24 answers
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Politics & Government
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Do you think some people deserve to be paid more because they are "better"?
15:34:04 ·
update #1
Why would the US choose to live under a capitalist ssytem? That is just insanity.
15:34:52 ·
update #2
People should work, but they all get paid the same regardless because nobody is "better" or "worse" than others.
15:35:34 ·
update #3
Well, ideally, even with intellegence and motavation, they will not get more than any other person. Materials will be produced and distrubuted evenly within society, taking no effect how a person is regarded as "better" or "worse"
15:43:42 ·
update #4
Not everyone is driven by money. The reward is self-satisfaction itself.
15:46:21 ·
update #5
How is an idea that benifits all considered scary? I am sure not all humans are greedy.
15:48:16 ·
update #6
People would be forced to work.
15:50:39 ·
update #7
Reduces everyone's living standard? No, it actually increases it. It allows people to not be bothered by being the best, etc, but to help everyone else.
We would not be slaves, but rather citizens working together to achieve a greater society. Unfortunately, force is the only way to allow people to work without eliminating equality.
15:55:26 ·
update #8
Just because it has not worked in other places, does not mean it could work here. You just need more incentive, without too much power to the government, which contradicts the idea of equality. That is how they enforce it. I disagree. Maybe if I was president, it would work.
15:58:55 ·
update #9
Force doesn't have to be murder. People who refuse to work will be sent to prision. It is their own wrong-doing and thus they will pay for it in that sense. Those who disobey laws, like any civilized society, will be punnished. It does not mean killing.
16:13:51 ·
update #10
I suppose you would like to live in anarchy, in ultimate chaos because you refuse to obey laws, is that correct?
16:21:28 ·
update #11
412 KiD, I bet you are some rich snob who thinks you are better than everyone else. That is why you disagree.
16:31:10 ·
update #12
Generally, the government does know what is best for its citizens. Monitoring people is the only way to guarentee that people are working, otherwise nothing gets produced.
16:33:07 ·
update #13
I disagree. Nobody is better than anyone else. Why should you get paid more because you are seen as "better" than another person? Why decide standards to divide people up? Not everyone is able to become a sucessful person because of cirumstances. Should they deserve to be paid less because of it?
16:35:40 ·
update #14
Do you think that the main motavation to become a doctor is so you can be wealthy, rather than because you are passionate about medicine and helping people ? That is the incentive to continue your education. Passion.
16:38:11 ·
update #15
If we limit the powers of the government and have them under scrunity to observe that they are evenly distrubuting the resources, then the country would not be poor.
16:44:45 ·
update #16
No. Why, after successfully abolishing communism nearly the world over, would the US now choose it? That is just insanity.
2007-10-25 15:33:40
answer #1
answered by ? 7
"Not everyone is driven by money. The reward is self-satisfaction itself."
You have a fundamentally flawed idea about human nature. The desire to improve oneself is the greatest factor of all behind almost all modern innovations. If you take away incentive from innovators and businessmen, you would not be helping poor people. Rich capitalists get rich because they create new wealth and new jobs, they don't steal it.
QUOTE:"How is an idea that benifits all considered scary? I am sure not all humans are greedy."
It doesn't benefit everyone at all. It just reduces everybody's living standard until they are equal.
QUOTE:"People would be forced to work."
So in your mind, things would be better if everybody was a slave of the state? That is frightening.
QUOTE:"Reduces everyone's living standard? No, it actually increases it. It allows people to not be bothered by being the best, etc, but to help everyone else
We would not be slaves, but rather citizens working together to achieve a greater society. Unfortunately, force is the only way to allow people to work without eliminating equality."
EXPLAIN THIS: the countries with the most planned economies are the ones that fail. North Korea, Libya, Cuba, and Myanmar have the government involved in every aspect of the economy. The most capitalistic countries with the freest markets are the ones that succeed- Hong Kong, Singapore, Australia, Switzerland, the United States...etc.
QUOTE:"Force doesn't have to be murder. People who refuse to work will be sent to prision. It is their own wrong-doing and thus they will pay for it in that sense. Those who disobey laws, like any civilized society, will be punnished. It does not mean killing."
-Call me crazy, but I'd rather not live in a police state.
QUOTE:"I suppose you would like to live in anarchy, in ultimate chaos because you refuse to obey laws, is that correct?"
-No but the government shouldn't have a right to monitor people at work or use coercion as a means of social engineering. Socialism is driven by the fundamental notion that all powerful government knows what's best when in reality it's the opposite. The people and their liberties guide the best course.
QUOTE: "Generally, the government does know what is best for its citizens. Monitoring people is the only way to guarentee that people are working, otherwise nothing gets produced."
that has NEVER been the case. As stated above, the countries with the most planned economies are the poorest in the world.
2007-10-25 22:49:51
answer #2
answered by yo yo yo 3
What would be the incentive for higher education if you couldnt make more money. I believe in America everyone chooses their own destiny. It seems the people who work hard and dont have a bunch of kids with no daddies are the ones who make it. Social classes are needed. We have three. Rich, Middle Class, and Poor. Two of the three are not so bad. I would rather be poor here than any where else in the world.
2007-10-25 23:31:20
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
If you mean converting to a socialist form of government then my answer would be an emphatic NO.
Believe it or not, in Democratic Republics that abide by the capitalist system you determine your own future. Granted, some have things layed out easier than others, but in the end you can be as successful as you want to be, given you put in the work
An example: Look at the contrasts from how the 42'ND president and the 43'rd ascended through the ranks of politics..........one worked his *** off, one had everything handed to him.
2007-10-25 22:38:57
answer #4
answered by tb33 3
See. Yo Yo you goota be kiddin? After watching the Spartans whack the Untouchables I am afraid that your ID would be 2984028392 and that is not funny, that's what the beast wants to do! Although I could just walk up to Racquel Welch and have her cuss me out, from what I've heard, but it wooooooooouuuuuuuuuuuuld be fun. We could help Britney and she would have the kids as that pansy would dump them on her because he an't gettin $30,000 a month to hire an illegal nanny.
I think Russia, Iran, China, etc are like that why not go on vacation and scope it out, let us know. Take care.
Add On I apologize as I did not see Yo Yo Yos answer, I was using slang, so I changed it to yo yo, but America is not ready, when they are i want my Benz. Look to India if you want to see a deal with the classes.
2007-10-28 21:46:25
answer #5
answered by R J 7
While I do feel social classes has been mankind's greatest evil imposed upon it self (we are all humans, it it's superficial to use a point system like currency to determine power)
It is unfair and unjust to force anyone to give up there investments,dreams, and support for there families.
I feel every one should have the upmost right to be successful and that is why I support the free market.
But when it comes to human lives I also support the CHOICE for basic universal health care Health care should be a right to all, and if people want advanced treatment they should have the right to pay however much they want for it.
2007-10-25 23:04:31
answer #6
answered by captanmidnght 5
The reason that socialism/communism doesn't work is that there are no perfect people. Even the pilgrims had problems with socialism in the first couple of years in America. They had communal gardens and nobody wanted to work them and they almost starved. When they gave people the right to grow their own gardens they thrived. Find me some perfect people and then try utopia, until then study history.
2007-10-25 22:48:30
answer #7
answered by Robin B 2
that's the ultimate goal of civilization I think, but it is nearly impossible to implement. Collective farming has failed in every instance. There has never been an example of a true marxist state on earth. Human beings divide themselves naturally. Socialism, like most systems of government, is perfect in conception but thwarted by the realities of human nature.
412 kid's gotta be joking saying hillary's a socialist. she's a corporate shill like every other politician.
2007-10-25 23:42:51
answer #8
answered by mooseburrito12 3
You could take away everyone's money and redistribute it exactly evenly, and enforce laws that forbid favoritism.
Within a year, there would be poor people and millionaires once again. The people with drive and intelligence would make money, and the ones who are self-destructive would be poor. Average people would run a range of incomes depending partly on luck, but they would be more middle class.
The only way to enforce equality is to make sure talented and hard working people do not succeed. YOu have to bring them down to the lowest level, because you can't bring the lowest people up to their level. So you would enforce a law that only allowed people to be stupid and lazy and not think for themselves. AHHHHH UTOPIA
2007-10-25 22:39:27
answer #9
answered by greengo 7
Some go to college for 10 years to be a doctor(an extremely in depth occupation) and some just barely pass high school and work at walmart til they die. SOME PEOPLE ARE BETTER THEN OTHERS, STOP WHINING AND GET AN EDUCATION!
2007-10-25 23:26:43
answer #10
answered by TJ815 4
The office that doles out the doubt benefits will excuse this for youth still inhibits complete distillation of history..
That glorious classless society has resulted in more death than can be accurately tabulated.
2007-10-25 22:43:05
answer #11
answered by Kubla Con 4