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52 answers

Eliminate the silly crimes' policy!

2007-10-26 11:07:03 · answer #1 · answered by Michael M 6 · 0 0

I think capital punishment should be brought back and lethal injection should be a deterrent, as for the run-of-the-mill criminals hard labour should mean hard labour.

The government should make a two tier system ie new offenders should spend one month within the Walls of a prison doing hard time, then depending on good behaviour he or she should be given the opportunity to work the land manually for the rest of the sentence in prison farms, these farms would produce the food needed not only for the prisoners but for schools and hospitals.

Once a prisoner has served his time it is made quite clear to reoffend will mean serving the entirety of their sentence within the Walls of a prison doing hard labour.

Any new prisons should be built purely on the safety of the guards ie contact between the prison staff and prisoners should be limited by means of barriers.

Prisoners who work hard should be allowed privileges ie TVs, games etc, those that don't just fed and watered, I'm sure over a short period there would be a reduction in the number of criminals entering the system.

And I agree with a number of other people who have answer this question all non-British subjects should be deported.

People who are not a threat to society should not be in prison, to put an old lady old gentleman or anyone that matter into prison nonpayment of a TV licence is disgrace, simpler to take the TV away.
Nonpayment of fine should be taken directly from the wage or benefit of the offender not put in prison.

2007-10-26 03:55:05 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The only good way to reduce the number of prisoners in the prison is to pardon the "old men" about 70-90 years old that spent most of their lives in prison. I think their time there is an enough lesson for them to not waste their remaining lives if ever they get out of prison. If this can't be possible because of what we call "justice" for what they've done then just expand the lot allocated for prisons so that it can accomodate future criminals.

2007-10-26 02:43:36 · answer #3 · answered by Arvi 2 · 0 0

The criminal element in society is a reflection upon society itself and not one that could be easily solved.
I believe that the way to reduce the number in the prisons is to reduce the input over a long term.
This can only be achieved by changing society itself and the responsibility lies with parents. A return of good family life where teaching children good moral and social standards together with a change from a society based on greed and the attaining of possessions would be a start.
Together with a clear programme of rehabilitation for offenders would be a step in the right direction.

2007-10-26 05:14:29 · answer #4 · answered by ORC 3 · 1 0

Decriminalize some of the drug laws for those who are on drugs and need help quitting and take away the social aspects of prison - no television or radio, visitation once every 6 months, no exercise time but lock up 23 hours a day, and so on. For some criminals, life behind bars is a way of life and nothing to really fear but if it becomes a bad experience instead, at least some will have second thoughts about doing things that could lead to them being there. Few of those who were sent to Alcatraz repeated a crime for fear of being sent back there because of the isolation and poor conditions they had to endure while there.

2007-10-26 02:42:34 · answer #5 · answered by Al B 7 · 1 0

first, stop putting people into prison for non-violent crimes ie, not paying the TV licence.

Build more hospitals to treat the mentally ill

Those under 25 either labour camps or national service

mass murderers who are found guilty - with no doubt whatsoever ie Rose West, Myra Hindley should be executed but there have been various miscarraiges of justice so this might be difficult.

Step in quicker with harsher penalties for 13 years and over who commit anti-social behaviour and crime. Bring back the birch on repeat offenders. Even going to the point of removing these youngsters from homes where this behaviour is encouraged and allowed to continue.

2007-10-26 03:50:20 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Leave the keys laying around in the cafeteria :)

I will leave it to others how to rescue the ones already in prison, but a long term solution is to stop sending so many there, and give them a chance for something better.

I would love if some of the people here who complain that we are shipping jobs overseas would help those who are most likely to end up in prison (we can predict by neighborhood) to have an education where they are qualified to do those jobs and maybe more.

2007-10-26 03:35:57 · answer #7 · answered by Barry C 6 · 0 0

If the punishment suited the crime then people would not want to go back into prison.for instance someone murders his wife and three kids he gets five years he is out in three.what deterrent is that? but if you look at a police man out of the wrong eye you get ten years .or you nick a paper from the corner shop you get banged up ..these are the people that should be doing community care not be in prison ... it is the murders.rapists and paedophiles that should be banged up for life or preferably hanged(would save tax payers money). there is no real crime deterrent in this country since hanging was abolished.To all the anti everything brigade .i know maybe a life for a life is wrong but it stops them doing it again .

2007-10-26 02:54:48 · answer #8 · answered by her with the mad ginger hair 5 · 1 0

Stop making personal use of drugs a crime.

Stop refining laws to the point where they are absolute.

I need to add, stop making prisons for profit. Prisons should be 100% state run and private enterprise needs to be kept out. Also, I am not against using prisoners for labor for state concerns. Also, the goal of America shouldn't be to build more prisons, but rather to figure out why our crime is so damned high and help put a stop to it. Example, if we made it legal for every law abiding citizen to be packing a gun, then the criminal would not know who is a safe bet. Statistically, the place that have that, have seen a large decrease in crime.




2007-10-26 02:36:35 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

The courts would have to stop dishing out maximum sentences for lesser crimes. Jusges would need to stop being sentence-happy.

In-home jail (monitoring devices and stuff) would have to be used more. it is currently being used for celebrities. They have to revise it's use.

Other forms of dispensing justice would have to be found. Only the hard core undesirables should be given the maximum stuff.

Appeals time would have to be shortened. The judicial system would have to be re-engineered in such a way as to be able to dispense justice swiftly so much so that a deathrow innamte would not spend the next 15 - 20 years after his sentencing appealing and occupy spot in the prison system.

2007-10-26 02:46:49 · answer #10 · answered by Ayo A 5 · 0 0

Legalize marijuana and all drugs for that matter( Dead beats and stoners will fall by the way side of society.. big deal), stop putting people in jail for non-violent blue collar crimes(ie driving on a suspended license, stealing a loaf of bread), cut funding to the police so that they will persue only important matters and not frivolous things, do away with minimum sentencing requirments ( the three strikes rule). Pretty much everything that Regan and bush Sr. based there national campaigns on.

2007-10-26 02:40:17 · answer #11 · answered by willmiller82 2 · 1 0

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