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This is not a racist question. I am white, and i see that a lot of white people feel that they are superior than other races. However what do white people really have to show for it? we're not the best athletes, we're not the best singers, we're not the best dancers, we're not the most intelligent, I mean really, why do white people think they're better than everyone else when in reality we're the low man on the totempoll?

2007-10-26 07:13:28 · 43 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

alright, i'm not bashing my family or my race, I'm bashing the white supremicists that think they're the best at everything. Black people are better singers, dancers, and athletes. Asians have been shown to have significantly higher IQ's than caucasians, yet the white supremicists still think they are the best!

2007-10-26 07:18:47 · update #1

43 answers

That is so funny that you ask this question. I just answered a question yesterday from a white asker who wanted to know what's up with so-called "reverse racism" and my answer was that a lot of people don't like white people because they think they're better than everyone else.

And it's so true what you're saying, but also true that most white people don't even realize that everyone can see they think they're better. I don't think most white people who act this way are trying to be viscous or superior. I think it might just be an unfortunate cultural thing that they are unaware of, but white people should know that when they think they are being "extra nice" to foreigners or minorities, those foreigners and minorities can see it for what it truly is, which is condescending.

And it's sad for the white people who really do think they are superior or that they rule the world. It's amazing how quickly the tables can be turned, and I think we're about to see that lesson very soon, probably in our lifetime...

2007-10-26 07:22:03 · answer #1 · answered by Mariposa 2 · 2 3

I feel for you, I'm white, I have no weird white guilt or anything, but I dislike the majority I meet, see I dig Hip Hop and have my own sort of style, because I'm different they'll look at you funny, I date outside of my race and get dirty looks, nastiness, yet the majority of Black and other Races I meet are totally cool with me, I think it's mainly the older generation, many are full of hate and passive aggression. If you do things outside of their bubble they will give you odd looks, giggle and be really snobby, people that say otherwise are out of touch with reality, I'm not saying all white people are bad, as I know some really down people, but outside of that scope I can utterly understand and even relate to allot of the dislike White people get, as I've experienced the dirt they can sling, bigotry knows no color, you can be a white person and if you like something outside of their scope they bash you, I got called a Race traitor by an old man for no reason once, nasty nasty people.

2014-12-06 08:04:20 · answer #2 · answered by ? 2 · 0 0

White is simply a colour. It does not imply superiority or inferiority. If someone thinks that it does, then their logic is suspect.
As a group it should be said that the Jew or the Hebrew has contributed more to the world of science, music, and technology than any other group as far as size goes. And they of course are not Caucasion by ancestry but Semite.
I would say that the second most important group having contributed to these categories are the Christians, which of course come in all colours and ancestries.
I Cr 13;8a

2007-10-26 13:41:17 · answer #3 · answered by ? 7 · 0 1

Years of conditioning, I suppose. Our culture and society subtlely tells us everyday that we are blessed to be born with white skin. Me, I was raised by a great black man, but every once in a while I too fall victim of that old idea of some kind of superiority, then I just remember that is not the way I was raised. We are all human. I think every race has some sort of pride and wants to feel like they are the best, good or bad, it's how we are. We all strive for that idea that "all men are created equal" even when our subconscious forgets.

2007-10-26 07:16:01 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I've never met a Caucasian person who felt that way. If they did, they didn't say so.
Maybe you are preoccupied with the plight of Caucasian people. I really don't know.

As far as what Caucasian people have accomplished throughout History, well, how about modern civilization?
How do you like that computer you're using? How about that cell phone? The list is long.
Try checking out a history book. Spend some time away from that teacher/professor who's been busy washing you brain. They are angry people and will only be happy if you're angry too. :D

2007-10-26 07:20:25 · answer #5 · answered by mark623112 4 · 1 1

White people do think that they no it all and will look you right in your face and tell you a lie. The reason why I say that is I talk to a few of them in the last few days and each one of them have told lie after lie as if I don't no what I was talking about. So why do white people lie so much. And did you all no that you all came from the black man. and did you no that George Washington was not the first President he was the eight. The real first president was a black man name john hanson. so why are the white people still telling that lie to the black people.

2014-01-13 13:16:36 · answer #6 · answered by Ronald 1 · 0 0

There is no such thing as a "low man on the totem poll" or a high one for that. No race is "better" than any other. We are all HUMAN with the same capabilities as everyone else. Certain HUMANS however, have higher drives to achieve success based upon their upbringing. Snooty people are that way because of how they are raised. Are you sure they really think like that?

2007-10-26 07:19:18 · answer #7 · answered by rushr 3 · 1 0

Yeah, some white people think they are the best, but a lot of other races do too. You're so right about having nothing to show for it. Lol, I mean can I sing....no, can I run....no, can I dance.....(ballet, but NOT hip-hop or salsa.) Am I smart...sure, but I'm defiantly no genius. I'm not sure why people have it in their heads that they're better than other people. I'm not the better than anyone! And I'm not worse than anyone either. We're all just people.

2007-10-26 07:21:05 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

confident. do no longer be responsive to how many generations of ancestors you opt for on your usa of beginning to make it credible. some say only 1. My super super grandparents have been born in South Africa, what am I if no longer South African? uncertain concerning the word African - i think of it does confer with the place you're descendant from which i assume is Europe. yet on the different hand, i do no longer associate myself with Europe. there isn't any longer something in my kinfolk's background that pertains to Europe and each little thing that defines me is in Africa so why shouldn't I call myself African?

2017-01-04 11:39:31 · answer #9 · answered by ridings 3 · 0 0

Humans are all on equal ground, it's social status that breeds this sense of superiority.

I think it's a thin line between being "pro-white" and "anti- anything but white"

Give it a few more millenia, and the lines dividing race will be completely washed away. Would be nice if religion goes the same route.

2007-10-26 07:18:12 · answer #10 · answered by joseph's brain 3 · 0 0

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