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reading the clip which follows have they now seen they were wrong to be so heartless? :-

News Item this a.m: -

California assesses fires damage

'Four burned bodies found in the path of California's fierce wildfires raised the death toll to at least 12 people, even as firefighters won the upper hand and officials turned on Friday toward assessing the damage.
Though more than 20 fires raged across Southern California into a sixth day, some 8,000 firefighters had brought most of them under control and no more homes were in imminent danger.
Some lost everything to the flames but most of the 500,000 people forced to flee in California's largest evacuation were expected to be back in their homes by the weekend.'

Remembering that not all people in that area are rich and so could not afford to move away it is so easy to be so resentful you don't see the overall picture isn't it?

2007-10-26 13:49:28 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in News & Events Current Events

Sorry that should have been sympathy

2007-10-26 13:50:18 · update #1

for others like idiotic 'Mozart@ I am not american, I do not support the horrors of the 3rd world going unredressed, nor the abuse of minorities. I deplore what happened at the twin rowers in usa I deplore the actios taken against the ordinary people of iraq, I deplore lots of injustices and hate all wars and violence no matter who instigates it and no matter who by and against eho (esp when little children are involved) and I tell you what if there were fires round where I live - on that scale I and my family couldn't afford to move just like that because although we live in a very affluent area, we have not got welalth of any kind. This just does not apply here but everywhere. I don't resent those that have and neither do I close my heart and mind to others misfortunes, the day I am that far into idiocy I hope I drop down dead (and as I live connected to oxygen my old mucker that is not as far fetched as it sounds). If I with all my illness can show a little bit of compassion? Well!

2007-10-26 16:50:32 · update #2

'Mozart' he got me so rattled I couldn't even type his username!

2007-10-26 16:51:43 · update #3

Borderli... See my other remark - to be mindful of other peoples suffering is not necessarilly inignorance of others is it? Do you only care for the massess and not the individual then - that would totally exonerate all the cruel acts in the world. the masses are the individuals are they not? - Grow Up and Grow Good should be the criteria not only learning to care for one area of humanity otherwise why bother at all?

2007-10-26 16:55:48 · update #4

Borderli... See my other remark - to be mindful of other peoples suffering is not necessarilly inignorance of others is it? Do you only care for the massess and not the individual then - that would totally exonerate all the cruel acts in the world. the masses are the individuals are they not? - Grow Up and Grow Good should be the criteria not only learning to care for one area of humanity otherwise why bother at all?

2007-10-26 16:55:49 · update #5

I just wish people would read things properly 'So Cal Cory' you included - you must either not have understoood anything I said at all. No way did I ever show lack of sympathy for 9/11 at all. In fact I mentioned the Twin Towers before I mentioned the action against Iraq. What I am trying to do is take poeople for task for not caring about other people for hecks sake and find out just how they can justify having no care fore people in terrible circumstsnces. I was as regards rich and poor merely stressing that not in any area could you ignore the fsct that wealth and poverty sometimes live close together. as for middle class so was my grandad, but he didn't brag about it. I am ill and housebound, this doesn't stop me caring if one of my neighbours hurts themselves or catches the flu'. Try working out what that actually means for goodness sake before condemning me for sticking up for the people of california (I am beginning to wish I hadn't bothered , but as I sent my blessings at the

2007-10-26 17:16:54 · update #6

time of the twin towers tragedy, as well as signed the candle for world peace, I have no concience to bother me, and as I did not set out to diss anyone - rather was doing my best to redress unfairness I dont give a ..... what you decide I was about OK? Yes I am cross with you like smack me in the mouth for caring eh? any way I will be able to sleep easy, I haven't tried to make someone being nice to me feel bad about actually bad about it.

2007-10-26 17:20:48 · update #7

sorry think I got a bit muddled up at the end of that but you know what I don't give a s...t if I did I am that p....d off!

2007-10-26 17:22:40 · update #8

18 answers

As a human being to fellow human beings I feel sympathy towards their suffering regardless of nationality status or religion. I send my condolences to all those that are bereaved or have suffered due to these fires.

2007-10-26 18:02:50 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I had seen and heard a few people that were saying oh there rich they can get another house; but what i seen on here 'and on the news' there were lots of people' that were rather poor and all they had' was their House' and belongs ; now they have neither.for gods sake even the san Diego got moved i mean all the animals did,It;s so sad' what mother nature did; then they found out it was man made; some idiot ;set the fires 'and i hope he burns in hell; and in prison 'when he gets caught,,

2007-10-26 14:57:03 · answer #2 · answered by Cami lives 6 · 2 0

I have not heard anything like that.

Lets see.............
.....people build homes

in paths of hurricanes,
near a volcano,
in a forest,
on an island (tsunami)
in a valley (avalanche)

As a resident of San Diego and evacuated for 3 days, I think this city was remarkable in all they have done.

There are just as many volunteers as there are victims.

People who are visiting the area are volunteering.

God bless the firefighters !

2007-10-27 05:56:35 · answer #3 · answered by cashelmara 7 · 1 0

I know of one of my companies employees (so far) that lives in the Rancho Bernardo area of San Diego has lost his home. He and his wife and three small children have lost it all.
The good thing is my company has well over 3,000 employees and a caring management that will help them get through this.

Someone here made a totally ignorant statement of "why would they live there in a fire prone area". People live where they live. Period. That doesnt mean you critisize them because they live near their job.

We only pray there none of our other folks lost their homes. We will find out next week. ( we have several facilities outside of the San Diego area, but they were just hammered there).

I thank all of the heartfelt responses to your question for their concern. You are all fine people.

The ignorant can go to hell.

2007-10-26 14:28:25 · answer #4 · answered by dave b 6 · 4 0

This problem occurs quite regulary and will never be able to stop the lunatics who start the fires.It is indeed a terrible situation to be in.Maybe now is the time to look at a chemical dropped from the air onto grasslands which would render it fireproof.

2007-10-26 15:26:25 · answer #5 · answered by realdolby 5 · 0 0

I agree partly what the young lady second down ur list.

People move to these regions of the usa knowing that sooner or later their home could be destroyed by fire and earth quakes, and hurricans and twisters.

Hell that would scare the heck out of me living in those areas, so if u move into these places knowing the dangers exist, I know its sad and devistating and heartbreaking loosing ur home and all ur lifes belongings, but why did u move into an area that has a high risk of devistation, do these people think b4 the buy? I dont think so, so why the hell do they do it.
|Then when it happens like it has, I see why some people are having a go at them for putting their lives and childrens lives at risk, if u know ur home could be destroyed anytime u steer well away, but some Americans dont seem to look into what dangers there are living there.

I do sincerely feel for them, as it must be heart breaking, but houses can be rebuilt but lives cannot nor can all those little memories they have in their ollection, now destroyed they still have those past years memories in their hearts, at least they are alive unlike those poor souls who perished,may God bless them and their families suffering losing their home and memories and worst of all a loved one.

Why does such a beautiful country have so man nasty ugly things thsat wrecks peoples lives and tear their heart apart.

I am thinking of you poor people thats suffering, take my advice and get to hell out of there and move to a safer place in the states.

I just had a hrrible thought, I have a very goiod and kind hearted friend who lives in Southern California, I have been ill the past 3 or so weeks I didnt think that he could be affected.
I am a multiple disabled person, my friend will understand.

Well guys, I am so sorry to see and hear the devistation, theres a lot of good people out there willing to help.

God bless you all, my heart goes out to you all.

Love and respect

Jimmy dlsabled Scottish gentleman living in Essex England. ex Ambulance service ambulancman

PS. Please dont think Iam an ignorrant person because I said why live in a place that has its dangers. I am a very caring person with a soft sentimental heart and think about people that are suffering anywhere in the world.

I hope u guys dont twist my words and make it look like I said told u and hell mend u for living there.
I am only trying to say in a hearfelt way, look guys why did u move here knowing the dangers, itsd like me building a house right next to a volcano that could erupt amytime even though it hasnt in many hundreds of years, but it could one day and u wouldnt like to be next to it when it erups.

Hey, why did a person give me thumbs down? Are u an American hater? I recon u must be. Tell me any country that hasnt made mistakes. If someone ramed 2 aircraft into 2 skyscraper buildings killing thousands and hitting ur defense hq in ur country, would u sit back and say tut tut and do nothing? I dont think u would, u wuld be raging mad and wanting revenge. Enough said, lets all try and live in peace.

2007-10-26 14:50:46 · answer #6 · answered by DIAMOND_GEEZER_56 4 · 1 3

to all of the people who say that all the people were either rich or poor you are wrong
there were alot of rich people who lost their homes
alot of middle class
and alot of poor people who lost their homes
it is not right to judge and say that everyone is rich or everyone is poor
i feel like we have gotten alot of sympathy from people outside of california
yes it is true that we know we moved into an area that has a high wildfire risk but isnt just about every area of the country risky in some way? are you saying you expressed no sympathy for the people who lived in new york during 9/11 because new york is an easy place to attack?

anyways i do not feel like there are many people who expressed no sympathy for us

2007-10-26 17:01:08 · answer #7 · answered by So Cal Cory 2 · 0 1

I am a Brit and I would like to express my sympathy to all Americans who have lost their homes and even lost their lives in this horrendous fire. I hope that the American government can help the victims rebuild their homes in whatever way it can.

2007-10-26 14:01:02 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 8 0

All of the people who have been affected by this tragedy have my heart felt sympathy .

2007-10-26 14:05:57 · answer #9 · answered by rudd_linda 4 · 3 0

i have heard the same thing - i don't understand anyone not being sympathetic to these people. It's horrible. People with the "you deserved it " attitude had better watch their backs - karma is a b!tch

2007-10-26 14:43:16 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

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