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Bush keeps asking for money for Iraq and it keeps disapearing !Iknow Dck&Bush have paid out billions to the "NO-Bid Contracts but there is little and in some cases nothing to show for it, Just the CASH that has VANISHED in Iraq could have paid for the health insurance bill ! Why is bush cutting funds to programs that have helped feed babies under 2 yrs old for 30 +yrs and then turn around and give the Big oil Co. 10xs in tax breaks what the W,i.c. program cost to run? And Why is he cutting Heat assistance for the disabled and the elderly? Why do the Millionaires get no-bid contracts and huge tax breaks and the working poor,disabled , and elderly get SCREWED!

2007-10-25 13:49:22 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

9 answers

all the wildfires in california only did 2 bil worth of damage....and i think the real estate is worth more than in iraq

2007-10-25 14:01:47 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

That's the best question I've seen today, where do you blow four trillion dollars? I can't imagine. They even lost piles of dollar bills in Iraq. Cutting Heating assistance for the disabled and the elderly will assure someone of a front row seat in Hell.

2007-10-25 20:53:48 · answer #2 · answered by Zardoz 7 · 2 1

Someone's pockets are being lined very nicely from this war. What about Social Security? That money could have paid it for years and years. What about the children's health insurance. Bush is a ninny.

2007-10-25 20:58:18 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Yup. And they're still spinning about lazy welfare recipients who won't work - despite the fact that it was slashed to the bone in the 1980's and requires work already.
Notice how the money for Iraq is never in the budget - but in special spending bills so they can hold up the budget and say "See - It all goes to social spending!" while the money for Iraq goes pouring out and into their cronies pockets.

2007-10-25 20:55:31 · answer #4 · answered by oohhbother 7 · 2 1

Why don't you get your facts straight before you ask questions? Try actually reading and UNDERSTANDING before you open your mouth and spill out the liberal koolaid.

You think military vehicles run on air? You think weapons and ammunition are replaced for free? You think ships float around on the ocean and the magic food fairy restocks their food stuffs at night? You think rebuilding schools and hospitals can be done with the wave of a magic wand? You think all those soldiers combat and hazardous duty pay is plucked from money trees?

Grow up already

Irish - How do you get $9 Trillion?

2007-10-25 21:04:02 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3

Hey Infidel (above). It is about oil and there are those that are getting rich. Bush never said that the dittoheads were going to get rich. They were going to be the ones that handed money to Haliburton.

2007-10-25 20:57:51 · answer #6 · answered by expose_neocons 3 · 1 1

You mean where has the 9 Trillion gone? And there's more going out every day with unlimited credit.

2007-10-25 21:01:05 · answer #7 · answered by Irish 7 · 2 1

Why don't you have a clue about what you are talking about?

2007-10-25 21:05:17 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

I thought you Libs thought this war was about oil?

So why aren't we getting rich from it?

2007-10-25 20:53:24 · answer #9 · answered by Smoking Man 3 · 0 5

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