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What are your plans for being a part of this movement?

2007-10-26 04:09:17 · 15 answers · asked by Elaine 3 in Politics & Government Other - Politics & Government

First of all, I am not part of this movement. I was simply asking and cannot understand why Republicans immediately stoop to insults.
Second, stating I'm jealous...? I am sort of lost on that one---no rhyme or reason there....
Third, I think the reference to 'hippies' is sort of absurd. Do you mean to tell me that a person who speaks up for a belief is to be called names? Besides, 'hippies' of the past, aren't the one protesting.
Fourth: It would appear that the Geneva Convention has been ignored by Bush, which is impeachable. That is what this Nation wide org. is speaking out about. It's their Right to Free Speech. No one can condemn that, unless you condemn the Constitution of the United States. And then, you shouldn't be here.

A simple question....pitiful responses.

2007-10-26 05:03:08 · update #1

15 answers

I am somewhat encouraged by some of the answers I have seen to this and other questions. "Some" people are seeing things the controlled news media has not been telling them.
The ImpeachBush.org is of course a ridiculous group that does not comprehend reality. The majority of both the Democrats and Republicans are fundamentally corrupt. Many of the elected officials in the federal government are guilty of wantonly violating their oath of office to uphold the Constitution.
Bush has done things that are impeachable, however; he has allot of company in both major political parties. Taking part in a movement such as ImpeachBush.org is just a naive waste of energy.
One person here asked what Bush has done to deserve impeachment. How much time do you have?...To start with, he has violated the most fundamental responsibility of his oath of office...to uphold the Constitution of the U.S.
Leaving our borders open and refusing to do what it takes to resolve the illegal immigration problem is destroying our country. He is doing this on purpose. Bush, Vicente Fox and the PM of Canada met and agreed to dissolve the borders and create Mexamerica...Americo or what ever the merging of the three nations will be called. This is a determined plan to destroy the sovereignty of this country.
Bush is also guilty of laying the ground work to destroy freedom.
Bush is certainly not the first to seek this. There are many others that are taking an active part in it. There are more still that see it, yet are remaining silent because of greed or cowardice.
Americans fought the spread of communism and won after decades of struggle. Now we have the other extreme to contend with...Large multinational corporations are determining policy for their greedy benefit. They have abandoned the citizens of the country they were founded in. They have ignored the fact that it was Americans that defeated communism and now they feel free to send jobs to China, India and elsewhere in the name of free trade.
Truth is free trade is non-existent. Due to various laws, treaties, government underwriting and taxes, the U.S. based businesses cannot compete fairly.
As far as the Iraq war goes: Listen people, we are not privy to much of the reasons decisions are made and the secret agreements/maneuvering done internationally, however; there are certain facts that are undeniable to anyone that can think for themselves:
1. Iran is and has been for a long time a state that sponsors international terrorism. The U.S. and Israel are their primary targets in a war they have been waging for many years now. They are very near to having a nuclear weapon. They WILL use it if we let them get it! How many of you will be happy to end up like Nagasaki?
2. Whatever the reasons really were that we went into Iraq. We were of course lied to along with the rest of the world...but we now have Iran surrounded. They have a maniac as their head of state. We are at war!
This is one of the most dangerous times this country has ever had to contend with. We have the threat of a fanatical enemy obtaining the capability of providing nuclear weapons to people that can't wait to blow themselves up for Allah!
Russia sees its influence waining and wants a way to counter what it sees as American expansionism. If something happens to disturb the flow of oil in the Middle East, Russian oil prices will go up.
Two countries that hate each other have nuclear weapons and have their fingers on the buttons...India and Pakistan.
The Chinese are using the vast trade surplus derived from us to build its military machine. Their navy has the ability to cut off shipping to half the world. They have plans for the rest of Asia. They want Taiwan back.
Meanwhile, we have our leaders basically committing treason by destroying our sovereignty, our economy and our freedoms.
Meanwhile, Good Morning America, The Today Show and most other national news outlets talk about how fat Britney Spears is, who George Clooney has on his arm and other such meaningless crap.
I say it is meaningless to even consider ImpeachBush.org when virtually our entire leadership is corrupt and we are possibly headed for WWIII.
Our TV commentators sit and talk about which out of touch criminal will be elected president while they deny those candidates that have a vision a voice. Let Ron Paul speak as well as the others the media does not want to recognize.

2007-10-26 21:14:50 · answer #1 · answered by Scott W 2 · 0 0

i will be informing peeps about Hillary's lies and Move on. ogrs lies why don't you do something constructive like curl up and die like the Democratic Party will when the Clintonistas lose this one and get put up for Treason. I hope I get to flip that switch. Id be equal to any Great American Hero and don't forget Kill a Commie for Mommy

2007-10-26 11:24:36 · answer #2 · answered by ? 3 · 1 2

News flash he is just a stooge, as most of the media hyped up front runners for the 08 campaign for corporate America & WTO members this is whom needs to be crushed by the public majority!

2007-10-26 11:17:55 · answer #3 · answered by bulabate 6 · 2 4

What crime has our President committed? I can't wait to hear what you would have him impeached for. What is it?

2007-10-26 11:50:47 · answer #4 · answered by Moody Red 6 · 1 0

I have no plans to be part of the movement.

But since you asked, it is my 11th Wedding Anniversary this weekend, and we are going to Annapolis, MD. My father-in-law was a Naval Academy graduate and my in-laws got married at the Navel Academy Chapel, which is also where our daughter was Christened. She wants to go to the Naval Academy too when she is old enough, to follow in her Grandfather's footsteps. God Bless Our Troops.

2007-10-26 11:14:38 · answer #5 · answered by ItsJustMe 7 · 5 5

Donning a mask and gloves in case any of the dirty ex-hippies come near me.

2007-10-26 11:18:06 · answer #6 · answered by Charzb 3 · 2 4

They need an impeachTheDemocrats.org and get rid of Harry Reed and Nancy Piloski. At every turn they have tried to undermine our troops in Iraq at every turn, Congress has a lower approval rating than the president..lower than any other congress EVER! I think that people are more pissed at them than Bush. Hell they tried to blame the fires in Calf. on bush, COME ON!

2007-10-26 11:17:27 · answer #7 · answered by Glenn 3 · 5 6

how can a website "move" across the country?

2007-10-26 11:24:18 · answer #8 · answered by Mark A 6 · 2 2

I totally support this organization!

2007-10-26 11:16:41 · answer #9 · answered by badkat423 4 · 5 4

None. I don't like the guy, but I'm not wasting my time with that.

2007-10-26 11:12:39 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 4 4

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