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Now we have an artist's impression of Madeline probably being abducted.

Everyone consider this:

Jane Tanner probably got it right. If you were standing in exactly the place she was, and saw this man with the child in his arms, you might not realise the importance of it. Then you hear that Madeleine has gone! Bloody hell!!

Wouldn't you realise the importance of it?

The police should have got this out within hours, at least within a day or two. But they weren't very experienced were they?

So it comes out now! Bloody hell again!!

Key point here...she is wearing pyjamas very like Madeleine was wearing.

So here we go with a question.......

.........when exactly is the penny going to drop for the anti-McCanns?

Very sorry for the label "anti". No abuse thank you.

2007-10-26 03:05:13 · 38 answers · asked by Ken the sleuth 2 in News & Events Current Events

nosy old lady.....I think you are right.
People, I care much less about the time of day of the sighting (JT could have been mistaken on the time), the direction of travel, the speed of the guy travelling and whether Murat was involved.
Most imortant for me, will you accept the abduction of Madeleine happened?

2007-10-26 03:56:03 · update #1

38 answers

Ken, you're fighting a losing battle with the anti-McCanns, coz they want it to be Kate and Gerry who are the bad guys, so they can say " I told you so ".

2007-10-26 03:19:49 · answer #1 · answered by nosy old lady 5 · 5 15

I don't think we are ever going to know the full truth about this one. The only people who know the truth are the people involved, and I think people should get over all the "pro-McCann/Anti McCann" BS and concentrate on finding Maddie while there is the slightest chance she is out there alive! Or if the worst has unfortunately happened and I hope to God it hasn't, that they find her so at least her family know what's happened, not just her parents, her other relatives who weren't there. At the end of the day Maddie is the most important person in this whole charade of an investigation.
And just to clarify, I am neither pro or anti the McCann's, I don't know them so I have no right to judge. I am for finding Maddie, and whoever has taken her will get what's coming to them, whether it's her parents or somebody else.

2007-10-26 10:19:52 · answer #2 · answered by k 2 · 0 0

As long as you and others believe McCanns are not guilty, and keep pouring money into their celebrity bank account, the more i consider you's as idiots.
The only penny that is dropping, is in to there increased status account .

They (mccanns) i believe have murdered there daughter, and Madeleine's body is missing - Madeleine was never abducted while she was a live, her poor body has been moved since her life was taken from her.

We can all describe an invisible person can't we, ummm, even more so when pissed.

The More B S that the mccann come out with the more i believe they KILLED Madeleine.

Yes i am Anti-McCann, and proud of it.

I am not a fool and won't be fooled.

And that's my opinion for what it counts...

2007-10-26 05:04:51 · answer #3 · answered by yoda1canobe 4 · 3 0

No I don't think there was an abduction. A 3 year old child will not be taken out of bed by a stranger and just lie quietly they will scream and shout, especially if her favourite toy was apparently placed neatly on a shelf out the way, whilst the 'abductor' carefully made the bed then climbed out the window even though there was an open door....doesn't sound very believable does it?

Jane Tanner has changed her version of events 3 times, shes constantly been inconsistent about the man and what he was carrying, was it a child, blanket, child in a blanket, child in pink pyjamas? Now she claims she can remember exactly what he looked like and was wearing.....doesn't sound very believable either does it?

Its not a case of the penny dropping, some people are willing to overlook these constant changes in their stories, unwillingness to help by answering questions and the fact they haven't actually LOOKED for their own missing daughter.

2007-10-26 04:12:30 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 4 2

Did you actually see the 'drawing'?. It really does give details huh?. Mind you everyone has got a great idea now of what he looks like....maybe we should stop anyone looking similar to him and ask him a couple of questions.

I think you're in dire need for the 'penny to be dropped' my friend as this 'drawing' says nothing.

Firstly, it was reported that Jane Tanner saw a man with a 'bundle'. A week after it changed to 'a child in a blanket'. Low and behold after a bit, it turns out 'it was Madeleine" wrapped in a blanket.
Jane Tanner even said it was dark yet she got a perfect view of what the child was wearing.....I think there's something really wrong here.

2007-10-26 04:18:31 · answer #5 · answered by daisy 6 · 4 1

Excactly! The thing is she didn't actually report the man straight away tho. It took her 3 days to realise the importance of it. Not only that but someone walked past her at the time she reported seeing this man, only this other witness (not a McCann friend) did not see anyone else, only her. Aprt from that she reported a man carrying a bundle first then it was a child in a blanket but as soon as it has been mentioned Maddys bed clothes were undisturbed The man was carrying a child in pink pyjamas. She recalls his age althogh she can not recall the face, she even knows what shoes he wore but the face she didn't see. Such details on the pyjamas too so she must have a fairly good look at the child as she describes the childs pyjama top but she did not recognise her best freinds kid. Sorry but This is why it is so hard for the penny to drop.

2007-10-26 03:38:35 · answer #6 · answered by Charley 4 · 11 3

i have never answered a mcann question on here so this is the first and last post i will do on the subject, i find it hard to believe the parents had anything to do with it however at the end of the day you can only blame the parents they left that poor little girl while they jollied it up, there were facilities available and they chose not to use them you cannot blame the police for the parents initial mistake yes it could of been handled better but what do you expect from a small inexperienced police force, the mcanns are responsible for that little girl know one else all you pro mcanns consider this they may well have had nothing to to with that little girls disappearance directly but in other ways they did and you cant argue about that so before you go blaming everybody else i would start with the parents.

2007-10-26 03:46:33 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 8 1

I see your point, Ken. But it's not so much about the sketches that bothers me. The problem I have with believing Jane Tanner is that her story keeps changing. First it was a man with a bundle, then a man with a child, then a man with a child that was definitely Madeleine. First the man was going towards the sea, then it changed to the man was going towards Robert Murats villa. Then it changed from just an unidentified man, to definitely it was Robert Murat. Now, we are back to an unidentified man that was definitely carrying a child that was wearing the same pajamas as Maddie.

It just seems to me that Ms. Tanner changes her story to add in more details when ever the heat is on the McCanns. I could be right and I could be wrong. I'm just saying that it is hard to believe someone who's story keeps changing. I don't think any of us know what to believe anymore.

2007-10-26 03:22:07 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 13 3

if Jane tanner got it right she should have not waited for over three months to pass before telling the police, you do remember this case from the start dont you? she had this convenient recall of that important piece of information the same time the maccanns were being brought in to the frame , your post is an insult to mankind

2007-10-26 05:29:05 · answer #9 · answered by shadysback 1 · 3 0

Well said Chris H. The pros believe EVERYTHING that the papers say in favour of the McCanns innocence. Yet if we ask about something that we have read that goes against the McCanns then we are told by the pros....."don't believe everything you read in the papers...most of it is made up" or "that paper is unreliable etc etc"

Bit of double standards going on here I think!!!

2007-10-26 04:31:54 · answer #10 · answered by elsie1912 4 · 3 0

Would you leave a handbag with the purse open revealing two thousand pounds in a city centre,not lock the door and walk away confident it would still be there when you got back.If you answer no,then is a child not in this category,you dont walk off,you take it/them with you I am as concerned as anyone for Maddy,but it was a dumb trick. Weather they are involved or not does not detract from the fact,they are responsable doh

2007-10-26 03:32:06 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 9 1

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