Yes, I support Ron Paul for president because:
1. His 20-year congressional record proves he's not your typical "which way is the wind blowing?" politician
2. His record indicates he understands that those who govern (i.e. politicians) are still subject to the rule of law
3. He is the only candidate running (for either party) who will neither give greater control to big government nor to big corporations--his record proves this
4. His record indicates he respects the individual (individual rights and individual ability) more than any other candidate
5. He has a strong stance on illegal immigration (no amnesty)
6. He believes the US has no business sending its military to get involved in the internal affairs of other countries, while also believing in a strong national defense at home
7. He believes that personal issues are best settled on the state or local level rather than at the federal level
8. In a word, he's the perfect candidate for president
2007-10-25 14:15:58
answer #1
answered by KDdid 5
I sure do. I want a President who really has some new ideas and actually will obey the laws of the land. And even better he will President of all Americans...not just the Republicans or the Democrats.
Why not give him a shot?? Can he possibly be worse than what we have had for the past 16 years???
2007-10-25 22:19:14
answer #2
answered by KERMIT M 6
Yes and no.
I am in line with his isolationist point of view. I am in favor of getting a look how the rest of the world gets along without US companies and military. They SAY they don't want it. It's imperialistic and evil. So says Paul. He says it's unconstitutional. That's not enough. He must articulate a plan to get it done without causing our banks to fail. He has not. He doesn't take his candidacy seriously relying on pimple faced Internet surfers.
He turned a good idea into an embarrassment. It makes my job harder trying to get the wisdom of the point across.
He needs to do the responsible thing, drop out and endorse someone. He won't.
He's a heart beat away from a moon-bat.
2007-10-25 21:28:02
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
To be president, you have to be able talk about how you will make things better not just repeat the complaints of what most people do not like. No I do not support Ron Paul.
2007-10-25 21:21:38
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Sure, I think he's a competent man of moral character, a good representative of the American people.
I digress from his politics on abortion, and worry about his lack of foreign policy experience.
2007-10-25 21:14:56
answer #5
answered by Convictionist 4
Yes. i think he would help changing our nation back to what it should truly represent once again. "True freedom and Independence." As well as reestablish "rule of law".
2007-10-25 21:20:46
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Ron Paul is a moron like all the other rich-self centered politicians today. Give me a politician who isn't a damn lawyer or rich and i might vote for him/her
2007-10-25 21:15:54
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
because social services are for the public good without them the only reason to even tolerate governance disappears.
2007-10-25 21:38:17
answer #8
answered by vegan_geek 5
He's a rather shallow populist and a bit of a fruitcake. Mildly amusing but I'd never put him in a position of power. His ideas make him sound incompetent.
2007-10-25 21:16:02
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
I would if he can make it to general election because I'm a Democrat.
2007-10-25 21:14:24
answer #10
answered by naturalhi16 4