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I know this girl who is the gf of my fiancee's best friend. She is going through such a hard time right now & I have seen what depression can do to a person. I want to help her or just let her vent but I just don't know how without being pushy. I'm not the best at making friends. Any suggestions?

2007-10-25 16:47:01 · 7 answers · asked by middleagedcowgirl 2 in Family & Relationships Friends

We had a great talk tonight but we have done this before and our lives just are so busy. I have small children and she is busy with her children breakfast & coffee are near impossable. I've met some of her other friends & they act as if they are wanting something from her all I want is friendship.

2007-10-25 16:54:27 · update #1

7 answers

invite her to coffee and LISTEN to her without judging or advising or solving her problems.

2007-10-25 16:49:01 · answer #1 · answered by Sufi 7 · 1 1

I would go all out...take her to a movie...or a concert. I think the Indigo Girls will be in your town this weekend. Beforehand, take her for a great dinner. Maybe a steak at a sports bar or some vegan food at that new place by the interstate. Bring flowers and a LOT of candy. If you have a Costco nearby you can get a pillow case-sized bag of Hershey's kisses pretty cheap. Plan on feeding each other fruit. Have you ever tried that "we're out of gas" gag? It WORKS!

Seriously, if you do all this you will probably have yourself a BFF...and ain't that what its all about?

2007-10-25 23:54:02 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Tell her that you would like to help her if you can and then shut up and listen. That, besides just praying for her, is the best thing you can do for her. She doesn't need to know that you're doing this for her, if she or you are not believers.

2007-10-25 23:59:24 · answer #3 · answered by menome b 4 · 1 0

You don't be pushy just meet somewhere and talk .. Be honest with her let her know u wanna be her friend and she can vent or whatever she needs to do and that you'll be there when she needs you. Maybe suggest she listens to Lean on me or You've got a friend and thats what you want to be to her.

2007-10-25 23:53:28 · answer #4 · answered by Peach 1 · 1 0

just tell her that your there for her and anything she needs. be honest with her. say i knwo what its like to not have anyone to talk to and i would hate for anyone else to have to go through that

2007-10-25 23:53:34 · answer #5 · answered by Julie 2 · 1 0

Invite her to breakfast at Denny's.

2007-10-25 23:50:30 · answer #6 · answered by cattbarf 7 · 0 2

be truthful to her from a 4th grader

2007-10-25 23:49:57 · answer #7 · answered by JenJen222 2 · 0 2

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