Pro immigration
Pro universal healthcare
Anti-homophobic (doesnt really care if someone is gay or lesbian)
Pro choice
Cut spending in military
And tend to be (but not always) more green (environmentally friendly)
Basically they just care more about social welfare (domestic issues) rather than foreign issues.
2007-10-25 13:28:00
answer #1
answered by Hotdivababe 3
A true democrat or republican is a good leader. All these social issues that come up and force politicians into a corner are a joke. Those should be decided by the people not by a government. A democrat would most likely control the debt and attempt to have a balanced budget and perhaps a bit of surplus.
2007-10-25 13:13:25
answer #2
answered by Your #1 fan 6
Empathy for others not focusing on one's self.
Responisbility, moral, legal and financial which are both individal and social.
Character is having empathy and acting on that empathy.
Moral action both socially and individually.
Role of government is to maximize freedom , both from harm and to pursue happiness. To be both protector and inabler
As protector and enabler for all citizens, government requires the use of the common wealth (taxes) to provide the needed infrastructure for both individuals and businesses, police, military, disaster protection and relief, safe food, safe drugs, safe highways and bridges, banks, courts etc.
Moral functions in society require public accountability, Privatization means people are not protected from unscrupulous, or crooked busnisses.
War is inherently distructive and should be avoided unless absolutely necessary.
Moral action involves empathy and responsible action in response to that empathy.
2007-10-25 13:38:08
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
A true democrat, like a true republican, would address the issues the American people believe are important. 70% of the country believes we should get out of Iraq, provide healthcare for all citizens, toss illegal aliens out of the country and jail employers who hire them, and balance the budget,.
Most people believe we should have an energy policy that works for the average American, and not the oil companies.
2007-10-25 13:23:12
answer #4
answered by Zardoz 7
Hmm, you're "conservative," you're saying. and you're asking the "genuine Democrats" to reclaim their occasion. Hmmm. however the Republican occasion is already conservtive, appropriate? So are not you attempting to confirm that individuals get to flow with between a "conservative" Repubilcan occasion and a "conservative" Democratic occasion? with out voice for every person who isn't conservative? that's what your question feels desire to me. to respond to the question, i think of the conservative Democrats have greater often than not "reclaimed" the Democratic occasion already. Or a minimum of the Democrats friendly to special corporation have reclaimed it. they permit the Democratic "liberals" and "leftists" to have an phantasm of administration, in spite of the undeniable fact that, by utilising focusing on divisive social subject concerns that the GOP won't embody. that is genuine that there are some old-line liberal Democrats nevertheless in Congress, Democrats who concentration on subject concerns which comprise poverty, the erosion of hard paintings union bargaining rights, the destruction of yankee jobs by utilising US firms shifting factories distant places, better equality in the tax code, and different so-pronounced as "class conflict" subject concerns that are actually not appropriate to Wall highway and the corporate elite. yet increasing, the conservative wing of the Democratic occasion, greater often than not to win huge marketing campaign contributions from prosperous human beings, is attempting to "reclaim" the occasion by utilising liquidating its professional-hard paintings, anti-company and anti-poverty traditions. in basic terms as conservatives such as you like. -- democratic socialist
2016-10-14 01:25:27
answer #5
answered by catharine 3
A true democrat with support, would server all support with Israel, that are supplying the rebels with weapons brought on the black marked from Iran.
Help put an end to poverty
Stop the communist republicans from enslaving everyone, with low pay and high gasoline
2007-10-25 13:23:08
answer #6
answered by man of ape 6
If a man, plenty of sex with interns in the Oval Office. If Hillary, doing as much as she can to make this country look like Lenin's Soviet Union.
2007-10-25 13:15:00
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
You want a question like that answered in one sentence.
Good luck!
There are many reasons someone thinks like, acts like and votes for a democrat.
But, in a nutshell.
For the most part, it would be because they have little regard for personal responsibility in their actions and have a strong belief that it is the governments job to take care of them and their needs.
2007-10-25 13:14:04
answer #8
answered by hoovarted 7
Logical, reasonable, open-minded, free, sympathetic (empathetic), caring, progresive and adaptive.
2007-10-25 13:25:13
answer #9
answered by Mitchell 5
- Big government
- High taxes
- Weak defense
- Corruption, cronyism, waste, mismanagement
- Socialized medical care
- Giving up American sovereignty to the United Nations
- Anti-business
- Deteriorating infrastructure
- High crime, mollycoddling of criminals
- Every decision being made by the courts
2007-10-25 13:21:44
answer #10
answered by pypers_son 2