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I was dead set on voting for her for a number a reasons. Making a history with the first women president was one. The fact that I absolutely loved Bill Clinton and she's the next best thing was another. Now my friend is voting for Ron Paul and thinks he's the best. I read up on both of them and they both have good things they support. What do you think?

2007-10-26 01:58:01 · 23 answers · asked by Cutie 3 in Politics & Government Elections

Doesnt this mean she is against abortion or am i reading it wrong?

Hillary has spoken clearly about the importance of protecting our constitutional rights, respecting such landmark Supreme Court decisions as Roe v. Wade. Her commitment to supporting Roe and working to reduce the number of abortions, by reducing the number of unwanted pregnancies, was hailed by the New York Times as “frank talk...(and) a promising path.” Hillary is one of the original cosponsors of the Prevention First Act to increase access to family planning.

2007-10-26 02:30:16 · update #1

23 answers

I will vote for Hillary because she is the most qualified, the most experienced candidate and my girl is READY TO LEAD.

2007-10-26 05:31:56 · answer #1 · answered by Monte B 3 · 3 2

First, may I preface this response by saying ALL the Presidential candidates (both Democrat and Republican) have flaws ... everyone can find something they don't like about each one. That having been said ... I digress to Hillary Clinton.

I'm sure (if elected) Hillary would do just fine as President of the United States ... we're not all going to turn into monkeys and start WWIII just because she's in office (like the extreme anti-Hillary movement would have you believe). However ... I, personally, dislike her for political and personal reasons.

Perhaps my greatest reason for not wanting Hillary as President would become self evident by looking at an encyclopedia of the Executive Branch from the last 25 years ... you can't find a single year that either a Bush or a Clinton wasn't there. I think we've had enough of both political dynasties ...

Also, voting for Hillary simply for the fact she would be the first woman president seems somewhat of a bad idea ... unless you actually really think she deserves it. She is hardly a Margaret Thatcher or a Golda Meir. If we're really going to have a first woman president I think it should be someone who has demonstrated an aptitude and natural capability for the position, not just some 'because they're a woman.' If you're basing your entire vote on the fact one candidate has one set of reproductive organs over another then doesn't seem like a very sound voting decision to me ... its a complete non sequitur.

Then there are the people who tout the fact Hillary stayed with Bill after 'Lowinskyfest' ... the fact she stayed with her husband is proof she'd be a good president? I am of the firm opinion Hillary's unwillingness to divorce Bill had nothing to do with saving the 'bond of marriage.' She didn't want to divorce him because she likes power, and she was already looking forward to her own potential political career, and divorcing him would have severely placed it in jeopardy.

That topic is now a perfect segwey to one of my final reasons why I would not vote for Hillary Clinton ... how she even became the Junior Senator from New York in the first place. She heard that the encumbent Democrat US Senator from that state was retiring, and both the Democrats and the Republicans couldn't find a strong candidate for the position, so what did she do ... 6 months before the election she swoops into New York and declares residency. If that isn't political opportunism I don't know what is. She is not from New York, nor had she ever lived there for any significant amount of time before the senate seat was up for grabs. She would have gone to any state in a similar situation ... she could have very well been the Senator from Illinois.

I have a visceral distrust of anyone who wants power that badly ... they will do anything for it, and take advantage of every opportunity to gain more. And have no doubt ... Hillary covets power like it was a drug ...

The list could go on and on ...

I'm not saying YOU shouldn't vote for Hillary ... to each his/her own. But me, personally, if she is the Democratic candidate for president in 08' I will vote for whoever the Republicans nominate. Even though I dislike some of them almost as much I hate Hillary even more ...

2007-10-26 09:28:47 · answer #2 · answered by blursd2 5 · 5 2

I have always admired Hillary Clinton. She would make a fine President. Many years ago she tried to get the country national health care. It would have saved a lot of jobs, saved whole industries, but the drug and insurance companies ran very finely crafted ads against her program and unfortunately it was never adopted. Such short sighted selfishness is the type of corruption that destroys empires. I hope she is elected. Whoever is elected will have a very difficult time digging the country out of the hole that the Republicans have put it into. It may be impossible. They have done so much damage, the war, the economy, the weak dollar, unhealthy environment, killing off public education, etc. Anyway, she is capable and will have Bill there to offer advice if its needed.

2007-10-26 10:35:24 · answer #3 · answered by jxt299 7 · 3 2

The only time Hillary would get my vote is IF (and in my opinion it's still is an IF) she wins the Democrat's primary and the Republicans weren't bright enough to put Ron Paul on their ticket. My money is with Barack Obama in 2008 and 2012!! Barack is the only Democrat that will bring sanity and respectability back to this country and is up to the job of cleaning up the mess Bush as left behind.

Hillary is just another member of 'good old boys' club. She says whatever she thinks you want to hear and in the end does what's best for her big campaign fund raisers. This country should have learned a lesson about how that 'good old boys' club works with the BushCo in the White House-"Brownie you're doing a heck of a job." "Asian donors? hmmm-interesting - (see link)" etc. etc.

Go OBAMA go!!

2007-10-26 10:22:07 · answer #4 · answered by menomineeriver 1 · 1 2

Sorry but I have to say that voting for her because she can make history as the first woman president is really shallow. Perhaps you should just stay home and watch cartoons on election day sweetie.

2007-10-26 13:08:42 · answer #5 · answered by Tough Guy 5 · 2 0

Oh I think raising taxes on the middle class, cutting out the child tax credit and flushing our economy down the toilet would be great. Do you think Hillary can give away as many jobs to overseas company's with NEW laws like NAFTA like Bill did? Do you think Hillary can cut the military almost in half like BILL did? Do you think Hillary can ignore Iran and North Korea so they can get nuclear weapons? Do you think Hillary can pull the troups out of iraq and allow iran to take over? that way in 5 years we can be blown up not with planes but with an actual nuclear weapon. I LOVE our future under another 4 years of a Clinton whitehouse. I THINK VOTING FOR HILLARY ONLY BECAUSE SHE"S A WOMAN IS A SMARTTTTTT THING TO DO!!!!!!

2007-10-26 09:10:58 · answer #6 · answered by chuck t 4 · 7 3

Enough rant on Hillary already. You can't change people's minds...especially mine! She is a bore and frankly, my dear, so are people who talk about how great she is...when is nothing but a huge BORE! Sorry, if you are offended, but I do have my rights as you do, and I am entitled to my opinion in this country!

2007-10-26 15:15:16 · answer #7 · answered by Liza 7 · 3 0

I am voting for her because we have to return to fiscal responsibility at some point. People keep saying how much it will cost to give people healthcare, but ignore the fact that under Bush, we have built up a 9 trillion dollar deficit. That is unacceptable, and the last person to pull us out of a mess like that was Bill. I am done funding our govt by borrowing from China.

2007-10-26 09:18:35 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 2 3

Once Hillary wins the Democratic primary and is in the running then yes I will be voting for her. It's way past time we had a female for president in the US. She is a hard worker, passionate about her beliefs, and highly intelligent, oh and more than qualified.

I like her ideas about affordable health care and I think it's doable if the damn Senate could get together on something for once. Not just socialized medicine, but her ideas of offering tax discounts to employers who offer affordable insurance to their employees, no matter the size of their business. I want to see choices in the US, there needs to be some kind of insurance reform and drug companies need to be put in check; It's way past time for this.

I also like her ideas on promoting energy independence in the US which we are long past needing too. I don't know about anyone else, but I'm sick of paying $3.00 for a gallon for gas when other options are out there.

The issue that she covers on her site that hit it home for me was her idea on why middle-class America needs to be strengthened. Even if you don't like her, check out this video on her site:

By the way, I'm not a pro-anything but I'm damn sure not going to send woman back 30+ years to the days before Roe vs. Wade and having to hunt down doctors in back alleys. So I wouldn't under any circumstances vote for one that would, ever and that's all I have to say about that.

2007-10-26 09:30:35 · answer #9 · answered by Holyguacamole 3 · 2 4

Because she is a moderate and most likely to win, tho I would like a race between her and Obama.

I have had enough of right wing nutjobs like Dubya and the drooling Reagan. Giuliani was active in NYC politics when I lived there and I was not impressed. Ron Paul is way out in left field (or maybe I should say 'right field') and is not electable.

At any rate, I don't want another reactionary who does not represent the interests of the American people.

2007-10-26 09:11:50 · answer #10 · answered by mr_fartson 7 · 3 4

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