WASHINGTON, Oct 25 (Reuters) - The United States slapped new sanctions on Iran and accused its Revolutionary Guard of spreading weapons of mass destruction on Thursday but Russian President Vladimir Putin said such moves only forced Tehran into a corner over its nuclear program.
Also labeling Iran's Qods military force a supporter of terrorism, Washington imposed sanctions on more than 20 Iranian companies, banks and individuals as well as the defense ministry, hoping to increase pressure on Tehran to stop uranium enrichment and curb its "terrorist" activities.----------------
biggest crock I ever heard of...
13 answers
asked by
Politics & Government
➔ Politics
...once again, just looking for a reason to keep our yong men in the region, and still other reasons to feign excuses for attacking Iran.....
what a pathetic government.....
15:22:25 ·
update #1
So... based on your commentary you don't believe that Iran sponsors state terrorism. Iran is not building reactors to supply a nuclear weapons program. You don't believe that Iran has been channeling weapons and personnel into Iraq.
You are naive.
I imagine that includes you.
Wbhat I do believe is that the United States has the most dangerous government in the world,
foolish man!
15:35:43 ·
update #2
Funny how so man of you want war...you love it. Funny also how I view you all as cowards, wishing we would bomb people you do not even know.........becasue you are afraid. But in reality you are afraid of yourselves.
because you refuse to think foryourselves.
because you let others dictate what you should believe.
because once again,
you are cowards.
15:39:11 ·
update #3
Hey Commando or whatever you are?
Im a female -24, Hate wars as it my right can't help it if you chose that path. Perhaps it explains why you call people names..I've met quite a few 'tough guy' marines. They're rather distasteful. Get the impression they hate women. Got a restraining order on one who wouldn't take no for an answer. Not impressed by your cv. It was YOUR choice. Not mine.
14:21:11 ·
update #4
you are always calling someone names even those you do not know. well listen silly. You complain about those that wear 'turbans' -- but 'turban wearers don't as a rule, sexually assault little boys..for that matter, your pope wears what might also be described as an easter bonnet.
so stop calling people names.....
14:25:49 ·
update #5
someone says below:
"Iran has been the culprit behind the terrorist attacks taking place in Iraq. Iran has publically stated that they are ready to "Fill the vacuum of leadership when the United States leaves."
are you kidding? Mercenaries Blackwater have been inflicting terrorist attacks since they arrived in Iraq...and as far as "leadership" is concerned, the U S. puts out their own spin on what is happening in the Middle East. and sorry chump.
The US
18:20:35 ·
update #6
They'll probably just believe Ahmadinejad and his mullahbots mean every single threat they make.
Hezbollah was created in Iran...."silly". You are as indoctrinated as one gets. And you used to claim you were Canadian. You wouldn't know the truth if it hit you in the face.
2007-10-25 15:23:35
answer #1
answered by pgb 4
Here are the facts. Do with them as you will.
Iran sits atop the world's third largest known oil deposit. Iran has so completely mismanaged their oil production that for the last three years, they've had to IMPORT rather than export just to keep up with their own supply and demand issues. Iran's wells are now all over 50 years old and in a rate of decline in production of 13%. They charge on average, 38cents per gallon at the pump. Any profits seen are sent not to R&D but into social programs. Their policy towards foreign investors helping get it out of the ground is absolutely stiffling. To date, only the Italians are willing to work under the conditions imposed. Knowing these facts might help you to understand why Iran is in such a push to go nuclear. And who pray tell is helping them in their quest? Russia. It should also be of both concern and interest that the biproduct of such a "power plant" is weapons grade plutonium. Why concern? Because Iran has been the culprit behind the terrorist attacks taking place in Iraq. Iran has publically stated that they are ready to "Fill the vacuum of leadership when the United States leaves." And consider this, the rhetoric coming from Iran has been very much anti-western. Should the U.S. and its allies depart prematurely, not only will Iran move in, but they will then become the premier super power of OPEC. The world economy runs on oil. Can you just imagine what WILL happen should Iran take charge of the world's economy? As a theocratic state, Iran looks to destroy all "infidels." You should read chapter nine of the Qu'ran. Their full intentions are spelled out nicely.
As for Mr. Putin, he is very much a nationalist. A bit of a throw back from the communist era. He only looks out for what he believes is best for Russia. Looking at the world through his prism glasses, you might gain a far greater understanding of him and his intentions.
As it is, I find your commentary to be very myopic. You fail to grasp the whole truth. I hope this helps.
And no, I don't enjoy war. I didn't when I was in them and I don't now that I'm retired. As for your commentary about being cowards... Have YOU ever served?
2007-10-25 15:42:55
answer #2
answered by Doc 7
Iran wants to be the big boy on the bloc. The US is putting a crimp on their plans but they know they can't go head on against the US. So they do covert operations instead.
If the US allowed them to build nukes like they did in Pakistan and India what do you think a religious extremist state like Iran would do once they had a certain number of weapons? They still have weekly state sponsored Death to America pep rallies. They have accepted the neonazi belief that the concentration camps never existed. They have vowed to destroy our Ally, Israel. With these few facts it seems difficult to believe that they are just doing the Gandhi thing and pursuing peaceful pursuits.
2007-10-25 15:41:26
answer #3
answered by Antonio V 2
If you are soooo concerned about not going to war with Iran,,,why don't you go over there, volunteer to be a human shield for some mullah ?
That way we get a 2 for 1 when we give those turban heads payback for declaring war on US in 1979...when they INVADED OUR EMBASSY !!!!
More nutjob liberal drivel.....
2007-10-25 15:42:00
answer #4
answered by commanderbuck383 5
Wow I hope somebody whoops his *** in a club or something. He needs to get put down on the level. We see these little punks runnin their mouths way too much these days thinkin there are no consequences. I have a feeling he is gonna get his, until then Imma keep reppin for the GZA!
2016-04-10 06:05:08
answer #5
answered by ? 4
So... based on your commentary you don't believe that Iran sponsors state terrorism. Iran is not building reactors to supply a nuclear weapons program. You don't believe that Iran has been channeling weapons and personnel into Iraq.
You are naive.
2007-10-25 15:25:56
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Those sanctions were approved by Congress. In fact, I read a 9-paragraph article about it that only mentioned Bush twice. And if you want a reason to keep troops there, why don't you ask someone who is or has been there.
2007-10-25 15:25:20
answer #7
answered by Wonderputz 3
someday you might learn to listen in an honest and open exchange of ideas and after hearing all sides make up your mind.
Or you can keep your head so far up your a** you can use your belly button for a window.
2007-10-25 16:06:29
answer #8
answered by CFB 5
I guess liberals won't believe it until we're actually bombed in about 2 years.
2007-10-25 15:27:14
answer #9
answered by 412 KiD 5
The real slap is coming sooner than you think. It can't come soon enough for me.
2007-10-25 15:28:46
answer #10
answered by Anonymous