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It won't pass, but if it gives the papers a chance to say Bush and Republicans deny health care for children over and over again, it serves them a purpose. I hope people see through the deception.

2007-10-26 06:50:16 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Other - Politics & Government

14 answers

What deception? Congress passes a BI-PARTISAN bill, backed by a majority of the citizenry, and Bush vetos it, hence, he denies children health care.
That's called, the TRUTH. It's pretty simple logic. Oh wait, I just used 2 words the retardicans don't understand...Logic and Truth.

And please, bereal1 and the rest, read the bill. It doesn't grant benefits up to $80K for everyone! Only New York state requested special consideration for that threshold, and the bill allows the govt. to say "no" to the request, so it's not a blanket approval. Get informed!

2007-10-26 07:10:52 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 4

Trust me, the people don't get it... All anyone has to do is read some of the questions on Y/A , let a lone the responses, to see how little people are willing to actually look at the facts... They could care less NO appropriations bill has been passed (first time in 20yrs!!!) VA days coming up and the Dem's are sitting on that bill.... Meanwhile people want to point at Bush when the Dem's new SCHIP bill calls for greater spending , less help for the ones the bill was actually written for (the poor),still includes children up to age 26(hmmmm.......)and includes households up to $80,0000. Bush said he wouldn't pass the last one.. Why would he pass this one... Of course this is all Democratic grandstanding with no thought or care for those it actually effects.... Nothing new.. :(

2007-10-26 07:05:23 · answer #2 · answered by bereal1 6 · 3 1

It is just playing politics, only this time it makes the Republicans look bad because it has to do with children. The truth is, poor kids do have health care and this program is a step towards poor quality socialized medicine. The people who support this bill have just made it into a emotional game.

2007-10-26 07:00:05 · answer #3 · answered by smartsassysabrina 6 · 3 1

Another good question is why they keep reviving all the bills that have been voted down - like the Dream Act that shows up more often than Freddy Kruger.

I think they are pandering to a constituency who isn't supposed to be allowed to vote.

2007-10-26 07:00:03 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 4 1

It's just the every-four-year scare tactics used by the Democrats over and over..."Republicans want the elderly to die in the streets," "Republicans want little kids on school lunch and breakfast programs to starve," "Republicans want to give more money to the rich on the backs of the poor," and now "Republicans want kids to get sick and die with no health care." The usual demagoguery, just a new schtick.

2007-10-26 06:59:25 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 4 2

Yes. They have become "Stark," raving mad! Bush must hate children because, according to the Dems, he wants to see their heads blown off. And you liberals still want to vote for these Democrat nutcases?

2007-10-26 07:14:32 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Why does Bush hate kids so much?

2007-10-26 07:14:42 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

yes, its already started again "why do republicans hate children", "why do republicans want children to die" - give it a break, if the dems would push a bill that extended the current program bush would pass it, instead they are knowingly sending him bills that they know he will veto.

2007-10-26 06:53:32 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 7 2

Just read the responses you get on this and know that most little kids DON'T see the deception. You will see Olbermann's rant on this repeated verbatim on here in a few days.

2007-10-26 06:52:57 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 7 2

Why not? If Bush can piss away hundreds of billions of dollars for Iraq he can find money for children's health care. You're forgetting that there was a great deal of republican for the bill last time. The house was only 10 votes short of successfully overriding the presidents veto.

2007-10-26 06:55:50 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 2 6

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