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give me your opinion

2007-10-26 07:50:48 · 34 answers · asked by CRYSTIZZLE 2 in Politics & Government Law & Ethics

34 answers

The people who say that pot is very bad for you, or makes you stupid are ignorant and/or easily mislead by government propaganda. Overdosing from smoking marijuana is impossible. So by this measurement it is the safest drug in the world. Does marijuana kill brain cells/shrink brain size? NO. Does alcohol? YES. It's funny how prohibitionists say that pot makes you stupid, yet there is no scientific evidence to back this up, despite many government sponsored studies to try to prove its detrimental effects. It is slightly bad for your lungs, the way any smoked substance is. You can avoid damaging your lungs by using a vaporizer to heat the THC into the air.

Now that we've established that there are minimal negative effects to the user, how about society? Alcohol, tobacco, and many prescription drugs all have hundreds, if not thousands times the cost to society that marijuana does.

Millions of people each year die from tobacco; millions more get cancer from tobacco. Same goes for alcohol, except the direct health impacts aren't quite as big because most people don't routinely drink throughout the day. However the long-term effects of alcohol use are well documented, such as liver, pancreas, heart, kidney damage, as well as shrinkage of the brain. What are the long term effects of marijuana use? I'm sure that if the government propaganda machines had some info to show that pot was bad for you, they'd be flaunting it.

Is marijuana physically addictive? No, but caffeine, alcohol, tobacco and many prescription drugs are, yet still legal.

Some people bring up the argument that driving while intoxicated is one of the main reasons why it is still illegal. True, an inexperienced smoker that gets really high should not be behind the wheel, but an experienced smoker/driver can handle it. When I'm stoned and drive, I drive much slower and pay more attention to the road. Road rage and aggressive driving is also reduced. Marijuana does not affect your cerebellum (coordination and movement, in brain) the way alcohol does. There is minimal risk associated with marijuana and driving.

People who say it messes with your brain obviously have no evidence, and are parroting what they hear in anti-drug propaganda commercials.

By keeping it illegal, you are essentially funding criminal organizations who use this money for other illegal purposes. It should be regulated, controlled, and taxed similar to the way alcohol is. Kids should not be habitually using it while they’re brains are still developing, but smoking it on the occasion is not harmful.

So why is this wonderful drug illegal? It became illegal because of racism the white majority perceived the Mexicans as using it. They claimed that it made white women want to engage in sexual behavior with Mexicans. Then the "refer madness" propaganda campaign started, and people started believing that it made you go crazy, and the like. Many scientific studies have confirmed that marijuana should be legalized, but the pharmaceutical companies have strong lobby groups in government. If people could grow their own medicine at a low cost, which can be used to treat variety of diseases, people wouldn't have to use, and get hooked on their prescription medication. Police officers and politicians also like prohibition. Police get more money and resources. Politicians make it look like they are "tough on crime" by virtually doing nothing except throwing money towards the war on drugs.

Taxpayers are paying for non-violent people to be locked up. These are "crimes" without victims, and it is actually very bad for society to lock these people up. For example, it turns the cops, who are supposed to be working for the people, against the people, and therefore we don't trust the police as much. Someday common sense will prevail, and marijuana will become legal. Mark my words.

2007-10-26 14:33:43 · answer #1 · answered by BC's bud 2 · 1 1

Absolutely...it should be legalized, taxed, and regulated (if sold) or you should be able to grow your own. I would love for someone to show ANY evidence that MJ kills people...fact is it has a 12,000 year record of use as both a medicine and inebriate (hemp and a pipe were found on the frozen body found in the Italian alps.) Also found in various ancient tombs, along with various smoking items.

Edit: What anger problems??? Your obviously thinking of drunk people, their the ones you see fighting...the stoners are the ones sitting in the corner watching the pretty lights and eating chips!

The only way it could be said that it kills is due to the illegal factor...it's worth lots of money and ppl get killed dealing with drug dealers and the black market

2007-10-26 08:04:38 · answer #2 · answered by talismb 6 · 1 0

it is my opinion that it would be much more economical to legalize it.
1) you could charge tax on the sale
2) you could save on prison expenses if what another person said is true ( more than 1/2 of the inmates?? )
3) legal costs to attorney's and courts
4) new businesses can come from it, like bowl / bong making. ( and still more tax money )
5) less police officers cracking down on pot dealers, they can pay attention to the killer drugs like, crack, meth, cocain, heroin, morphine etc....
someone made a comment about people smoking pot and then driving would be dangerous..? i must live a sheltered life because i do not recall any headlines " Pot head plows through residence last night killing it's occupants " but i will confess that i have heard that about people who were drinking, got drunk and drove their car. so, to me that is not a reason to keep it from being legal. i would venture to say the only concern i would have is the increase in our nations obesity rate. Power to the Big Mac!!

2007-10-26 08:07:09 · answer #3 · answered by Jeanette 6 · 2 0

No, I don't. Many will argue that Pot is not that bad of a drug. True in many cases, when compared to legal things like Cigarettes and Alcohol. The side effects of long term usage has many of the same results of tobacco with many other undesireable results. Usage of Pot makes one OK with being bored. Long term use depresses the desire and ability to excel in life. Not that any of that matters anyway, Tobacco companies will never allow Marijuana to become legal... they would lose too much revenue.

2007-10-26 08:02:09 · answer #4 · answered by kerfitz 6 · 0 1

Although I really love it myself, an economics professor once told us why he thought it would be okay if it weren't. He said that, just like what has happened to tobacco, the quality would go down and the price would go up (including several government taxes). Also, if it were legalized, I would not object to laws being created about operating vehicles (cars, airplanes, boats) or being high on the job, similar to current alcohol laws. I wouldn't want a pilot flying me somewhere if it were his first few times, dig?

2007-10-26 08:02:01 · answer #5 · answered by baklavakay 4 · 0 0

$113 billion is spent on marijuana each twelve months in the U.S., and due to the federal prohibition *each* dollar of it is going quickly into the palms of criminals. a great way from combating people from utilising marijuana, the prohibition somewhat creates 0 criminal furnish amid super and unrelenting call for. the dimensions of the wear this motives a great way exceeds any income gained from retaining marijuana unlawful. in accordance to the ONDCP, a minimum of sixty % of Mexican drug cartel funds comes from advertising marijuana in the U.S., they look after this sales by utilising brutally torturing, murdering and dismembering limitless harmless people. If we are able to stop people utilising marijuana then we could desire to realize this NOW, yet as quickly as we will not then we could desire to legalize the production and sale of marijuana to adults with after-tax fees set too low for the cartels to journey. one way or the different, we could desire to constantly tension the cartels out of the marijuana industry and get rid of their fairly profitable marijuana earning - no business enterprise can stand up to the shortcoming of sixty % of its sales! to this element, the cartels have accrued greater suitable than one hundred,000 "foot infantrymen" and perform in 230 U.S. cities, and it quite is now believed that the cartels are "morphing into, or making person-friendly reason with, what could be seen an insurgency" (Secretary of State Clinton, 09/09/2010). The longer the cartels are allowed to make the main the prohibition the greater efficient they're going to get and the greater our own own risk-free practices would be put in jeopardy.

2016-09-27 22:45:38 · answer #6 · answered by woodell 4 · 0 0

Nope. There are a whole list of reasons why, and far too many to list here. I think we should go the OTHER way with it, and make the punishments more severe. Maybe then people won't throw their lives away on it....and the other substances it most often leads to.

Don't get me wrong, I know plenty of responsible pot-smokers that do so in the privacy of their own property, never drive or leave with it or under the influence of it, but the number of idiot potsmokers that I know FAR outweighs the number of responsible ones.

2007-10-26 08:03:02 · answer #7 · answered by Bridey 6 · 0 2

I think all illegal drugs should be legalized and controlled by the government. It's what they do with alchol and tobacco, why not the rest of the poison that will kill the users?
It will empty the court systems of a ton of non violent cases. And low cost or free drugs of this nature will remove the money from their sales and production. Also with a clinic that supplies these drugs treatment of addiction would be easier. Prisons are no place for an addict to get well.

My 2 cents

2007-10-26 07:58:45 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 3

If you really want opinions on this subject, search YA with the terms "marijuana" and "legalized" and you'll get over 750 results.

Short term memory loss must account for the renewed fascination with this question every single day.

2007-10-26 08:13:46 · answer #9 · answered by J P 7 · 0 2

I don't think it should be legalized because then the government would regulate it. I do think personal use and posession should be decriminalized. In some cases marijuana smokers are treated like hard criminals in the justice system.

2007-10-26 07:54:45 · answer #10 · answered by ? 6 · 3 1

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