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If you do feel free to add me, my name is oxymoron man.

Also, if anyone has any tips to get my prayer from 38 to 43 as fast as possible or to help me get my woodcutting from 84 to 99, please share.

2007-10-25 22:34:44 · 5 answers · asked by Zak 1 in Games & Recreation Video & Online Games

5 answers

For nonmembers, bury every bone you find.

For members , Collect every big bone , Dragon bone, Zogre bone Etc. & take them either to the grinder in port pasimis & make ecko tokens for 4x the regular xp or use them on a POH alter. The better the alter the better the multiplier. You could also spend a lot of time in Mort Myre killing ghasts. Their easy to kill and give more prayer xp then dragonbones. You could also burn shades in Morton, Thats great firemaking & prayer xp plus you get keys to the dungeon chests which have good rewards.

2007-10-26 00:39:40 · answer #1 · answered by thomas 7 · 1 0

HI - my user is Wardron - Level 70

Well, Im non member so I can only give u non member tips sorry...

Well for Prayer - Kill Hill Giants - Quick Kills so more B bones - If u around Level 75+ U can Kill Moss Giants. Or you could just buy 1k B bones - but thats around 400K

Now for woodcutting... Untill about 90 Woodcutting stay at Willows cuz Yews take forever - But its your Choice - Try cut at Draynor for Yews - To avoid crowds Try Edge Or Lumby. For Yews - Try Edgevill - To avoid Crowds try Varrock or Lumbridge. Remember - The ones that have less people are futher away from Bank - So most likly u want more Logs - Go to Edge or Draynor

2007-10-26 05:40:59 · answer #2 · answered by Lil Pg Bro 2 · 2 0

kill everything in sight and bury every bone you can get your hands on.

My username is Dlj3, I am a lvl 70 member.

It took me ages to get my prayer up. If you are a member I would suggest playing the pest control minigame and trading in sets of 10 or 100 pest points for prayer exp. this really helped me.

try killing moss giants and hill giants for big bones, it is a somewhat safe way to get better-than-average bones. If you are a member I sugggest the edgeville dungeon. in it, there is a huge room containing a large number of lvl 28 hill giants which drop big bones and other stuff too.

hope this helped

2007-10-30 03:58:44 · answer #3 · answered by Shadow 3 · 0 0

My 2 sons play it. this is what one of them says.

Get a rune wc axe and then you the highest level tree you can at the moment.. For prayer you should bury big bones or burnt bones.

I have no idea what I have just typed lol. Its gobbly **** to me,

2007-10-26 05:42:15 · answer #4 · answered by cuffyn 4 · 1 0

I don't sorry, but I remember back in the day (been popular for a long time) When I was in grade 7 which was in 2001
I had a competition with some guy in my class as to who got onto runescape first on the class computers haha

It was one funny day.

2007-10-26 05:39:37 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

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