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2007-10-26 05:13:54 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Arts & Humanities History

Is there any proof that the holocauste actually happened?

2007-10-26 05:38:16 · update #1

what exactly happened during the Holoicaste then?

2007-10-26 06:08:27 · update #2

11 answers

absolutely it did

2007-10-26 05:44:45 · answer #1 · answered by MARINA C 3 · 1 1

If it didn't happen, how do you explain the existence of the Death Camps that have been preserved? How do you explain the multitude of accounts written by survivors? How do you explain the fact that ALL these survivors wear numbered tattoos and none are identical? How do you explain the disappearance of over six million people who owned property, shops, attended schools, and left a paper trail that abruptly stopped in the 1930s?

There is so much evidence that the Holocaust DID happen that it's really weird people deny it.

2007-10-26 12:51:10 · answer #2 · answered by loryntoo 7 · 3 0

Yes, it did occur. Thirteen members of my family didn't just vanish into thin air.


1. Thousands of photographs of the atrocities and their aftermath, most of which were taken by the perpetrators who took pride in their work. See, e.g. here, if you have a strong stomach: http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/Holocaust/ccphototoc.html Repeat: You better have a strong stomach for this.

2. Ample, detailed, and consistent testimony by thousands of survivors and witnesses -- including Germans who participated in the extermination of Jews, Gypsies, homosexuals, and the disabled.

3. Remains of death camp facilities, some clearly showing desperate last-minute attempts at destruction and cover up -- complete with gas chambers clearly inscribed with words "Gas chamber".

4. Bid documents of private industrial contractors detailing various inventions for making death camps more efficient. These documents discuss unabashedly and without euphemism the body count per day that can be achieved with this or that implement.

5. Documents of the Third Reich itself, such as deportation lists, reports (including glowing ones to the effect that Birkenau alone was gassing 5000 people per day by 1943 -- seven days a week), and half-life plans (e.g. how long it will take half the slave-labor population of a given camp to die if you feed them, say 100 calories per day).

6. Detailed records (including gruesome photographs) of heinous "medical experiments" done on the "subhumans", including high-altitude experiments, freezing experiments, removing organs from living people, etc.

2007-10-26 13:04:49 · answer #3 · answered by Rеdisca 5 · 3 0

The Jews did not suffer in Germany because there was no Holocaust. Actually it was the Jews that was torturing the poor blond haired deprived Germans. Those tattoos on the Jews arms and hands that are still alive today (by the grace of God) are really there because they want to be hip.


1. We knew the Japanese were going to bomb Pearl Harbor before they did. I mean come-on President Roosevelt liked the thought of our boys baking inside the Battle Ship Arizona before they died. The President was looking for a better way to get a good nights sleep.

2. America did not land on the Moon. We payed billions of dollars for the 360 foot Saturn 5 rocket so we could look at it and say wow that is a big rocket. We kept approx. 400,000 technicians, scientists and construction contractors quiet, with zero leaks to the public. The rocks that we thought that came from moon and have proved to be from the moon are really from the Pacific Ocean.

3. The Mafia whacked JFK, via the Russian connection, via the Cuban connection.... The man on the grassy knoll was a CIA agent acting on orders from Giancana from Chicago and Marcello from New Orleans, with duplicity from Castro and Kruschev....true story.

4. Aliens landed in Roswell and we transported them to Area 51 to back engineer their technology, where do you think the stealth air craft came from? Again, we kept it secret by brain washing the thousands of workers who were in on the scam.

5. The Moon we see every night is really not there along with the planets, stars as well as the Planet Killing Asteroids. Those were put there by the evil United States to toy with our minds.

6. The fossils of homo eructus, neandertals and 15 other hominids that are extinct were put there by paleotologists, archeologists, and assorted rock hounds to enhance their careers. Creationism is the only reality.

7. America is a conspiracy and is a fake country and none of us Americans really live here.

8. I was never born so this response to your question is a fake.

2007-10-26 20:25:27 · answer #4 · answered by Its not me Its u 7 · 2 2

Yes. There was an entire boxcar full of documentation of it, and that was by the Nazis themselves.

To corroborate this, there is also the testimony of survivors, both at the Nuremberg Trials and in countless interviews. There are also the eyewitness accounts of soldiers who liberated the camps, as well as photographic evidence to back it up.

What puzzles me is why people think that it DIDN'T happen.

What frightens me is that this sort of genocide still continues today--just look at Darfur.

2007-10-26 16:23:19 · answer #5 · answered by Chrispy 7 · 1 1

Yes it did.... you can ask a survivor:
The Nazis themselves documented many of their crimes. The Höfle Telegram was sent by SS-Sturmbannführer Hermann Höfle on January 11, 1943 to SS-Obersturmbannführer Adolf Eichmann in Berlin and detailed the number of deaths of Jews in the concentration camps[11]. In the year 1942 alone, the telegram lists 1,274,166 Jews were exterminated[11] in the four camps of Akton Reinhard. The Korherr Report compiled by an SS statistician, gave a conservative total of 2,454,000 Jews deported to extermination camps or killed by the Einsatzgruppen. The complete status reports of the Einsatzgruppen death squads were found in the archives of the Gestapo when it was searched by the U.S. Army, and the accuracy attested to by the former Einsatzgruppen members who testified during war crime trials and at other times. These reports alone list an additional 1,500,000 or so murders during mass shootings, the vast majority of these victims were Jews. Further, surviving Nazi documentation spells out their plans to murder the Jews of Europe (see the Wannsee Conference), recorded the trains arriving at various death camps, and included photographs and films of many atrocities.

Families didn't just disappear. Just read and read.. then read some more.
www.oskarschindler.com www.emilieschindler.com www.deathcamps.info www.shoah.dk www.annefrank.dk www.izieu.com

2007-10-26 13:12:01 · answer #6 · answered by guess who at large 7 · 2 0

yes, it did happen. there are video tapes of american soldiers going to concentration camps, the ruins of the concentration camps are still there. and the survivors (though few still with us) came out of it to tell their stories. How else would you explain the mass graves of over 6 million emaciated people?

2007-10-26 16:05:43 · answer #7 · answered by bah 2 · 2 0

how do you explain the sudden dissapearance of six MILLION people? I would have thought that a few hundred thousand survivors' stories would be enough. there are remains of the concentration camps. read Night, by elie weisel.

2007-10-26 14:35:28 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0


2007-10-26 12:48:40 · answer #9 · answered by Sakura ♥ 6 · 1 0

Yes. Why is that everyone who asks this question cannot spell holocaust? H-o-l-o-c-a-u-s-t.

2007-10-26 12:36:31 · answer #10 · answered by WMD 7 · 0 1

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