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28 answers

I hope so. The current administration is leaving a wretched legacy of lies and imperialism.

I can't believe that Bush is still in power when it's been proven that faulty intelligence was used, making our presence in Iraq an illegal occupation. Funny how the word "sovereign" is only accredited to countries we like, when in fact ALL nations are sovereign.

And I can't believe how coarse some of the other answerers are, with their "what's the big deal" attitudes -- innocent people slaughtered for no reason, and they callously don't care. Nice to know basic decent humanity is still alive and well here in the U.S. I am so ashamed to be an American these days -- our government and military are acting as imperialistically as past despots. Utterly obscene.

So now, what little respect America USED to have is now hanging in tattered shreds. All thanks to some moron from Texas, abetted by toadying cowards in Congress and the Senate.

If Washington, Jefferson, and Adams were alive today, they would mourn for what their grand country has become.

2007-10-25 11:57:57 · answer #1 · answered by The Snappy Miss Pippi Von Trapp 7 · 6 0

That is clearly wishful thinking. An apology is VERY NECESSARY - but will it be forthcoming? I'm extremely doubtful. It would be ideal if the US sought to rebuild its image around the world. BUT.. unfortunately the mere thought or mention of humility has become synonymous with weakness. (post 9/11)

I honestly believe the US would garner more respect internationally if we acknowledged our mistakes. Honesty is always the best policy. If the Iraqi invasion was EXCLUSIVELY about a humanitarian peace effort - there would be no need for an apology. (But we all know better than that.) Things are clearly more unstable now - then they were when Saddam was in power.

And the infamous Dick Cheney clip from '94 speaks to the lack of stability in the region being experienced today!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6BEsZMvrq-I

2007-10-25 16:34:42 · answer #2 · answered by LADY beautiful mind (is sexy) 5 · 11 1

Acknowledging the mistakes made by your predecessors and promising to take all appropriate actions to correct those mistakes where possible would be appropriate. But Humiliating the country would be a useless empty gesture. People say that America is Arrogant. What they mean is that America is powerful. They do not hate what we do, but what we are capable of. They fear what they cannot control. This global rash of America Bashing is rooted in fear. But it is an irrational fear that when excercised becomed a self fulfilling fear. They whant to bring us low so they will not be afraid. We want to stay on high so we can remain unafraid. They attack us to bring us down we attack them to stay on top. It is a viscious circle. All because people fear what they cannot control. But that is human nature.

2007-10-26 20:53:24 · answer #3 · answered by James L 7 · 1 0

I agree with I, Robot-an apology is utterly useless. Empty gestures HAVE replaced action. I'm sure the world would feel the apology if we just stopped acting like the guy with the biggest d*ck.

2007-10-25 19:33:46 · answer #4 · answered by Stormy 4 · 1 1

I was called racist because I asked a question like that, I mean, I asked if nature is punishing the USA and why teens are killing each other in American schools. Just cause I'm Brazilian. What about this question? Are you American or just a "racist" like me?
I don't know if he will but he should. So many people died and no chemical weapon was found.

2007-10-25 16:35:40 · answer #5 · answered by Sergio Oliveira 3 · 7 0

An apology may well be forthcoming in the future. That is, if that sort of meaningless gesture remains in favor as it has been for some decades now.

2007-10-25 15:59:59 · answer #6 · answered by B.Kevorkian 7 · 3 0

I would think the global community as a whole would prefer the next President to put that inherent sorrow into action rather than to condescend them with phony apologies. Instead of empy rhetoric, the next president (regardless of party) should do what is necessary to correct the blunders of this current administration.

2007-10-25 15:57:29 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 12 2

I think we should make a sacrificial gesture.......stick a bow on Bushies head and send a buy-one-get-one-free package of him and Cheyney to the Middle East. Here ya go boys, ya talked the big talk, now walk the big walk.....let the Arab world deal with them how they may. In a best case scenario, it would be handled by the Hague as war crimes. In the worst.....well, let's look at history.......beheading or hanging.

2007-10-25 15:47:05 · answer #8 · answered by momatad 4 · 6 1

I would hope not. Why would HE apologize to the world or to the Iraqi people? We have liberated them from a monstrous dictator.
Of course, if by some chance a lib is elected, God forbid, HE will do everything to make us look ridiculous and hopeless. Then, we will be attacked again, and again, and again...

2007-10-25 16:54:52 · answer #9 · answered by Marlin Perkins 2 · 3 4

First of all, I think who ever is elected and no matter what party he/she is from, that person should tell the people of Iraq that we are sorry for all the unnecessary problems and deaths they have had to go through because of Bush's screw ups.

2007-10-25 17:31:49 · answer #10 · answered by Michael M 6 · 3 1

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