So...if it was a lie, how is it that Clinton said Saddam had WMD, but never made an announcement that they were all found and destroyed?
2007-10-25 16:51:32
answer #1
answered by ? 6
You are everywhere on the posts and you are not really asking any questions. You are just propagating your opinions which are not very well-founded anyway.
In the case of the government of Iran, the Iranian people would welcome any world power that would go against it and its policies because the Iranian people themselves hate the religious dictatorship but they are too powerless against the ruling gangsters. So chill out and stop your propaganda !
2007-10-25 22:06:29
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
They already are. We have "mad dog" Cheney spouting his lies about Iran to get Americans into a severe "fear mode" and once you are all peeing in your pants about imaginary A-bombs, the rest is easy.
The fact is that the same experts who told us we were wrong about Iraq are telling us we are wrong about Iran (they are a decade away from a nuke, and further from a delivery system).
Bush didn't get a chance to bomb North Korea, but then, they don't have oil.
2007-10-25 21:13:12
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Sure. War with Iran is a great idea since they refuse to comply with the rest of the world on their nuclear enrichment. If Iran gets nuclear war heads there will be NO MORE WORLD.
2007-10-25 21:11:25
answer #4
answered by 412 KiD 5
It worked on the cowardly, brainwashed American populace once...May as well try it again. Fox News has had more time to do it's "thing"...and by "thing" I mean fear-mongering and war-mongering.
2007-10-25 21:16:10
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
We get it already. You don't think Iran is a threat, Bush lied, blah, blah, blah, hey maybe you should be Hilliary's VP. Bet you'd make the list. LOL
2007-10-25 21:11:47
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
no they should mix in a little reagan era excuses for invading grenada and panama, as well as the excuses for attacking Iraq the first time (my god they are kidnapping our students with cubans and dealing drugs to our young people and raping nurses in the hospitals).
2007-10-25 21:12:38
answer #7
answered by busterwasmycat 7
dude, you turn off CNN for a few days and get valid!
2007-10-25 21:36:15
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
he can dub Washington DC since hes dubya
2007-10-25 21:11:21
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Are you stupid enough to believe that Iran isn't trying to make nuclear weapons?
2007-10-25 21:10:58
answer #10
answered by Anonymous