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1) QUICK!!! Lock the door!
2) Is that all that's left of him(her)?
3) Fancy meeting you here...didn't you die 5 years ago?
4) Your supposed to have only two!
5) Now what do we do?
6) It's not what you think! it's.......

2007-10-25 07:33:58 · 4 answers · asked by Silva 6 in Education & Reference Words & Wordplay

4 answers


Claudia was at the Mall bus stop waiting for the bus, when she spotted a familiar face in the crowd. It was Vladimir von Orloff, the man she had been engaged to five years before.

“Fancy meeting you here...didn't you die 5 years ago?” asked Claudia. “I guess the rumors of my death were greatly exaggerated!!” laughingly replied Vlad.

“Well, where have you been all this time? Why did you not get in contact with me?” asked Claudia. “It was as if you had dropped off the face of the earth!”

“Questions! Questions! So many questions!” Vlad exclaimed. “How about if I give you a ride home, and I will explain everything?” Claudia gladly accepted because she was curious, if nothing else. Besides, they had once been engaged.

Vlad drove a few miles, and then pulled over onto a lonely side road. “I thought we could talk, and get reacquainted again,” said Vlad. “How about a little mood music?"

"I have a new CD by my favorite singer, Fang Snottra. It’s called ‘Creatures of the Night.’ ……..“Creatures of the night exchanging glances
Wondering in the night
What were the chances we'd be sharing love
Before the night was through.....”

“Vlad…..How many hands do you have anyway? You’re supposed to have only two! It’s like I am dating an octopus! Every time I move your hands away from my girlie parts, you seem to sprout two more! Can’t you take a hint?” asked Claudia, angrily.

“I GET IT!! You don’t want to make out! Now what do we do?” innocently asked Vlad.

“Well, for starters, you could just take me home!” implored Claudia. “You abandon me for five years, and then you expect to pick up right where you left off!"

“Does that mean no Goodnight Kiss?” teased Vlad. “Just drive!” ordered Claudia. “We’ll see about that when we get there, but I’m warning you right now--if you try to stick your tongue in my mouth, I will bite it off!!”

“It's not what you think! it's.......OK, it is what you think, “admitted Vlad, “but you can’t blame a guy for trying. I hate it when girls turn me down.”

“How many times have you ACTUALLY scored?” asked Claudia.
“NONE--that’s why I keeo trying!!!” joked Vlad.

Claudia laughed, “You, are such a liar, Vlad von Orlok!! Well, here we are, Home Sweet Home.” Vlad asked, “Can I walk you to your door?” Claudia replied, “OK, sure, why not?”
“NOW, it’s about that kiss?” asked Vlad. Claudia made a little face, and said, “OK, just one, but remember……no tongue!”

“Um…er….uh….what’s that you’re doing Vlad? swooned Claudia. “Are you biting my neck??” Vlad replied, “Yes, darling, and just as you requested, NO TONGUE!! ... You didn't say ANYTHING about teeth!! Looks like tonight I scored!!"

Just then, one of her sisters opened the door to see what was going on. Claudia saw her, and screamed, “QUICK!!! Lock the door! Don’t let him in the house!!”

“And now, darling, I see the first rays of sunlight,” said Vlad urgently. “I must fly like the wind back to my castle because I need to lie in my coffin during sun’s light. I’ll come to you again tonight to give you another love bite, and then you will be my Bride forever.”

“Cocka--doodle--doo,” crowed the rooster. “Where did that rooster come from?” asked Claudia.

“It doesn’t really matter, darling,” replied Vlad weakly. “Nothing matters anymore. Unfortunately, I dallied with you too long. Now that the rooster has crowed, I realize I don’t have enough time to fly back to safety. You will forget all about me, and be just as before our last embrace.” With those last few words, Vlad was engulfed in a ball of flames, and was quickly burned to a crisp.

Claudia’s sister opened the door again, and Claudia turned to her and said, “Is that all that's left of him? I don‘t quite remember what happened, but I feel weak, kind of like I do after I give blood at the blood bank.”

2007-10-26 02:37:47 · answer #1 · answered by soupkitty 7 · 1 0

"Holy craptola! Did you hear THAT??!! Quick!!! Lock the door!" Sue whispered.
Sara scrambled to the large cracked Oak door and fumbled with the skeleton key...
"hurry up, you moron!" Sue hissed.
"The key's not workin'" Sara replied. "Now what do we do?" She whined.
"Shush the eff up!" Sue ordered. "I've got another key on my car ring."
"You're supposed to have only two! You gave me the second already!" Sara complained.
Sue reddened. "It's not what you think! it's just that I know how things happen and I always prepare for the worst. And NOW, I am PREPARED. If this new key works, you owe me."
Sue pushed the "new" key into the lock. The works clicked and the heavy lock snapped into place.

Both girls inhaled sharply, expecting relief, when the door suddenly, soundlessly, swung wide open! A pale face emerged from the darkness, seeming to float shoulder high, without support. Sue stumbled backward...blurting "Fancy meetin you here... didn't you die 5 years ago?"
A voice resembling ten tin horns and twenty toads responded:
"You'd like to think so.... you wicked, evil, spawn of beelzibub, you satan's sperm...."
Sara interrupted bravely.
"Is that all that's left of her?" she pointed to the floating head, which wavered between clarity and obscurity.
The tin horn voice screamed.... OCTOBER 31ST, JUST YOU WAIT... IT'S BETWEEN YOU AND ME NOW... mmuuuh uuuhAAHhaaahAAAHAAAAAAAAAAAAA!
The laughter seemed to come from Sue's closed mouth and swollen throat...
Sara screamed.

2007-10-26 03:05:21 · answer #2 · answered by Guinness 5 · 2 0

"QUICK!!! Lock the door!" I said to Andrew excitedly with blood dripping down my elbow as I held some meat to my mouth.
I was as mad and excited as a dog in a butcher's shop! It was not every day we had such a feast as this. Human meat was becoming a rarity and we were only allowed fixed quotas. Other animals like dogs were free for all. Dog meat was nice with oil - juicy oil and fat.
It reminded of the year we first time we came to earth and had descended on the human population frolicking at a beach resort. I ate so much flesh it was coming out of my nostrils and my jaw ached.
"You got a screw lose, if you think that I will do the killing and you take the choicest parts." said Andrew grabbing at the human thigh in my hand. He was more unstable than an obese person on a three legged table. He was erractic and scared the pants off me at times.
"Is that all that's left of him(her)?" he asked pointing at what was left of the body. I was about answering when the door sprang open and Wlader came in looking scary with his one eye set in the centre of his face.
"Fancy meeting you here...didn't you die 5 years ago?" he said with a short laugh. Wlader was more nutty than a walnut cake
"I am a cat with nine lives." I responded using a human expression we had learnt. Funny animal that creature they called a cat. Tasted vile and nasty.
"So you guys had a kill and decided to keep it to yourselves, is it?" he asked casting a glance at the body on the ground.
"It's not what you think! it's......." my voice trailed away as I searched for what to say.
"Now what do we do? Hmmm, I could get you guys in real trouble!"
"You must be off your head if you think I am going to share this kill with you!" shouted Andrew. "Go ahead and snitch on us. It is your word against ours." They stared at each other wordlessly, measuring themselves, weighing their options and chances.
"Wlader, you have secrets too" I said "I know about the three headless bodies in the cellar. I saw them. Your supposed to have only two!" From the shocked look on his face I knew we won't have any more issues with Wlader.

2007-10-26 12:07:13 · answer #3 · answered by violeo 5 · 1 0

Dodge City, Kansas
Circa 1873

"Matt's Quick Thinking (And Ardent Nature)"

(1) "QUICK!!! Lock the door!" giggled Sunshine as she and Matt scrambled into their home. Before she had a chance to drop her purse on the kitchen table, Matt scooped her up and ran to the bedroom! He tossed her on the bed and feverishly started undressing! Sunshine watched him.....(4) You're supposed to have only two!" With his shirt half covering his face, Matt stuck his head out and asked, " Two WHAT?!"
Sunshine touched his back...."Two bullet scars. You told me you only had two. Why do I see six? Wait!!!" She mumbled as she counted......."TEN ?!" Matt laughed ....."You're good at alot of things, SunnyMac.....Counting ain't one of them!!!" Before she could argue, he was taking off his trousers....This always commanded her FULL attention and she shut up!!
Sunshine tittered........(5) "NOW what do we do?" Matt pinned her down and showed her exactly what they should do. Shreiking in delight, Sunshine and her MattBaby loved away the rest of the afternoon.

Hours later when Matt was getting out of bed, Sunshine once again addressed the issue of his back."I'm serious, Matt. Why are there so many scars? It worries me."
Matt just shrugged, "(6) It's not what you think, Sunny! It's
.....no big deal."
"No big DEAL?! MATT ?! You've been shot in the back ten times !! Come on, hon."
As Matt pulled on his boots, Buck, his trusty horse, stuck his head through the open window.
(3) "Well, well.......Fancy meeting you here...didn't you die 5 years ago?" Matt laughed as he stroked the horse's mane.
"Are you going to tell me about those scars or NOT?!"
Matt walked over to Buck and cooed his name. "Buck, yessssss, good boy....Yes you arrrrrre......Sunny? I can't remember every little thing that happens to me."
He went to the kitchen and returned with an apple that he offered to his horse. Matt turned to smile at Sunshine and when he returned his gaze to Buck...."Hey! (2) Is that all that's left of her?" Only a few apple seeds remained in his hand. "You're such a gooooooood boy."
Sunshine got up, exasperated....."Oh, for heaven's sake!! Forget it!! I guess I'll just go on worrying all night about my boyfriend and the many bullet holes in his back!!"
As she started out of the room, Matt grabbed her and swung her around.
"That's not what I want you to be thinking about. THIS is what I want you to think about."
He pressed his lips to hers. Sunshine's angry expression gave way to a passionate response.

Once again, Matt's quick thinking and ardent nature stopped Sunshine from asking so many questions!

2007-10-25 21:55:57 · answer #4 · answered by I am Sunshine 6 · 4 0

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