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Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me?

For me, that surely ISN'T true.
If someone calls me ugly, I take it.
If someone tells me to get a life and that I won't get friends because I show off, I take it too. Maybe they don't know I'm hurting inside, but I really am.
When I look like I'm showing off and people say I don't got friends, in fact, really, I'm the most timid person in school,
I don't GET to show off.
So I wonder, if someone truly thinks thinks about what you feel when they do something like bully you?

I'm not trying to be serious, but I'm just wondering, am I the only one here?

2007-10-26 10:21:54 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Arts & Humanities Other - Arts & Humanities

7 answers

I doubt it...most people would get peeved, at the least.

2007-10-26 10:29:11 · answer #1 · answered by psyop6 6 · 1 0

Why can't you sound serious? Is that a bad thing?
Here's the deal:
When someone calls you a name or makes a comment about you, you can be hurt only if you believe it--even a little--
My example is this: If someone called you an "Amish duck-faced midget" or a "pregnant nun" you would probably laugh and wonder what was wrong with THEM. because YOU KNOW it is not true.
If someone calls you ugly or stupid or pimply or fat, you take it PERSONALLY, BECAUSE there is a teeny little part of you--or a big part-that thinks they might be right. or ARE RIGHT!
It has EVERYTHING to do with how you feel about yourself and not too mcuh about how you REALLY are.
Words CAN hurt, since people know you are weak or sad or worried about pleasing others.(AND MOST PEOPLE ARE-including THEM.)
EVERYONE wants to be accepted. Even bullies.
Your parents are especially important in this because if THEY tell you as a baby, that you are less than exceptional and wonderful, not the right size or the right sex or not making them proud, then you will grow up feeling and thinking you are not enough--all by yourself.
Then anyone who says anything bad, will be your standard, instead of you KNOWING you are wonderful just the way you are.
What is this about showing off? Why do you do this? For attention? You don't FEEL perfect/noticed/special without it? Or are you making others feel good at your expense?
NEWS FLASH! You are special and wonderful, just because you are alive. You are a part of all the whole world, just as cool as a panda, just as wonderful as a dophin, just as sweet and moving as a sparrow. You are as powerful as water, as clean and exceptional as a tree. You are special. You are here to be happy. You are here to help others to have a better life. There is power, genuine love and acceptance there, not in fancy purses, bling, and other nonsense.
You do not have to show off to give to others. Think of THEM first, and how to make their life better. Start with your mother.
Figure out how to make a living, being the best you know how to be, using every gift you have, and teaching others WITH your failures.
Remember about that Amish Duck, and laugh when anyone says anything hurtful to you. You will be amazed!
Good luck!

2007-10-26 10:56:05 · answer #2 · answered by Lottie W 6 · 0 0

Of course you're not the only one!!! You've got to realize that ppl who bully you only do it cuz they're intimidated by you. They see you've got things they don't, that's why they try to put you down. Trust me, a lot of the kids in my school bullied me last year. It was cuz I was they kept getting annoyed at how i got better grades than them (I worked really hard to get them), how I dressed (you do not need to wear your pants up to your knees to be cool) and how I was shorter than everybody else (so what?). I got through it though. I had a really good friend who I could always talk to, and sometimes when ppl tried to insult me, I told them something that they lacked too. Often they'd leave me alone after that. So try to find someone to talk to, anyone. If they truly like you for who you are, they'll help you get your self-confidence back. Then u won't feel so bad when ppl say stuff abt u. The most important thing to remember though is that tough times don't last, tough ppl do. And the only way to be tough enough to face the situation you're in is to find a group where u fit in. Once you do, things will get better

2007-10-26 11:02:36 · answer #3 · answered by Vince 1 · 0 0

My kids always came home upset about something someone had said about them. My tactic with them was: "Would you be upset if someone called you a chair?" and they always said "No, because I know I'm not a chair." Well, you're not whatever they called you either, so why get upset about that? And you have to consider the source - some people are striking out for defensive reasons, some for attention, some out of stupidity, etc. Don't worry about what others say - live your life the way you should and do the right thing and everyone will see you for what you are. Those who know you aren't going to believe them anyway, and those who don't know you yet will see your actions and know the names were wrong.

2007-10-26 10:31:13 · answer #4 · answered by britebev 2 · 0 0

I grew up the daughter of a counselor who taught us a different version of it. "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words are more harm to me." It fits with the old saying "the pen is mightier than the sword."

I've known countless people who have been abused in every conceivable way. They all agree that sexual abuse is the worst. The surprise (for some people) is that verbal abuse was unanimously considered second with other types of physical abuse (non-sexual) coming in last. Bones can heal. Broken hearts can too, but not nearly as easily.

There is great power in words. We must use them carefully.

2007-10-26 10:38:01 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Words are only letters put together with an intended meaning. The "power" that they have over you is occurring in your own mind! What someone else "thinks" of you cannot change you or affect you unless "you" have given them the energy to do so!

2007-10-26 11:12:54 · answer #6 · answered by Premaholic 7 · 0 0

That statement is one of the most untrue statements I've ever heard never go by it

2007-10-26 10:25:39 · answer #7 · answered by pete631631 2 · 0 0

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