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Why is it assumed that those of us who do not support socialistic tendencies do not in any way support helping the less fortunate?

Most of us believe in community, not government charity.

2007-10-26 07:46:27 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Other - Politics & Government

21 answers

it is a fact, Conservatives give more money to charities then Liberals do,.....more of their personal money,.....Liberals would like to take your money and give it away, but they do not put their money where their mouth is, when it comes to giving their money,.....

2007-10-26 07:55:18 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 6 7

Well Sway it seems like you have stired up a hornets nest. The liberals in this country think that the goverment should take care of the people that are least forunate, which is a very solcalist way of thinking, which is what this nation is coming to unfornately. The people in California keep building their house on the sides of hills knowing that they constantly have mudslides. Why should I pay for their stupid acts?The people that answer with all these charities that they give to, should see what the people that run these charties make. The CEO of the Salvation Army only makes about 13,000 dollars a year for running a 200 billion dollar charity. I help the least fortunate thru my church that helps the people that are truely in my community. If all the rich people in the US decided that there shouldn't be poor people in the US, they have the means to cure that problem. This great nation that we live under was set up to let the majority rule, but we have become a nation that lets the minority rule. Most people that answer this question have never read our constitution to find out how our forefathers wanted this country to be run. A minority person in this country has a lot more rights than a natural born citizen. Is that right? I don't think so, but you will never convince the liberals of this truth. And the liberals that gave this answer a low rating, they just hate to hear the truth.

2007-10-26 22:51:34 · answer #2 · answered by David T 4 · 0 1

This only some comments and everyone has the right of his own. So let them freely express themselves anyway they do not know what is really inside in your heart. There are many good reasons if you don't support other socialistic endeavors but has no relation with helping the less fortunate. Should we be blame of those who are lazy so they remain less fortunate? That's unfair. Man after all then is not a moral responsible person.

2007-10-27 00:41:38 · answer #3 · answered by periclesundag 4 · 0 0

I would certainly not assume that, but the private charities thing is a bit of a dodge. I support the Red Cross, the United Methodist Church, Disabled American Veterans, and the United Way. And let's be real, these organizations do a lot of good for a lot of people, but they cannot begin to have the reach of State and Federal Government in providing those who have need with Food, Energy, Housing and Health Care Assistance.

I have no problem personally with supporting the efforts not only of private charities, but also those programs run by my State and Federal Government.

I never sit in judgement of those who require State or Federal Assistance, because all I have to do is see all those folks who have lost homes to wild fires, tornadoes here in Oklahoma, hurricanes or floods as I lived through in 1993 Missouri. People who would never think of asking for Federal Assistance find themselves suddenly in need. And as a fellow American citizen I want to make sure they receive what they need.

That's what a real community does.

2007-10-26 08:37:40 · answer #4 · answered by KERMIT M 6 · 3 1

Because to help the less fortunate of the "community" as large as the entire United States, there needs to be an organization big enough, and the only one we have is the government.

By your logic, the citizens of New Orleans after Katrina should have just taken care of themselves, because to help them out would have been "government charity".

And how long would your community survive without the government "charity" of payments to your local police and fire departments? How nice would your community be if the government didn't pay for your roads, or use tax dollars to build the sewage treatment plant?

If your community can afford to provide health insurance to everyone in your community, without reliance on a single tax-payer provided penny, then you have it better than most of the rest of us!

2007-10-26 08:17:24 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 3 4

Well put! I have no socialistic tendancies, but we donate a lot to charities, and we volunteer with a number of organizations as well, including:

Military Order of the Purple Heart
TAPS (Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors)
Our local hospital
Our local fire department and police department
Girl Scouts

2007-10-26 07:54:08 · answer #6 · answered by Leah 6 · 8 1

it is a false dilemma two options are given when there are better choices. Like you'll starve or will tax them, but maybe if that person went fishing or got a job then that person would not be so desperate and led into the Socialist Communist camp.

It is fear that drives people to say hey you got to much give it to me regardless of what you have done with your life of the effort you put forth to get it. Even if that other person never worked a day in their lives.

2007-10-26 07:51:53 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 6 2

Same reason that its assumed those of us who are anti-corporation support gov't charity and are socialist.

People are stupid and decide to create an entire set of opinions and personality traits for you based on one thing rather than asking you a question.

2007-10-26 07:53:51 · answer #8 · answered by Showtunes 6 · 7 1

Am with you on your belief. The government has taken over all the duties of all churches and community effort in helping the less fortunate. This is one reason for the decline of Christianity in america. In fact nothing in the constitution gives the government authority to take from some and give to others.

2007-10-26 07:55:21 · answer #9 · answered by doubleolly 5 · 5 5

It is called projection and it comes from the lies people protect of them self.

It is meant to make you feel guilty when it is unjust so they have to use these narcissist tactic as this is what the left is.

I for one love it when they shot their arrows at me as I know I am doing what needs to be done by confronting it with out fear or guilt and they lose as they own defeat on the left.

2007-10-26 08:28:12 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 4 1

It is assumed because on here, for example, anyone who does not bow down to your beliefs are called lazy, drug addicts, socialists, unemployed, ignorant, biased, bigoted, poor, undereducated, and so on. There's only so much you can listen to before you get frustrated. Why would we listen to what you have to say?

Also, my questions that I ask are mostly nuetral, and always respectful. I am constantly attacked by the right for my beliefs, which normally aren't stated in my question. So, again, why should we listen?

2007-10-26 08:17:11 · answer #11 · answered by Lisa M 5 · 2 3

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