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You know God is:
All-Powerful - Has the power do to anything without limits.
All-Seeing - Can see anything and everything.
All-Knowing -Knows absolutley everything in the world that has ever happened, is happening, or will happen and anything else that there is to know (even what you're thinking) with no boundaries to his knowledge.

So, seeing as he made all of us, would he not know what we'd turn out to be before we were even born? And therefore, when he made someone who happens to be gay, God would have known this before the person even knew that he/she was gay, and yet he didn't stop it. Since you claim God hates gays or the act of homosexuality, then why would he knowingly create someone who He knew would be gay?

If you say that He didn't, but the person "chose" to be gay against God's will, then why didn't God know that this was going to happen before he made the gay person? Are you trying to say that he's NOT all-knowing or all-powerful?

2007-10-26 09:37:01 · 11 answers · asked by Christian 3 in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

Try and answer the question.

2007-10-26 09:40:47 · update #1

"ol' okie" you're missing the point, you're thinking of something else. What I'm saying that if God knew that the person was going to engage in homosexual sex, then why did he create the person in the first place? unless it isn't a sin. Do you see my point? Either it isn't a sin, or God isn't all-knowing or all-powerful, but it can't be both.

2007-10-26 10:01:44 · update #2

To "Purple girl", then why would an all loving god knowingly put bad people on this planet knowing that at some stage they would harm another human being? Unless he either doesn't exist or he isn't a loving god. Think about that.

2007-10-26 21:29:26 · update #3

11 answers

i have said this many times before. why did god create us gay then send us o hell for being gay? it certainly doesn't make any sense to me.

2007-10-26 10:34:37 · answer #1 · answered by Ryann... 3 · 4 1

The funny thing about it is that the Bible sends me alot of confusion. First of all the original Bible was wrote in Hebrew there for knowing that you can't translate every word perfectly into the English language. So what happen to them words, some "MAN" had to reword it to make sense. Another thing is that we where all brought up to believe in God so that's what we think is right. But other people was brought up to believe in other God's such as Buddah so who's to say they're wrong. Who's to say that Buddah isn't real and who's to say God is real. Its the number one selling book of all time, who's to say that that's all it is. If you read the Bible it sounds like a movie from tv. I don't know I guess you just believe in whatever you want to believe in or just some sort of higher power. Don't get me wrong I do believe that there is some sort of higher power but I don't believe that it is all it's made out to be. If there is this powerfull God above us that loved everyone the same then why are there little kids getting raped and killed everyday and then on the other hand there is the same crack head walking the streets everyday for 30 years. Let me guess, Christians, its all part of a bigger plan, B.S there is no bigger plan and if there is then God has alot of explaning to do.

2007-10-26 10:04:20 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

Yes, God is all knowing & all powerful, He does not hate gays, he loves all his children equally. However, even if a person is born with the tendency to be gay, the behavior, the action of gay sex is a sin. The challange is to not indulge in homosexual behavior, like a person who wants to have sex with nearly every woman/man they are attracted to, but they must resist those sinful actions or be out of control adulterers. As a creation of God, a person is not sin, only our deeds are sin, due to the original fall of Adam & Eve, we are all born wth a sinful nature, the test is living a life that is not sinful, that proves that are of God & want to please him. And no, not all Christians are gay-bashers, many have the theory of love the sinner, hate the sin. We are ALL sinners to some degree or other.

2007-10-26 09:55:17 · answer #3 · answered by okie's back 3 · 2 1

God doesn't stop rapists, child abusers, and child molesters from being born, nor does He intervene and stop them from harming others. So God not intervening doesn't mean he has put his stamp of approval on something. Afterall, why wasn't Hitler stillborn?

If you want to do something, why try implicating God? Just say you like doing it, that you take full responsibility for it, and get on with life.

My theory is that God created the world as the answer to the rebellion that occurred in heaven. Satan said he'd be like the Most High, and a 1/3 of Heaven agreed with him. Now, a righteous God won't leave that unanswered. This is a matter that needs to be settled once and for all eternity. So God would need to prove how righteous He is and how evil Satan is. So He created a controlled testing environment (Earth) to use as evidence in His case. The Old Testament is full of moves and countermoves. Now, of course God knows it all before it happens, and if He is to be judge, then He must remain a neutral party. His knowledge could be compared in some ways to a science professor. The professor doesn't perform experiments to learn, but to teach. There is no surprise when there are chemical reactions, just as there is no surprise with God over what sinners do.

So God hates homosexuality while being all-knowing and all-powerful. There is no discrepancy here.

2007-10-26 10:01:55 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 4

god is all-knowing! your question is in the line of why does god let bad things like child molestation, murder,rape,poverty,war etc.. god knows the thought of man especially the evil thoughts of man. god said:" it was not meant for man to be alone" in the KJV he said he made a help meet, in the K.I.V. god said:" he made a helper suitable for him" & it was woman not man, god knows best what is suitable for man then he gave him woman what a beatiful thing, but like with everything else man reject gods blessing &says i want to do my own thing, i feel this is right like he's above god. god made man in his natural state & gave him will, then man wills to be a rapist,murderer,molester & even gay which is all against gods will, even though god made everybody including all the molesters,rapist,murderers etc.. what your trying to do is make your wrongs right like most people do when there wrong or point blame somewhere else, but please dont do that with god! may god bless you.

2007-10-26 10:24:04 · answer #5 · answered by david x 1 · 1 1

We live in a sinful world and to him that knows to do right and does not that is sin. thats all sin including homosexuality.
Read Romans and you will see God gave men over to a reprobate mind because they ignored Him when convicted of homosexuality. We live in a sinful world and without the grace of God noone can overcome their sin nature. instead it seems natural to them. God gave us all free will and when tempted to sin and in all phases and types of sin we should resist, repent and avoid it and after awhile God can change your heart regarding it.

2007-10-26 09:47:17 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 4

I like the way you think.

Plus, we're supposed to love our neighbours (love thy neighbours) and our enemies but we can't love people of the same sex? Love is still love in the end. And God love all his children for what they are.

2007-10-26 09:53:10 · answer #7 · answered by Diamond 4 · 3 2

The all-seeing-all-powerful blah blah got me curious for a sec.....

What if god died? I mean... hello... isnt he like the only thing up there? Its not like he really has anyone to talk to.. that could understand anyway... and who's gonna call 911 for god?? Does heaven even HAVE 911 if they COULD call?

Sooo... what if god died... like... AGES ago and nobody knew... its not like we really get the miracles and stuff like in the old days, right?.. and when's the last time you heard someone who wasnt a nut TALK to god and god talked BACK, hm??

And if god died... why is everyone so worried about what he thinks?? Although, I have to ask, even if he's not dead why is everyone so worried about what he thinks?

Sorry.. just thinking out loud...


2007-10-26 09:50:44 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 2 5

oh ouch do,nt know what to say

2007-10-26 20:10:28 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Well done, Dearest. You get a star and cookies!

(and phbbbt to those who give me thumb's down....no cookies for you........)

2007-10-26 09:43:40 · answer #10 · answered by Mama Otter 7 · 9 2

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