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Why can't we all be loving and accepting towards gay people?

2007-10-26 10:31:58 · 14 answers · asked by beegones2012 1 in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

14 answers

Because organized religion has taught them that being gay is a choice and a sin.

Therefore, someone who chooses to sin is also choosing to give up rights.

Not saying that I agree, just trying to answer your question.

2007-10-26 10:36:15 · answer #1 · answered by bikerchickjill 5 · 2 1

Dearest Beegones...,

I really can't speak for the entire universe, but this is my tid-bit. I personally love everyone, even when the love is not returned. When love is not returned I can not take it personal, because everyone has not been introduced to what real love is about.

You can love a person with the Storgē kind of love, which (from the Greek στοργή) is the word for family love, such as the love of a parent toward a child. In social psychology, storgē is a form of loving evolved from friendship.

Nevertheless, to be gay and lesbian is a great tribulation, but these acts and feelings are not from God. I do believe that some people are actually born with these desires and that because of their feelings are ostracized from society. Although really unfortunate, the behavior is not acceptable for the Kingdom of God. I really believe it is a demonic emotion that must be conquered by the person suffering because of generational sin. This cycle and generational curse can be broken and must be stopped. It is not normal, so our society should not make provisions for the work of demonic forces. This is not how family is suppose to be, neither can the a couple of this magnitude reproduce. Therefore, loving a gay person is necessary and proper but accepting the wrongs is not recommended.

2007-10-26 17:59:33 · answer #2 · answered by Monica 2 · 1 1

This is going to be a hot debate.. I have a friend and she's gay which is NOT a big deal. However, I do have a problem with "gay rights" in particular health insurance.. She works at a company that allows a lesbian/gay couples to be on the insurance. Which I find not right. They have been a couple for over a year but, the problem that I have is a simple one.. They are not married- so they should NOT have access to "joint" health insurance like a married couple would.. If that's the case than straight couple's that are dating and NOT married should be able to "ride" on their boyfriend/girlfriend's insurance. Without a problem ! I dated my husband for 7 yrs. and was NEVER allowed on his insurance plan UNTIL we got married.. I think that's a bunch of BS ! That's about the only gripe I have it's pretty minor, it's NOT really with gay people it's with the system.

2007-10-26 17:41:05 · answer #3 · answered by pebblespro 7 · 0 2

I have used this answer in other topics before. There are three components that drive discrimination of homosexuals and they refusal of their equal rights.

1. The Religious leaders of the WORLD, have made it their crusade to prevent homosexuals any rights. Although there are no concentration camps like WWII, I would say it comes close to that. They would want to wipe out gay people forever. Then again, they are no better than KKK type groups that want to have the world made up of nothing but Christians (in their image and belief systems). As you asked about gay rights, that goes into gay marriage. I believe that marriage is mostly a religious doctrination and the religious zealots can do what they want with it. If they do not want to perform marriages within their faiths to gay people....fine. But, gay civil rights are far more reaching. The benefits being denied the gay community are over 1000 benefits adorned to married folks. For most gay people, with the exception of the cowardly gays that got married out of fear from family and sociaty and hide in the shadows to get their sex fix, getting married is never an option (man/woman style). What harm does civil unions pose to society? I have heard no arguements about that. Just that religious leaders fear gays in the church and think that marrage is man/woman.

2. The governament won't assist int he matter because it affects their revenues through taxes. A single person pays the highest taxes in the country due to few entitlements and tax breaks. If civil unions were permitted, they would have to offer the same tax benefits to gay couples as married hetero couples. The government knows that there is a huge population of gay people out there ready and willing to get unions. If that happened, a significant loss of revenue would be caused.

3. Ignorance to what it means to be gay is the last issue. Heteros do not look to learn about gay lifestyles. But that is the case in ethnic cultures learning as well. Whites do not try to get a concept of Black culture. Asians have a unique culutre that eludes Whites and Blacks. The gay image has been dictated by silly media events such as Will and Grace. And by public events such as Gay Pride Days. The gay community has not made it easy on themselves with the flamboyant nature many have in expressing themselves. But, there are many "normal" gay people out there, going about their life, working and living in a society just as heteros do. Neither flamboyant nor "normal" gay lifestyles are incorrect. But, flamboyant gets the attention and makes up people minds. If heteros tried to understand the difficulties gay people face as they go through life, perhaps there could be some understanding.

P.S. Monica...that mentality has gotten many ethnic and cultural groups into trouble. They said the same thing to Jews, Blacks, Indians, Irish, and others. As for Biblical opposition. The Bible has been used to impose hatred among so many groups. History has proven that the Bible is not as black and white as many like to believe. It is open for interpretation and is used to support and destroy ideas, depending on what your views are. And, yes, I am a Christian strong in my belief in Jesus Christ. Just not a supporter of human religious leaders and their blind followers dicatating hatred, bigotry and and discrimination.

2007-10-26 18:07:19 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Some people fear what they don't understand in themselves or others, and so in order to try to justify their fear (instead of being brave enough to own up to it), they turn that into hate. So some people hate the idea of gay people and gay sex because they fear difference to themselves or fear that they themselves may be gay and can't cope with that.
Some people are bigots, some just ignorant or misguided. A lot of fears about people's behaviour are based on Old Testament (Jewish/Christian/Islamic) myths regarding sex, and those religions have been trying to repress the reality of us being sexual beings and thus fulfilled by our sexuality, throughout modern history.

2007-10-26 17:45:33 · answer #5 · answered by oriskything 2 · 1 1

Hatred knows no bounds. Eighty years ago, Germans wanted to deny Jews the right to live. A hundred years ago, some Americans wanted to deny foreign nationals the right to come here and make a living.

Some right-wing religious zealots want to deny homosexuals the right to marry, work or raise a family, because their "God" told them so. Sixty years ago, my (white) sister and her African American husband couldn't be married in many states in this country. Religious zealots wanted to deny them that right. This will pass, and in another hundred years there will be another group jerk-holes will try to deny their rights to.

There will always be some group others will try to deny rights to. It's gone on for millennia, and will keep happening until the world ends.

2007-10-26 17:45:03 · answer #6 · answered by for Da Ben Dan--Dennyhill 5 · 1 1

C'mon. You know the homophobes are just impossible to convince. Martin Luther King didn't address his appeals to the KKK. Most of us know EVERYONE should have rights, but there are always a few dummies who can't figure out their locker combinations.

2007-10-26 17:37:00 · answer #7 · answered by Sarrafzedehkhoee 7 · 2 1

people come from different places.
i'm not saying being gay is wrong.
in fact, i am a lesbian ^.^
we always complain about people bashing us for being gay...
if we take it to a certain level, aren't we just doing the same thing to them?

2007-10-26 18:01:54 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Probably because they just don't understand it. It doesn't seem natural to a lot of people.

This guy I know said "it's not possible that they were born gay. if that was true, we wouldn't exist!!"

i was thinking, "ummm are you kidding me??????"

It's hard for a lot of people to think outside of their own little box.

2007-10-26 17:50:01 · answer #9 · answered by jamie68117 3 · 1 1

Because gays would be touching straights and the straights would kill the gays.

2007-10-26 18:00:18 · answer #10 · answered by packin'08 3 · 0 1

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