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Before I begin I see myself as a Left-Libertarian. But I always wanted to know why so many Conservatives (including Fox News Pundits) hate liberals so much.

I guess you could say they raised taxes and want gun control (both I oppose) but I cant see how that can stir up that much hatred.

I guess you can say they support gay marriage and racial equality (both I support), but you must be a total A*hole if you think it has any real effect on your personal life.

Is it because they say Liberals are cowards? I dont know, but if a whole group of people can protest/riot against a unfair-system in the face of violence, I dont think that is cowardly at all.

And in all my years of history I have never saw liberals gaining any real control, nor have I ever saw any liberal/progressive ideas totally running any country (you cant say Communism because that was just a Fascist re-write of Socialism)

So why is there a utter hatred of progressive ideas from the right?

2007-10-25 14:13:40 · 15 answers · asked by captanmidnght 5 in Politics & Government Politics

15 answers

Liberals are directly responsible for the deaths of millions of freedom- loving Vietnamese people at the end of the Vietnam war; and the deaths of thousands of Americans.
Jane Fonda should have been executed for treason, and John Kerry should have been imprisoned for giving support and comfort to the enemy.
If we had their help in trying to push the Communists out, instead of them trying to pull our troops out, we could have ended the curse of Communism much sooner and we could have saved many lives and much suffering throughout the world.
And now the heirs to those ugly " flower children" are trying to repeat their mistakes in Iraq.----They are dreamy idealists who have never helped anyone other than the lazy, and the cowardly, while they drag their own country through the mud.

2007-10-25 14:46:34 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 5 5

Typicly people who are very far one way or another have a hard time meeting somewhere in between. I am not sure hate is the word to use. I think fear would be the word you want to use.

I was in absolute tears when Bill Clinton was elected to office for a second term because I was absolutely positive we as a nation were going to die. We were going to be attacked and since our national defense had been so depleted by the cuts that he made, we were never going to be able to recover. I was never going to be able to explain to my children that morality was something that was important because the President of the United States lied, cheated on his wife, and lied again. And paid absolutely no cosequences.

Now I have come to the conclusion that no one in politics is a good role model for my children, your children or anyone elses, they are all soulless, consciousless individuals who care only what is important to them. I hold politicians up to my children as examples of what not to do in life if you want a pleasant afterlife. You cannot be a politician and be moral. The two are mutually exclusive.

I feel the people who vote for either side are idealistic. I have no hopes for any candidate. They all ultimately disappoint. None can do what they promise and survive in political life. Lies are the norm. Most of the lies are unintentional but lies none the less.

I used to be idealistic. I am now resigned. Resigned to hoping at some point we can get a politician that will be wise enough to know their own strengths and weaknesses. That knowing them they will choose people for their cabinet that compliment and complete them, not choose people who are cowards and yes men. I pray for wisdom and leadership in a world that has gone completely mad. It has been 20 years since we had a real leader in office. It could be another 20 before we have another one. God bless us all.

2007-10-25 14:49:08 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I'm conservative, and I don't HATE Liberals; I just hate their ideology. I'm Catholic and most of their beliefs are just totally the opposite of mine. God has said multiple times in the Bible, that being gay isn't a sin, but ACTING on those feelings is (ie physical actions, marriage). I support abortion if it will harm the mother and that is the only circumstance. If they were raped, then they can still give the baby to a foster home; what, 9 months of their lives isn't worth the next 90 years of someone elses?

And something directed towards Liberals and not really there ideology, they do a lot of talking but not too much doing what needs to be done. Sometimes bad things have to happen for a good outcome, and someone has to do the dirty work.

2007-10-25 14:23:26 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 5 3

Because............nope conservative never hates liberal but they feel that liberals are very free in all ideas and they do have old ideas and thoughts and they don't want to come out from and don't want other come out from their's ideology what they do have...............now talking about liberal...............liberality does not mean that they are opposite of conservative........they are also on some extent follower of conservatives.........

2007-10-25 14:25:30 · answer #4 · answered by sbacharya_61@yahoo.com 2 · 1 1

"I guess you can say they support gay marriage and racial equality (both I support)"

as a liberal I don't support gay marriage

I just support people having the freedom to live their lives the way they want to

these two statements are not the same (I'm in no way advocating gay marriage, I don't advocate any view point)

2007-10-25 14:21:45 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

How are you a "left libertarian"? Aren't those like opposites?

2014-11-23 11:19:53 · answer #6 · answered by ? 1 · 0 0

I think you are wrong for saying hate.
Disagreeing is not hating.

People who follow politics are usually very passionate about what they believe. I suppose this passion can be misconstrued as hatred.

2007-10-25 14:22:32 · answer #7 · answered by DOIN' RIGHT AINT GOT NO END 3 · 2 2

Both sides are going to see things differently. You see conservatives as hating liberals. Conservatives see liberals as hating our country. I personally see many liberals as being totally bigoted of their fellow southern Americans and not a bit afraid to show their ignorance and intolerance. I see many liberals using old tired talking points like Fox News and going to great lengths to voice their hatred of Bush which does absolutely nothing for our country. I like your last sentiment though, about never seeing liberals gain any real control.

2007-10-25 14:19:39 · answer #8 · answered by pgb 4 · 3 6

I am going to do something terrible to you; I am going to take away your enemy.

(Attributed to early Perestroika. Mikhail Gorbachev, which he reportedly said to then - President Reagan).

To refuse another's shadow you don't fight back, but like a good matador you just let the bull go by.

Robert Johnson

2007-10-25 14:18:12 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 3 3

I can tell you that right now in this current envrionment cons are really annoyed at the double standards that libs rely on to make cons look bad. They take things out of context and deliberately lie in order to make themselves look better. It may not be they hate libs so much as they disagree with the tactics libs use against them and get away with it.
By the way! I strongly object to your lie about conservatives not wanting racial equality. That is an outright and intentional lie.

2007-10-25 14:19:54 · answer #10 · answered by eldude 5 · 3 6

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