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I bring this up because here in Saint Louis, and many parts of the US, and the world too, its seems that more and more men are getting caught with pictures on the computer they took in to have repaired, or something else gets them caught. My question is.. Why is this happening to so many fathers, preachers, school teachers, and almost every level you can think of! Are there that many closet pedophilles, or are these just people who were curious and got caught? I am of the believe, that as much has I love technology, that with the advent of the computer, we have started a major problem.. an addiction to the images that are so readily available now! I mean.. these people you read about everyday, or seen on Fox New Channel, these are people that live next to to you and me! What are your thoughts on this topic?

2007-10-26 05:26:25 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

15 answers

My thoughts on the topic are it's a little of both.

I think that some people would not be pedophiles, but with the ability to get something never available before, they find they are excited by it and interested in it. Being able to anonymously get hold of this type of material adds a benefit, also not really available before.

Perversions have a way of working their way into the seemingly normal persons life. Something they never thought of before, becomes an obsession just because they were introduced to it. So, the availability makes more perverts..so to speak.

Additionally, I think some are just curious and get caught...but I think they are the minority. The police can tell if you just visited a site once or if you were a habitual user and downloader.

2007-10-26 05:33:33 · answer #1 · answered by Misty 7 · 0 0

First off, not all pornography is illegal or of illegal underage content. i think that its probubly always been out there, but as you stated now more on the computer as well, however instead of a tool to exploit porn, I think it can also be a tool to help catch those who are looking at illegal things. It's a horrible, sad, ugly thing that pedophiles do, and i think it has probubly been like that for many yrs. before technology became the way it is today, but nowdays it seems to really be prevelent, and i think that;s because with the use and what people think of as security with computers, they are getting caught more often and more evidence is found, where if it weren't on that computer, that pedophile may have never been caught.

2007-10-26 12:34:24 · answer #2 · answered by Maalru3 6 · 0 0

I honestly feel that even if computer weren't invented to make porn more accessible, people who have that state of mind are still going to find a way to get their fix. If there's a will, there's a way. What it boils down to is the addicts and the pedophiles needing some serious professional help. Some may have had a childhood where abuse was involved, so that cycle just followed right into their adulthood. And it's sad because the kids are paying the ultimate price.

2007-10-26 12:51:14 · answer #3 · answered by mz_neemarie 4 · 1 0

Technology has made this content accessible simply because it provides these people a sense of anonymity. Think about it. Its embarrassing to be seen in an adult store, constantly feeling that you are being judged as people watch you enter or leave the building. You don't have to worry about that on the internet where you can even create a false image.

About 15 or 20 miles away from where I work there was an adult video store, very near an old bar that opened up a couple of years ago. Everytime I passed it, there were only one or two cars there, which I think belonged to the employees because it closed a few months later. But the bar still remains open and has for as long as I can remember.

Basically in my community, people would rather be known as drunks than perverts.

2007-10-26 12:41:03 · answer #4 · answered by germaine_87313 7 · 1 1

If you're not referring to 'regular' porn and only talking about illegal porn, yes. Here's an example. I know someone who used to work in the adult entertainment industry. She also knew of a girl who was paid nothing to appear but was cast on an episode of the Jerry show. The Jerry show explained that her "part" was to confront a "husband" who had a closet fetish about dressing up like an infant. I think everyone has heard of this fetish. But to my surprise, that "fetish" was actually in fact cerated by the show's writers! (It never existed before.) Agter the show and subsequent ones aired about this topic and fetish, my friend started getting requests from new clients who wanted to be dressed up like a baby. She would ask them when the fetish started. She didn't have the heart to tell them that it was just something created by a certain writer. My point is that these idiots saw something was available to them and the temdency for these men to be crazy in the first place was there. Thus, they started dressing up like babies... The pedophiles are similar. What probably wouldn't have even be entertained in the 1950's by them, these men have a computer and therefore can explore things they wouldn't, normally. The interest was probably in them from the start, but by the net making it easier for them they are now able to indulge in it. I think it's scary. It's not the internet's fault. They are seeking out these types of things. But the net is certainly helping the problem agong.

2007-10-26 13:55:03 · answer #5 · answered by MWestbrook 4 · 0 0

Big difference between pornography and pedophilia, but I do agree that the internet is creating more and more sexually addicted people...some that are getting way to caught up in the whole fantasy that these images bring on. Sex sells, and it is largely men who run and keep the industry growing by way of being customers. Nothing really wrong with it, except of course when it comes to children, both in participation and exposure...and the men/women who open a "pandora's box" that in the end, they cannot close.

2007-10-26 12:43:48 · answer #6 · answered by DESPERATELY SEEKING SANITY!!! 4 · 0 0

Well, wait a minute now. Are you speaking of Child Pornography / Pedophilia OR are you speaking of Pornography in general? There is a HUGE difference here.

While you may disagree with me whether or not adult porn is right or wrong - the fact remains that what happens between consenting adults is legal.

But the exploitation of a child for the sexual benefit of an adult is another matter altogether.

In that case I think as our population grows, it stands to reason that the number of illegal incidents of this nature (or of any nature really) would increase exponentially. Also, the ability to monitor such activity has also improved, thereby exposing said activity more frequently an with greater ease.

EDIT: There is absolutely ZERO factual basis for Jodie G's comments regarding legal adult porn having any capacity to turn a normal law abiding citizen into an unfeeling, womanizing, baby raper. Where do people get this sh*t?

2007-10-26 12:35:14 · answer #7 · answered by slushpile reader 6 · 0 1

Yes, it is more prevalent; porn has the potential to be very damaging, and for some people (mostly men, but some women) it is a slippery slope.

The more porn one looks at, the more it has to be different in order to get the same high for some people. So some people wind up looking at violent porn, or degrading porn, or kiddie porn in order to get the same feeling they used to get, long ago, from something like the Victoria's Secret catalog.

In addition, porn increases the feeling that women are objects to be used. Once one begins looking at people as objects, one begins to cease to realize that those same people can be hurt or damaged emotionally by what is happening to them...and if one is attracted to very young children, then that person ceases to realize how damaging those pictures and actions were to the child involved.

Any thinking and caring person could not possibly really believe that sex is a good thing for a young child unless their minds were poisoned in some way, and I think pornography is a huge contributor to that.

Edit for poster who cited me:
Grownups "get this ****". Please look at the prevalence of trafficked women if you think pornography is "harmless". And look at some of the extreme stuff that's becoming mainstream.

2007-10-26 12:36:09 · answer #8 · answered by Jodie G 5 · 0 1

hey...I used to do investigative work for CAN in St Louis...for those not in the know that is the Child Abuse and Neglect Unit for the Division of Social Services...and even 10 years ago or so it was very prevalent.....Abuse and primarily sexual abuse has been historically under reported...when I was a child the thing was to blame the victim...in other words the child was blamed for leading these men astray...believe me I know from personal experience...at least there is now a way for victimizers to be confronted and then to stay at the forefront of everyones radar so that someone somewhere knows where this person is in conjunction with where they might attain the next victim...

2007-10-26 12:34:17 · answer #9 · answered by Patti_Ja 5 · 0 0

Yeah, technology right now provides so many medium for people to gain access to porn. Don't be surprised if a decade from now that pornography would be as easily obtainable as one flick of a finger.

2007-10-26 12:33:14 · answer #10 · answered by ultimator 2 · 0 0

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