Colombus never went to mexico.
But you are partially right... there were two different generations of Mayas... they even had different architecture..
For example, first mayas around Rio Bec had round corners in most buildings, and late mayas didnt....
well, no one knows why the first generation of mayas disappeared leaving their communities uninhabited.... but some of these cities are Tikal, Uaxactún, Piedras Negras, Cancuén, Caracol, Yaxhá, Naranjo, Xultún, Río Azul, Naachtún, Dos Pilas, Machaquilá, Aguateca, Palenque, Yaxchilán, Kankí,Bonampak, Quiriguá, Tulum, Edzná, Oxquintok, Ceibal, Xamantún, Copán, San Andrés, Yaaxcanah, Cobá, El Cedral, Ichpaatún, Kantunilkín, Kuc (Chancah), Kucican, Tazumal, Las Moras, Mario Ancona, Muyil, Oxlakmul, Oxtancah, Oxhindzonot, Pasión de Cristo, Río Indio, San Antonio III, Nohkuo Punta Pájaros, San Manuel, San Miguel, Punta Molas, Tamalcab, Templo de las Higueras, Tupack, Xlahpak, Tzibanché y Kohunlich.
2007-10-26 06:51:27
answer #1
answered by PETardo 2