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We have a child together and right after I broke up with him I found out I was pregnant again. He started seeing this girl that has no kids no responsiblity and she parties with her friends every weekend. He hasnt told her that im pregnant again. He says hes moved on. Im trying to do the same but its hard when he calls me all the time just to talk. Says he wants to go to counseling to try and make it work but then hes to busy to go. He invited me to dinner with his parents and texted his gf the whole time and she doesnt know how much we really talk or see each other. If I bring anything up about us getting back together or whats going on with us. He says he doesnt know and that a lot can happen before the other child is born. Or he ignores my questions and changes the subject. We hug goodbye everytime. Has he really moved on like he says. Or does he really want me back? im confused, if hes playing games why?

2007-10-26 04:19:01 · 7 answers · asked by awsome_angie 1 in Family & Relationships Other - Family & Relationships

7 answers

He's having his cake and eating it to...Keeping you close b/c your pregnant and keeping his GF around b/c she can do everything you can't. Honey be strong and just tell him if it's not about the kids you don't wnat to hear it anymore and don't mention getting back together with him. Make him want you and don't push it cus you'll end up pushing him further away. He wnats you around just incase things don't work out with this party chick...which it won't..but for your sanity and your health stay clear until he realizes that you have feelings to and your human and you shouldn't be shitted on. Sorry but my kids father did the same **** to me kept giving me false hope when he was seeing someone else the entire time i was pregnant and then turned around and got her pregnant...it's hard and trust me i know what your going through but you just have to give it up...i just stopped everything the late night calls and coming over and i finally woke up, you can too. Your sad, lonely, and most of all angry. But what you need to do is be happy, healthy, and find someone who wants all of you not just some of you. I'm sorry your going through this and hope that you some out on top with strength you never knew you had...Don't let him have his cake and eat it to....flick him some icing every once in a while...Good Luck and Congrats!

2007-10-26 04:27:52 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

It sounds like he still has feelings for you, but he has feelings for the other girl, too. Especially, since you have children together. You two have a special bond because of those children and that does not go away over night. I think you both need some time to figure out what you two want to do. You need to stop seeing him and conversating with him. Let him see his children, but other than that tell him he has moved on and that part of your relationship is over. If he wants to be with you he needs to get rid of the other girl.

2007-10-26 11:31:59 · answer #2 · answered by Sabrina T 1 · 0 0

oh hunni im going through the same with my ex.i cant understand the games, or men in general surely there not all the same?
we split up 4 months ago. 1 min he wants to get back together and have another baby and get married in june like we planned...he got me a birthday card saying to my wife like he always used to...then i didnt hear owt from him for 5days he was with my best friend,a lesbian who he left me for.no matter what i do i cant hate him!!ive tried so much to because of the game playing.he wanted counselling too and told me that i should...cheeky get!!! i moved on and that didnt work out but now i have decided to say bye to him and move on..put the hurt and anger behind me,its hard and i arent pregnant either but trust me someone will be interested in you for you. he wil come backwards and forwards to you but be strong chicken..give him an ultimatum....i just said its now or never if you love me like you say you do then you can make your mind up but im not playing no more games were not children plus its not fair on our daughter to see him when HE can be botherd. he has to make his mind up!!!! but you have to have a life too,i think the thing is that they cant stand us with other people but yno what its tough,they can move on so can we!!!!!! good luck and keep your chin up!!! xxxxx

2007-10-26 11:40:16 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Hey there,,,,, this jerk is not allowing you to move on. He is playing on your feelings. He wants to have his cake and eat it too. You need to be the bigger one and when he calls, say you don't have the time. When he comes over, tell him you can't keep allowing this to go on. He needs to leave you alone and stop manipulating you. If he is doing this behind his girlfriend's back, and manipulating you, then he is a creap! You need to show him that you and your feelings have moved on. Good luck. I know this is a crappy situation for you, Just be STRONG!!!!

2007-10-26 11:31:17 · answer #4 · answered by Carr 2 · 0 0

You know what he sounds like he is playing head games with you . drop this loser and see about getting child support when the baby is born . he wants to hang on to you in case this new g/f does not work out . You need to tell him to go on down the road and move on . but do get the child support . good luck and find a decent man who will want to be with you . this one sounds like he has not grown up yet .

2007-10-26 11:23:45 · answer #5 · answered by Kate T. 7 · 1 1

hes playing with you.... he don't want you to ask him for child support, so hes sweet talking with you & fooling around, if he really wanted to be with you, why is he still together with this gf

2007-10-26 11:26:42 · answer #6 · answered by maya 6 · 0 0

tell him to get things together or get out. It gets really nasty near the end of this kind of situation

2007-10-26 11:24:31 · answer #7 · answered by hitchhiker 1 · 0 0

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