be able to describe it, just watch HBO. If you want to wait, then wait. The only person that this will be important to in the long run is you any way. FYI the first time is ALWAYS lame, so don't expect the embellished lies that your friends are telling you.

2007-10-26 14:22:24 · answer #9 · answered by Lilith 2 · 1 0

first off: sooner or later these guys are going to get a disease ( if any are not using condoms) or someone pregnant. and if their in a relationship they are under the control of their girlfriends and also spending a ton of money on dating so relax on still being a virgin. if it's meant to happen it will. keep the faith. ask a paraplegic, or someone dying how bad being a virgin is. trust me, there are plenty of guys out there who seriously REGRET having sex. if your going to do it do for the RIGHT reasons and always use your brain! peace.

2007-10-26 14:04:25 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

No, it's perfectly fine. And this is from a boy as well, FYI. Don't believe that all the kids on your team have had sex. Many people lie just to fit in. And don't rush either you or your girlfriend to have sex. Seriously, it's perfectly normal. In fact, I applaud you for that.

Hope I helped.

2007-10-26 14:08:43 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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