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2007-10-26 06:44:48 · 9 answers · asked by natilea H 1 in Social Science Gender Studies

9 answers

steven pinker's book 'the blank slate' summarises the substantial current scientific evidence that there are important statistical biological differences between men and women.

the fact that these differences exist, and are easily demonstrable, pretty much destroys the extremist position that 'gender is a social construct'.

however, just because gender exists never means that it is licit to impose it on people.

women tend to be more intuitive than men. this doesn't mean that any particular woman will be more intuitive than any particular man. americans tend to be taller than japanese, but a tall japanese will be taller than a short american.

it certainly doesn't mean that you can say to a woman: 'you are a woman, and therefore you will be intuitive'. any more than you can say to a japanese man: 'you are a japanese man, and therefore you must follow shintoh', or to an american 'you are an american, and therefore you must be a protestant christian'.

the sexes are demonstrably different in many important ways (it would be surprising if they weren't). but this never means that either sex is homogenous (why should it be?) and certainly does not imply that anyone should be forced to comply with the norms of their gender.

2007-10-26 06:59:19 · answer #1 · answered by synopsis 7 · 8 2

I agree with RoVale.

I don't think women should be automatically expected to stay at home. I don't want kids, for example. At all. And I'm not going to sit around the house all day... there's only so much cooking and cleaning to be done. Besides, it seems rather monotonous.

The domestic lifestyle has never appealed to me. I prefer to travel often, perform diligently in my chosen career, and have an EQUAL relationship with a man who respects me and my independence. I don't necessarily want to be married; it is my observation that often times, marriage only serves to complicate things. One of the most beautiful and healthy relationships I have seen between two people is a committed but unmarried couple who have been together for over 20 years.

I refuse to have kids. I just don't want to deal with raising them, and frankly, 9 months of pregnancy sounds less than appealing. I don't mind cooking and cleaning as long as my partner will do the same. But I wouldn't consider myself to be included in the 'general consensus' in terms of people thinking that a woman's role is strictly meant to be with domestic issues.

2007-10-26 14:21:02 · answer #2 · answered by Kristin 3 · 0 1

There is no consensus. There are cultures with three, four, five, etc genders whereas Western societies hold that there is only male or female. Before World War II, pink symbolized baby boys and blue symbolized baby girls. Until approximately the time when Ernest Hemingway was young, very young boys wore dresses until their breeching. There is no agreement on genders and properly gendered symbolism and symbolic behavior.

2007-10-26 09:03:12 · answer #3 · answered by Maverick 5 · 2 1

I agree with Garwy on this.:) There are so many basic proven physical and mental ways men and women are different. They are still equal, but different. Women have evolved to be better multitaskers, speaking generally here, because of raising children, gathering, cooking, etc all at the same time. This trait many women have,but not all, also serves them extremely well in the work place.

On the other hand, men often have the ability to delve in a single handed, super concentrated, manner on a problem. Both great qualities, both have their benefits and their drawbacks. Both male and female share the most important quality and it is exactly alike... both are human and when paired well, can do the impossible! I say Viva la Difference!

2007-10-26 07:19:18 · answer #4 · answered by treedle 4 · 5 2

Hmm, well... Most people think that a man's role is to provide for the family and a woman's role is to care for the family. That means man works, brings home the bacon, puts a roof over the fam's head and handles the home itself. The woman cooks, cleans, takes care of the interior of the home and the kids. I think that's the general consensus, and actually I agree with it. Don't get me wrong I have a very respectable career as a writer/journalist, but I think that God also intended for women to be care givers and be domestic. We (men and women) are wired differently to perform different function and although women can do both (be providers and be domestic) men can't. We may as well help them out since we can't live without them.

2007-10-26 06:58:16 · answer #5 · answered by Brainy Smurfette 3 · 3 4

I think it's important, obviously, but I think some women carry things too far when they try to intrude on all things male, e.g., certain sports, getting into the men's locker room for professional athletes after a game...one female reporter did just that and filed a lawsuit when one of the players stood right in her face au naturale...after all, it IS the men's locker room and they DO get naked and she DID know this going in. That's one example, men's clubs, Little League, military academies, etc.
I think some equality is necessary but this constant intrusion on all male bastions is going a bit far and does nothing to promote women's issues other than to make us look like a bunch of whining complaining weak females, an image we can do without.
I read stories about some little girl breaking into an all boy sports team and everyone thinks it's great and cute and she's a real pioneer; I just think she's a little brat trying to get attention.
As to toys, I think girls should have dolls and boys should have Legos. Stop trying to blur the lines between the sexes; vive la difference!

2007-10-26 06:59:55 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 3 3

Well men are expected to be both manly - and real men at that - yet more feminine ... not sure how that works

women are now expected to be everything and be able to do everything - they are expected to be feminine all the way through and some how adopt a number of masculine traits.


Or you could take it to mean that your meant to make it up as you go along - for your self and ignore a load of extremist bs or the images sent by the media (which tends to loe extremism - makes for better drama for people to loose themselves in, as entertainment ... mmm).

2007-10-26 08:01:08 · answer #7 · answered by Andy C 5 · 3 2

I think all people should have choices in their lives based on their talents and interests, not choices made for them based on their sex. I really would hate to see my two daughters grow up in a world where their only choice in life is to sit around the house, perform boring and menial domestic chores, and the only way they can keep themselves entertained is to watch TV, eat all day, get drunk before noon, and play on the Internet. That to me is an incredible waste of talent.

2007-10-26 08:07:18 · answer #8 · answered by RoVale 7 · 4 1

Women should be housewives.. men should be strong and take care of things.. keep the world moving as always.

But women belong in the house.

2007-10-26 06:52:46 · answer #9 · answered by Brad D 2 · 4 10

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