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The worst presidents don't get re elected with 51% of the vote.

I think these people are just mad because;

The Democrat Controlled Congress is polling at 11% - an all time low.

It's been a long time since the Democrats has a president to be proud of. FDR was the last DEM prez two serve at least two full terms and NOT be impeached.

Since the surge is working and Iraq might work out after all, our two term president might be ranked in the top 3rd of presidents all time. Not a Reagan or a Lincoln, but not a Carter or an LBJ either.

2007-10-26 04:56:59 · 45 answers · asked by PNAC ~ Penelope 4 in Politics & Government Politics

NOTE: Bill Clinton NEVER got 50% of the vote. WOW!!!

2007-10-26 05:01:04 · update #1

"George W. Bush emerged from the election with fifty-one percent of the popular vote -- the first outright majority for any presidential candidate since his father in 1988, and the first president since Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1936 to be re-elected while gaining seats in both the House and the Senate."

2007-10-26 05:06:38 · update #2

45 answers

There's nothing funny about being in a country where a complete fascist war-monger hate/fear monger like Bush could possibly be the president. He's worse than the worse president in the history of presidents. He's an embarrassment and an insult to all living things.

2007-10-26 05:02:10 · answer #1 · answered by ? 6 · 17 15

If you look at WHY the Democratic-controlled Congress is polling so low, it's largely because they do not oppose Bush on the most important issues. They talk about it, but no action. That's not in their favor, by the way, but to imply that it somehow lends Bush greater legitimacy is a shallow read, to say the least.

Is the surge working? Do we have a stable government in Iraq who can stand on their own? The fact that your standard is "Iraq might not be the complete crap-infested fiasco, and might merely be a general, mid-level failure of a quagmire" when determining that Bush might be a "top three" president tells all there needs to be told about the "soft bigotry of low expectations."

He's been so horrible that his supporters point to anything that isn't the worst that ever was as a success.

2007-10-26 05:16:47 · answer #2 · answered by ? 7 · 4 0


I laugh when I see such partisan "facts"

The fact is, more than a few historians have already predicted Bush will be in the basement rankings. http://www.nmdemocrats.org/ht/display/ArticleDetails/i/790897

"The worst presidents don't get re elected with 51% of the vote." Nixon was relected with 59% of the vote!

"The Democrat Controlled Congress is polling at 11%" One survey MAY have said this, but Congress is ranking right around Bush 25-28% with the Democrats in Congress at around 38% approval


"Bill Clinton NEVER got 50% of the vote." well you're right. 3rd party candidate Ross Perot got 8% so Clinton got 49.2%

2007-10-26 05:32:43 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

He may have squeaked by with 51% of the vote. That does not exonerate him for the harm he's done our country and his total disreguard for the Constitution and his oath of office. Junior has been the most devisive President since the Civil War. That exaggerated poll number is for Congress as a whole. The Democrats in Congress have a couple points on the President's pathetic ratings. Pelosi even rates higher. Many historians will agree that Bush is one of the worst Presidents ever.

2007-10-26 05:19:11 · answer #4 · answered by wyldfyr 7 · 5 0

The answer to your question is NO I do not laugh - I cry for my grandchildren.

Bush and Co. have done more damage to my country in a short time than I even could have imagined back in 2000.

He started his attacks on January 21, 2001 with our environmental laws and he hasn't stopped since. The man is definitely a "destroyer" of everything and anything that gets in his way. So sad what Congress has allowed this man to get away with.

See you on January 20, 2009 and then I will be asking "are you still laughing?"

2007-10-26 05:38:28 · answer #5 · answered by menomineeriver 1 · 2 0

PNAC- You just embarrass yourself every time you try to defend him and the state of our union. Do you really think Iraq might "work out" after all? It's by far the most financially devastating waste of money in our country's history, and you think it's working out? What is the return on our investment?? The end of terrorism?? Never. Iraq's democracy? who cares? The biggest spender in the history of the white house. I love when you say Democrat controlled congress, like the 11% has nothing to do with the republicans who keep blindly voting with the president.

2007-10-26 05:16:08 · answer #6 · answered by World Peace Now 3 · 5 0

No, they are mad because they were not taught how to come together in unity and support their president even if he's not the one they voted for. On top of that they have unrealistic ideas of foreign policy, especially concerning war. They want every detail of every military strategy to be passed by them for approval. Yet they neglect to acknowledge the facts that they are not trained for this responsibility and this type of strategy completely eliminates the element of surprise in battle.

They also hate Bush because it is trendy. They see people they know and look up to hating on Bush and then jump on the bandwagon with them. If Bush doesn't show up after a natural disaster, it means to them that he doesn't care. If he does show up, it means to them that he is getting in the way. There is no possible move he could make that would be a good move. Their mentality is completely irrational.

Don't get me wrong. Bush had made many decisions I disagree with. But that does not mean I should start acting like an ignorant imbecile and start blaming the government for 9/11 or something else equally stupid.

2007-10-26 05:23:19 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 4

No, because George W. Bush is the worst President Ever.

His pathetic record speaks for itself.

2007-10-26 06:16:47 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

Reasonable people, listen to me: do NOT try to confuse Penelope with the facts. I have spent long minutes composing reasonable explanations and rebuttals, complete with citations, and nothing fazes her. Indeed, she simply determines to post more bush-idolizing "questions" in an attempt to drive us all crazy. Not being open to reason or to facts allows one to remain blissfully sure of themselves. But I cut her some slack because she is very young and not yet tested or tossed by the vicissitudes of life.

2007-10-26 05:40:00 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Is that 51% of the popular vote, the electoral college vote, or the supreme court vote?
Did he get that 51% because of the vote-rigging in Ohio, or in spite of it?
I think it's funny that his major platform in 04 was gay marriage...it drew out the "values voters" in droves. Haven't heard a peep about it since then, have you? Feel used?

2007-10-26 05:15:38 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 5 0

Bush is one of the most unpopular Presidents in our history. When people say Bush is the worst ever, I agree with them

2007-10-26 06:27:39 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

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