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She told me she did it with her other 2 children who are perfectly healthy beside the fact one of them has A.D.D ...and that there are no studies found that prove it is harmfull..Im not sure how to feel about this...She said its compared to being a ciggarette smoker and if anything cause low birth weight...Does anyone know any information??? This is buggin me.

2007-10-26 09:30:35 · 47 answers · asked by Rylee's Mommy 2 in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

47 answers

Na..It is good for the baby. It makes them relax. Now if she smoked crack that would be bad. And it would make it a crack baby I think or is that when you have a butt baby? I am confused!!

2007-10-26 09:34:37 · answer #1 · answered by James 4 · 1 4

I have a girlfriend who also smoked marijuana while pregnant and her now 4-year-old son has developmental learning disabilities. When she was pregnant, she cited the same lack of research on effects on fetal development as your friend cited. The reason there is no research on this topic is because marijuana is an illegal substance, not because there is no possibility of harm to your unborn child. Anyone who hides behind the fact that there isn't a lot of research out there is just being selfish and stupid.

I think it is grossly irresponsible of anyone to continue indulging this habit after becoming pregnant. It's much better to err on the side of caution. This is an unborn child you're talking about who has absolutely no say over what kind of reckless and irresponsibile behavior its mother engages in.

You should tell your friend to grow up and stop being so selfish and start thinking like a real mother. The fact taht her one kid has ADD might be a warning sign that maybe she shouldn't have smoked while pregnant in the first place. There are people depending on her now to do the right and responsible thing and use caution and common sense and do what is best for her children. If she can't step up and do this, she has no business being anyone's mother in the first place. It amazes me the stupidity of people sometimes. Honestly. This is the health and well-being of her children she's talking about. As her friend, you should be trying to talk some sense into her and make her see the folly of her ways. I feel sorry for her poor children. Hopefully you can talk some sense into her.

2007-10-26 09:43:39 · answer #2 · answered by Heather 2 · 1 1

Your friend is really a selfish person. Being pregnant is a responsibility as you are carrying a fetus who is alive and dependant on you for nourishment and oxygen and she is smoking marijuana? What a pig she is! That is why her other kid has A.D.D. This fetus can have brain damage, birth defects or learning disabilities when born...what does she care. She has sex, gets pregnant and just keeps having babies with no regard for their well being. I would tell her the facts and do a little research on the internet. Go to webmd.com and also do a search "dangers of smoking marijuana". Print out the info and give it to this brainless selfish person. How can you have her as a friend? I guess you smoked weed before you became pregnant and you had that in common, but at least you are being a responsible mother to be, but not this airhead. You'd better analyze your friendship and what you both have in common. Remember the saying, "Birds of a feather, flock together." I rest my case.

2007-10-26 13:49:18 · answer #3 · answered by cardgirl2 6 · 0 1

Tell your friend when she has her baby you are thinking maybe you should buy it a bag of weed. It will have been already smoking it for nine months.

When she looks at you say, It is no different to hand your baby a rolled joint right after birth than to smoke during the nine months their body was "being developed". If you sat and blew smoke in its face right away it would be of the same. During pregnancy the baby cant even turn its head or hold its breath or cry. It's intravenously given then. Kind of a sad way to introduce your baby to life eh? Its no different than sticking an IV in them and keep filling it up with a buzz for your baby. Before they take their first breath they have already smoked!!!

If she can't give up smoking weed for her baby now what else is she not going to be able to sacrifice later for her own child??? She may not feel the guilt right now, but when she has a little face to look at and its looking back at her she can know she has already gotten them HIGH several times and taken a part of their start in life away before they even had a CHANCE to be born.......

I hope she has that thought on her "first" mothers day!!!

2007-10-26 09:41:55 · answer #4 · answered by savahna5 6 · 0 1

Each woman has to make her own decision about what to and not give up when pregnant. You really can't tell someone else what to do. Same thing this women who continue to smoke cigarettes. I made the decision to quit, but I know women who didn't and I am not going to tell them what to do or judge them. She should be careful though, I knew a woman who was tested at the time of birth and almost lost her daughter. It is not good for her child, but she is the mother and she has to make the decision.
This may not be a popular answer, but it is how I feel. I have a good friend who continued to smoke both cig and the other during her pregnancy and it is not something I liked, but there is not much you can do about it. The cigarettes you can't do anything about at least, you could turn her in for the other, I guess.

2007-10-26 09:39:12 · answer #5 · answered by Kali's Mom 5 · 0 1

Although there is no true cause of ADD or ADHD, a connection between alcohol and drugs has been made and mothers who do them are likely to have children with ADD or ADHD.
As a friend, you can tell her that it is bad for the baby and it might not show when the baby is born, but later on in life it will. There is also a possibility that her children will do drugs as well because if mom does it, then the children see nothing wrong with it.
Your friend might be addicted and she will not listen to you or anyone else. If you research deeper and deeper, you will find that marijuana does cause harm. Marijuana is a gate drug to other drugs.
There are programs were trained counselors visit parents and advice them. She might need this type of advice. She knows what she is doing but ignorance can cause something to her baby. Search through your local health department and you will find free brochures and information on programs available for her.

2007-10-26 09:40:44 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Well, how often does she do it? If she does it every day or even more than once a week that's probably really bad, but once in a while most likely will not cause a problem. There's still a possibility that it could cause a problem, however. As far as the ADD thing goes, nowadays kids are diagnosed with ADD for no reason. Just because a child won't sit still doesn't mean he or she has ADD. Every kid does that. Let her decide what to do with her kids. If something happens, it's not your problem. She's going to do what she wants anyway. Anyone who has said, "Lock her up, take her kids away!" is a total moron. Right, ruin the kids' lives and take them away from their mother. That would make their lives WORSE! I'm sure foster care is a lot worse than their current situation. Foster kids end up on drugs, dropping out of school, and have kids at 15 years old. The original post was about smoking pot, it didn't say "my friend beats the crap out of her kids, gives them heroin, and leaves them home alone until 4am while she turns tricks." Just because you smoke pot doesn't mean you are living in a crackhouse without a job. I know doctors who smoke and live in million dollar homes who love their kids and do anything for them.

2007-10-26 09:36:43 · answer #7 · answered by FSM Raguru AM™ 5 · 1 4

If your girlfriend has always smoked pot, it's likely in her best interest not to stop because she is pregnant - that just causes a lot of stress on the woman and baby...same as cigarettes.

A lot of people don't realize that a low birthweight doesn't just equal a "skinny baby" but it has also been linked to slower brain development.

She should be concerned about breast feeding while smoking pot because it will be passed through the breastmilk and make your child jittery and can be linked to further delays in development.

It also depends on if she's a heavy user or just casual...

2007-10-26 09:45:31 · answer #8 · answered by miss_j 6 · 1 1

Can marijuana cause birth defects?

It doesn't cause full-blown birth defects, but that doesn't mean it's okay to smoke if you're pregnant. Because the fact is that pregnancy and unnecessary drug use just don't go together at all.

Not only that, but with pot, there's some evidence that use during pregnancy could lead to unnecessary problems for a developing fetus, even raising levels of miscarriage and stillbirth.

That's because THC metabolites (remember them?) freely cross the placenta, where they interact with developing body systems.

Possible effects include lowered birth weight, nervous system changes, and delayed learning.

And if you're pregnant (or you're planning to be), risks like those are too real to disregard -- and too important to ignore.

2007-10-26 09:35:12 · answer #9 · answered by dino 4 · 4 2

well honestly my mom smoked pot with me and smoked cigarettes and i came out fine. i was only 5 lbs 15 oz at birth though but im a normal person, im smart and i contribute positively to society. i am now pregnant though and would never even dream of smoking with my baby. not everyone is as lucky as my mother and i. as for your friend don't let it bug you so much, just know that you are smarter than that and let it go. nothing you can do will make her stop and im sure shes heard the nagging from plenty of people.

2007-10-26 10:56:57 · answer #10 · answered by Michelle 3 · 0 1

if i were you iam sorry too say but i would check with a health professional on what too do because sorry too say the baby could be at risk, it doesnt happen all the time but it only takes that one time and the baby could end up with brain damage, or lung problems,ect. my cousins mom wich was using drugs we dont even know wich ones when she was pregnant she ended up having my cousins wich now how asthma and might have more as the grow up. its not healthy look it up online an all if you dont believe it all on here get that baby some help. best of luck

2007-10-26 09:39:46 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

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