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1. Why do people support a criminal US President?
2. Are you afraid to show yourselves and what's your true motives?
3. Isn't the essence of life truth and honesty?
4. Shouldn't we the people do good in the eyes of God?



2007-10-26 04:01:49 · 26 answers · asked by peacenegotiator 3 in Politics & Government Politics

26 answers

1. The majority of American people do not support this president. We elected the opposing party into Congress at our last elections with the mandate that things change, unfortunately they have done nothing at all about ending the war and looking into criminal charges against Bush and Cheney for the lies they told the American people about this war.

2. As Americans we wear our motives on our sleeves. We have nothing to hide, which is one of the reasons is so easy for those that dislike us to verbally attack us.

3. Yes it is.

4. Of course. The American people donate more money and goods to charity then any other nation on earth. When there is a disaster, we are the first ones to help. When an area has been ravaged by war, we are there to give a helping hand to help rebuild. We lost our way after a brutal attack on our nation, and those responsible should be held accountable. But we are not a criminal or evil people.

EDIT: Let me clarify. Congress should be investigating the President's claim that "Sadam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction, that an attack on the US from these weapons were imminent, and that Sadam had links to the 9/11 attacks on the US." These were the justifications for going to war. All three ended up being lies (I call them lies because the President was aware that much of the intelligence leading up to war was iffy at best and much of it was just plain wrong). If the President of the United States misled the American people on the justifaction for war, then he should not only be impeached, but brought up on charges. I'm disgusted that the Democrats in Congress have not fully investigated the lead up to this war. On the other hand, if the investigation finds that the President acted according to the laws of our nation...then he should be allowed to continue his presidency.

2007-10-26 04:09:54 · answer #1 · answered by Downriver Dave 5 · 4 0

1. Why do people support a criminal US President?
Which law has he broken?

2. Are you afraid to show yourselves and what's your true motives?
Apparently you think that "we" aren't. What do YOU think are "ourselves and true motives?"

3. Isn't the essence of life truth and honesty?
No, the essence of life is oxygen-exchange. An honest man is DEAD if he doesn't breathe.

4. Shouldn't we the people do good in the eyes of God?
Does "do good" include making blind, vague assertions on a public forum?

2007-10-26 04:08:30 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Now That's Ironic ! # Bush is not a Criminal! Can you prove it? No cause your not telling the truth. #2 A very good question you should be asking your self. # You start your question with a Lie and then ask this? # Yes But that shouldn't matter to you Liberals are so worried about ridding God from every thing. And here's the Ironic part: You have the nerve to accuse a Innocent man of being a criminal but you have no problem with voting for a President who really is a criminal.. That is the truth Max And if you really do believe in God don't you think he knows who's telling the truth? Why don't you show me Bushes Criminal Record? I would show you Hillary's Criminal record but She was able to have it sealed until after the election which is pretty convenient don't you think?

2007-10-26 04:35:36 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3

Most US presidents have participated in any number of unsavory or illegal activities while in office. Yet, they are still supported by a certain percentage of the public. The more pertinent question is, have any US presidents NOT participated in these activities?

You can go back and talk about Thomas Jefferson and his relationships with his slaves. Or FDR and the 120,000 Americans in internment camps. Nixon's Watergate scandal. Or more minor things like Clinton lying under oath about sex. And the odd fact that Lincoln in fact freed slaves in a country that he was not the president of, yet did not free the slaves in the states that remained in the union. The list goes on and on. It's not limited to the current administration.

The more pertinent question is WHY is a certain population of people drawn to power in politics? Do we not deserve a higher caliber of person to lead our country?

2007-10-26 04:15:25 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Why don't you explain why you feel he is a criminal?

He isn't a great president but honestly Al Gore would have been worse. I doubt in 10 years anyone will look back and say wow he sure did a great job. There was nothing illegal about what we did in Iraq either. They violated the agreements based on the 1st Gulf War. They refused to let the weapons inspectors in which raised a huge red flag that they might have stuff they shouldn't. The UN felt that we can't let them just do whatever they want. We (UN) had a right to go back. We got rid of a horrible dictator that was killing thousands and maybe millions of his own people. We really should have been ready to set up a government as soon as we took Saddam out of power (huge mistake there).

2007-10-26 04:10:20 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 3

1. He is not a criminal. If he were, Congress would have impeached him, as the Speaker of the House has sworn to do if she has the chance
2. I am not afraid of anything. My true motive is wanting the best for my family and for America.
3. The essense of life is love
4. Doing good is one of the main reasons we are here. I am all for doing good. I am an honest, hard working person who volunteers with numerous charities and organizations.

2007-10-26 04:06:29 · answer #6 · answered by ItsJustMe 7 · 1 1

Criminal President? Really? When did Bush get convicted, and what were the charges?

2007-10-26 04:25:57 · answer #7 · answered by Mike W 7 · 0 1

And your from what country? Bush has not committed any crimes against the people. Bush has a strong belief in God. Its not Bush trying to eliminate God from the Pledge, from our schools, from our money. You need to re-evaluate where your from, and what country you want to live in. Maybe a country where a statement like what you have made will get you arrested and possibly put to death.

2007-10-26 04:15:14 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

I do not agree with most of the things Mr Bush does, however as far as I know he has not been convicted of any criminal offenses relating to his presidency.

Many people support him, because he espouses their political belief, as he should in a democracy.

2007-10-26 04:07:20 · answer #9 · answered by bgee2001ca 7 · 1 1

Too many apathetic people in America and then Republicans put their party before the greater good of the nation.

2007-10-26 04:06:46 · answer #10 · answered by kenny J 6 · 4 2

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