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Will you still try to buy them?

I know that I will.

2007-10-26 11:48:43 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Law & Ethics

27 answers

If that happens I think we will see the second American Revolution.

Remember, an armed man is a citizen, a disarmed man is now a subject.

It never fails to amaze me why people think they can remove a right gauranteed to all in the Constitution just because of their uneducated, emotion based knee jerk responses and conotations whenever firearms are mentioned.

To all anti-gun people out there...fine...I apologize.

I the gun owner apologize for why I feel the need to own a gun.

I am sorry for being afraid.
I am afraid of people who want to do harm to those I love for no logical reason. I am afraid that I do not have the ability to stop an armed man from harming them. They will be hurt or raped or killed. A gun gives me an equal or advantage, a gun makes them safe at night.

I am sorry for being scared.
I am scared I can not run from all fights that I can not win. I am scared that I will be cornered and out numbered. I try to avoid those situations but those situations may not always avoid me. I am scared of the man in the crowd with the gun randomly shooting. I have been shot by him once before and only by luck was I not more seriously injured. The gun is my security blanket, it is my cape.

I am sorry for being greedy.
I enjoy all that I own. I have built my empire from nothing and no one will ever take it away from me again. Not a piece, not in whole. No one shall enter my castle to rob me, no one shall violate the sanctity of my temple.

My gun is on the parapet of this fortress that none shall destroy.

I am sorry for my lust.
I find my guns an addiction of sorts. Mechanical marvels that are beautiful in their form. I desire to own one of every variety of sensual form that fits in my hands. I lovingly clean and caress the supple lines. Happiness is a warm gun.

I am sorry for being stern.
I follow the words of our rights as how they are written, not how they are interpreted to be. The National Guard is not "a militia" and the right to bear arms is not only for that militia to have. You would be pissed if I tried to take away your right to free speech but try to take away my right to protect yours.
I can not give up.

I am sorry for being a killer.
I kill animals, I kill paper, I kill targets, and if I have to I will kill a person. I have been a killer for most of my life. nothing is going to change here, I hone my skills for one day when they will be needed. I can no more practice my killing without a gun than a flutist without a flute. But I have never seen anyone kill something with a flute. Maybe you just have to throw it hard enough.

I am sorry for being sceptical.
Police will not always protect me. The government will not always be for the people. the politicians will never be truthful. The criminals will never reform.

My gun assures that these can indeed change.

I am sorry for not being a p*ssy.
I am sorry that I am a man, a real man, with the honor and pride of the "men" in America who came before me. I was raised by a woman and a woman alone and oddly I have more balls and integrity then most of the "men" in this country. My upbringing may have caused me to have role models of the "men" who founded this country, who built this country, who saved this country, not the p*ssy *ss weak mentality of a p*ssy *ss father.

The men in my life rode white horses and had a gun, they stormed beaches and had a gun.

And I have a gun.

2007-10-26 11:54:41 · answer #1 · answered by flaming_liberal415 4 · 6 0

i've got not got faith that the incident at VA Tech is a gun administration subject. info approximately this youthful guy are rising, and from each and every little thing I actual have study, he substitute into needless to say disturbed. A disturbed suggestions with the call to wreck or kill others for no reason is a deadly blend. If a gun substitute into not obtainable he could have chanced on yet another technique like a bomb. He had the objective of killing random people and the lack to get a gun does not have stopped him. i've got not got faith that the government might have stopped him the two. it rather is unlucky that his habit substitute into dropped on the attention of the government and not something substitute into executed by way of fact he had not committed a criminal offense yet. i think of that the certainty that he substitute into taken to a psychological business enterprise via his mothers and fathers, and yet he emerged, or remained this disturbed is the main frightening ingredient. i think of greater ought to have been executed in that regard then something. He needless to say mandatory help.

2016-10-02 21:19:16 · answer #2 · answered by boddie 4 · 0 0

I can tell you (as a history teacher) that a black market automatically springs up any time something is banned. And yes, I'd still try to buy one.

Guns, for better or worse, are part of our national framework, discourse, and cultural dynamic. Irresponsible people will always find a way to kill or maim each other, regardless of the venue (poison, guns, knives).

As long as we can keep a rational, responsible national discussion on firearms going, I don't see the issue.

I'm from Colorado, lived close to Colombine High School. While those 2 whackjobs are better off dead, please keep in mind they planned to off most of the student body using explosives, that fortunately didn't detonate.

That having been said, the idiots who gave those 2 pieces of filth access to guns should burn, rot, fry, and suffer in all the darkest torments of Hell for all time. Filthy pigs.

2007-10-26 11:55:09 · answer #3 · answered by necesitoukemi 2 · 4 0

Hell yes. I believe in my constitutional rights not what the government tells me is my rights. To a previous poster guns arent evil they are a tool. Only people can be evil. Guns are good or bad depending on the person using them. If more people had them and were propertly trained and raised there would be less crime. Gun disarming only hurts law abiding citizens because criminals dont care anyways.

2007-10-26 13:01:59 · answer #4 · answered by SS4 Elby 5 · 1 0

This will never happen, unless there is a constitutional amendment to change the 2nd amendment. The 2nd amendment is a little vague, but it does clearly say that citizens have the right to bear arms. I for one shudder at the idea of everyone carrying around Uzis, as weapons like this can cause an awful lot of innocent people to die. I would like to carry a sword, but state law prohibits this. I regard this as a violation of my 2nd amendment rights, but I don't have the resources to take on the state.

2007-10-26 11:56:15 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

That probably won't happen. The government has convinced enough feeble-minded people that they shouldn't own guns that the number of armed citizens is no longer of significant size. Since gun control was never about public safety, but monopolization of power, gun control legislation is winding down.

Now all we have to do is sit back and watch the police state grow.

2007-10-26 11:55:37 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Just keep this in mind: if it were not for the Second Amendment, the others just would not matter any more. Obviously the founders of the great land felt that the gun issue was kind of important, coming second only to freedom of speech and freedom OF (not from) religion.
And yes I would!!

2007-10-26 12:16:55 · answer #7 · answered by largecar8 4 · 1 0

I'd be on my way out anyway, as the country will have become a liberal Democrat cesspool, but others would be stocking up before the deadline for sure.

After that, only the criminals will have guns (just like NYC, DC, LA, etc. today).

2007-10-26 11:52:20 · answer #8 · answered by heart_and_troll 5 · 6 0

Cops I've talked to would not enforce such a law. If they did somehow take away the 2nd amendment, the first amendment would soon follow.

2007-10-26 12:10:07 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It would just create a product to be sold on the black market and yes I would still buy them.

2007-10-26 12:00:11 · answer #10 · answered by hdean45 6 · 0 0

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